Saturday, July 26, 2008


here are the ramblings of an evolving soul ... sometimes we meet our destiny and then ask.... WHY????

As I walk through the last 3 weeks.... there is a sense of dreaminess... the cravings of a love struck puppy least expecting to be loved finding a home... and wondering WHY ME????

Every thought is disconnected with the last and still there is this sense of freedom to learn ... learn to love more completely. We all dream of the perfect person to fit every dream and fill in every blank space in the imagination. and yet when someone comes along that just makes us feel that ... we start asking ourselves WHY???

We look at the world and believe that there is someone created just for us... and when we meet them... we see the miracle we wonder if its too good to be true and whether or not we are good enough to deserve that much love and acceptance... and then... we say... WHY???

We want to spend every living moment with this person... and we feel totally connected ... we want to move out of our self created boundaries and then wonder... WHY???

As I sit here and type aimlessly wondering WHY??? I see the beautiful white picket fence with the Sunflowers on the hedges just as I had seen it a couple of months ago and know that there was a message meant specially for me... a message that meant ... healing... the opening of the boundaries I created for myself... knowing that there is much that I must learn from this moment...

I have been blessed with many lessons through the people I have met. Often, people who breeze into my life and share so much of themselves with me, each, a step forward in learning more about me. These angels have walked into my life... accepted me for who I am... gained my complete and utter trust... loved me to perfection and always wanted the very best for me... but then there comes the moment of WHY???

The septic thoughts of I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO DESERVE THIS... seep through and the descent begins... often leading to some truly forgettable thoughts finding expression ... and the expression finding manifestation. I am grateful for every lesson and learning... for there is a positive learning in unlearning. I have always been lucky to have received more than I have given... but I guess its time to give back :)

I just met the man of my dreams... and in saying this I'm defying the skeptic mind... I always believed that there was someone made just for me... and when I met him I was overwhelmed... I did not know how to justify being in love to myself.

And yet... with each day I find that I am more attracted... a little more adventurous... a little more dreamy... little more in love with being in love... if he is the man that the universe has chosen for me... I believe that he will have the patience to love me for the mad hatter that I am... for the fickle minded moron... for the queen of my fortress... He will break down all the walls I have created around my mind and let the rays of the sun... seep in and bring in a new day...

As I write this ... I can feel the love of the universe hold me close and love me more... for it is this lesson my soul is meant to learn... to give more that it receives... for there is not a reason why I must not be loved more... there is not a reason why love should not walk in the door and sweep me off my feet... I am a child of the universe and the abundance of love fills my life with so much more.

Today I choose to accept the miracle of love in my life... I am blessed... I accept myself just the way I am... I have learnt a new lesson from the infinite universe.

In accepting myself and allowing myself to love more freely... I have invited the abundance of the universe to fill my life

Look deep into your soul today... ask yourself WHY??? and let the wisdom of the universe lead you to your destiny!!!