Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Open Letter: Thank you for breaking my heart :)

I really want to THANK YOU for the joy you've unknowingly given me... I guess I didn't realise the power of this trip till I finally took the decision to take the flight to GOA. The joy I've felt since I reached the city is phenomenal... last year I came here and my Professional life took a turn for the best. This year I knew it was to be a year of PERSONAL breakthrough and so, it is proving to be.

God knows what's best... I believe that more now than ever... it broke my heart to see our plan go down in sinking sand. It hurt so bad when I first felt it... I was horrified at the way I felt... Yet it presented itself as an opportunity to back off with my dignity intact. Loving you is my LEARNING and in ACCEPTING the LESSON... my release. The discovery is that my attachment to you really has more to do with LEARNING than loving and in accepting that I've released all the bad feelings. Maybe, the only reason God introduced you into my life was to help me understand myself better and learn to love being my own person.

I have never doubted you love me... just that maybe... we're both looking for a very specific type of relationship and both of us are very SURE of what we want... we've changed stances over and over again to accommodate each other. I can vouch for the many changes I've seen through the 2 and a half years of knowing you and I really do appreciate all the changes you've made to TRY and adjust to us being together :) As we continue to evolve personally so do our relationships with each other and with God, in whom we both TRUST, far more than we know it ;)

I know God puts us through these phases to teach us something new... each time a new lesson appears!!! It is beautiful to see how magnificent God's love is in our lives...HIS PURPOSE is reflected through the FIRST EXPERIENCES of our relationship. You are a bouquet of firsts for me and I am truly grateful for ALL THE GOOD and the NOT SO GOOD that have come from our knowing each other. I know there's lot more to come... God's using us in each other's lives to REFINE us into GOLD... Our ACCEPTING this will make the hills and valleys an adventure!!!

I truly wish we could've used this GOA time to REDEFINE our KNOWING... Yet, God seemed to have different plans... I wish I knew them... falling off the HAPPINESS of BEING with you DREAM has landed me in the lap of God's plan for my life... and it's making me SMILE... for I know that HIS plans are always better than our plans.

Please forgive me if I reacted immediately to you breaking my heart... it took a while to ALLOW GOD to pick up the pieces with me and enable able to see you through his love for me more than always wanting to see me through your love for me!!!

Have yourself a MERRY CHRISTMAS and blessed 2011

I love you... for you're Jesus' gift of LEARNING to ME!!!

Our Greatest Good…

…. Is rooted in our greatest brood: DeePositive

December has always been a special month of beginnings and endings… I end a year of growing older and begin a year of growing stronger Winking smile

This year 2010 has been a super special experience, just the mention of it as part of this piece is making me smile… the most important discovery of the year well is “Dee” Winking smile 

The year opened with a life decision “I need to take a chance and begin my own company… I need to take this chance NOW”

January: The year began with a very powerful reunion with my roots… my school friends… with whom I shared my dreams and even though they must’ve thought I’d lost the plot, they were super supportive and very effective in bringing me to the point of confidence to take the BIG STEP… I went back to Mumbai…Quit Mirchi, closed shop in Mumbai moved to Delhi… 26th January… well… the day I closed a chapter and started the next. Armed with nothing more than a dream of creating a brand “DeePositive”… there was a definite plan… 5 people… and a 12 month plan Winking smile 

A month later… 26th of February… my first event as co coordinator, for a fee (I’m still waiting forWinking smile), of the 5 people, 4 changed their priorities, with their own brands making progress… I was still waiting to write the first chapter of my book…. and everything seemed to be in a state of “OOPS!!!!!!”. Nothing more embarrassing really, that having to cut corners on my WANTS to focus on DeePositive needs!!! It was the time when all of the speculation starts…. AM I??? SHOULD I???? WOULD I???? CAN I???? WILL I???? WON’T I!!!! Oh the questions that the KNOWING posses… often put me into a state of “GIVE UP NOW!!! GET BACK INTO A JOB!!!! YOU NEED THE FREAKING MONEY!!!!

March was really a month of taking the first steps toward sanity…. a brilliant opportunity knocked at my door… and I was tempted to say YES at ALLOW a new direction to begin!! I bought my Dell Laptop… it affirmed a step in some direction, I learnt that the basics will present themselves for my direction to begin… and it did… I began writing my book!!! Felt awesome, knowing that I had taken the first BABY step… As I began writing the book… a phenomenal direction began to unfold… friends backing out had earlier made me sad… and yet… as the book began to write itself… I understood… that I must follow the LEAD and accept things as they come!!!

April, another month of breakthrough understanding of the direction… I met Abraham Hicks through the book “Ask and It is Given… A deeper meaning to my book was revealed and the content of the book began to take shape… Inspired by the absolute raising of my vibration into the space of I AM and life became a series of interesting discoveries… cherished even more, since they revealed the path the book would take and the path I was headed towards…. GRATITUDE to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS became my central point of FOCUS and inspired by the complete DeePositive Experience… I began a new journey… revealed to me by the book!!!

May- July was a  trimester of DELVING PROBING and DISCUSSING my book. My best friend and guide through this phase, a friend, Hormaz, who is really my SPIRITUAL PARTNER, for our conversation led to breakthroughs and new learning's. My greatest gift through my work was KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT MANIFEST!!!!   The power healing Mantra of DeePositive living. Suddenly, people began to appear on the horizon and new relationships were beginning to be forged… yet there was a longing inside of me… the events part of my quest took a backseat… and I chose to ALLOW the knowledge of the book to take seed and grow from my sub conscious knowing to my conscious knowing. The beauty… I started magnetising, counseling practices, with a number of people and I continued to sample the DeePositive Power tool with many, keeping a close tab on their progress… and my joy doubled with each person… for I began to see the life purpose of DeePositive unfold through their experiences into their lives… and I can promise you… it was an all time HIGH!!! Winking smile

August was a dip, I guess the HIGH was so high that I needed to be brought back to “INFLICTED REALITY” to be able to truly understand the progress I made… Relationships went wrong, people weren’t as forthcoming, dreams were built, all of this, a TEMPORARY high. My awareness seemed to be more in the conscious KNOWING ALLOWING ACCEPTING and MANIFESTING. Not a pretty space to be in… my expectations were dashed and I was back to the drawing board… I needed to affirm a direction and set upon it… ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME!!!

September… brought me straight back to my INTENTION, well, only after another dream crashed Winking smile Lucky me that the dream crashed… lucky me that I was suddenly reminded through GRATITUDE that my INTENTIONS were far different from that which I was paying ATTENTION to… and thus in faith I was moved to take another baby step … Registering DeePositive Intertainment Private Limited… the company I intended to form on my return to Delhi. Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!! I knew, that announcing it would make me commit to it and that is exactly what I managed to do… and the company registration became the central reason to continue to follow the path of Gratitude and pay attention to our INTENTIONS. My community on Orkut celebrated 3 whole years and a bumper 6000 members… BLESSED truly BLESSED and MANIFESTING!!!

October was the bumper opening. We get to know our investments will be STUCK for another 3 years…. and suddenly MONEY becomes the SORE POINT… I begin to understand that my awareness is in the LACK and therefore, I am attracting more LACK. Evelyn picked up a couple of weddings and we were on our way. As we continued our journey a number of new associates began to show up…. we began to pick up new event briefs… we began to meet people and sniff out new business and clearly focused on enjoying exactly what we did… nothing feels better than knowing that you’re getting to be the best you can be at what you do. We needed to take a very quick decision on the path forward and we knew if we got this intention RIGHT… we’re heading in the right direction ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME!!!

November has always been a bumper month… We picked up our first private party… we confirmed opening events for our 2011 calendar… New clients found us and opened conversation. Somewhere in all of this… the BOOK found itself a new set of publishers… manuscripts sent… it is the time to stand still and remain in Gratitude as it takes the path it is meant to… and it begins to EVOLVE into a book that the masses flock to buy… the SHORTEST best seller in the country Winking smile I find myself in awe of Gratitude as I begin to receive by intention. I am excited to receive abundance of God’s love… I am BLESSED and I KNOW IT!!!

Come December… the big plans are ready to be rolled out… I know it’s the month of my birthday and the right time to express total an utter Gratitude for the fascinating and manifesting year it has been… Professionally gratifying and spiritually abundant… A year that MANY only DREAM of and only FEW realise!!! I am in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here’s an interesting way to look at it…

… it is almost working up the thought muscles as I write this piece. When a new thought decides to take centre stage and all that you can really do is write it soon enough not to lose it… and share it soon enough so other’s can use it!! Winking smile

I always wondered why I was chosen to be born into a family which has seen all shades of relationships… my memories go way back to the time when I was 3 years old… size of body seems to have some relationship with the size of memory Winking smile. With all the OH SO NOT DESIRABLE circumstances we’ve been through … our smiles are our way of saying “thank you God for the power to overcome and excel in your name”

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Here’s what my awareness has prompted me to understand from my past… my Gratitude to the knowing… allowing… accepting and manifesting the change it brings… within me… and around me!!

  • My Gratitude to their dream of independence… Today we are 3 independent women living lives that would’ve been the three possible routes of living their own… each one of us is a reflective of decisions they took… and the results thereof!
  • Gratitude to their talents… Today each of my talents has a root in their WANTS as young people. I have the joy of passion towards events from my father and the brilliance of natural talents in the arts from my mother and from both of them, a heartfelt connection and appreciation for my grand parents who have added to the flavour of completing me spiritually.
  • Gratitude to their lives… Today I have learnt to deal with life one baby step at a time… prompted by an internal need for evolving into a complete me, they always wished they could be.
  • Gratitude to their dream of health. Today I find new ways to be healthy spiritually that my spiritual health may energise my physical health and in turn radiate into my conscious life on this earth.
  • Gratitude to their failures. Today I’ve learnt to tap into the inner knowing of the way I feel and and have learnt to use it to sustain myself. It is also essential to understand that I have evolved from the awareness of failure as I hear it from them and graduate to the awareness of success, by following my instinct, aware, that my EGO will play spoilt sport, since the knowledge I received from my DNA is of the awareness of lack.
  • Gratitude to their quest for healing their own lives. Today I find myself in the centre of magnetising the healing I need to clear history and the additional resources I need to extend this healing around me. That my own children may evolve from this point onward.
  • Gratitude to their CONFIDENCE in themselves. Today I have learnt to take a stand in awareness of my inner quest for being, un-phased by the circumstantial evidence of life as I know it… that comes from their confidently knowing that inner strength is what got them through to the outer strength to follow through on their inner knowing. I have learnt that irrespective of the circumstances presented to me, the truth of being is greater than what we can see if and only if we learn to focus beyond it!
  • Gratitude to them separating. Today, we’ve had the joy of experiencing them in totality, without any need for us to SIMPLY accept what we’re told to believe. We are able to take a simple situation and read between the lines, learn from it and release the circumstance and live the lesson it presents.
  • Gratitude to their belief. Both my parents are truly the two poles of creation… so distinctly different in their approach to life and to life’s lessons… and as an evolved DNA of their coming together, the three of us are equally poles apart in our understanding and living of our lives.

I could write a book on the subject with the knowledge I’ve drawn through this knowing… It is also a wonderful reason for each of us to evaluate our lives with respect to the DNA we represent…

Respect your parents, love them, understand them, they are the foundation thought of your own personal evolution… Understand them better that you may begin to understand yourselves better and live from a point of Gratitude, in the knowing that you’re greatest evolution and acceptance of yourself comes from KNOWING, ALLOWING and ACCEPTING the DNA you’ve evolved from!

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for a new, more complete experience of ME through the awareness of both my connection and blocks with my parents, whom I chose to be born to… with the knowing that I am an evolved vibration of their thought.

Begin a new relationship with your parents today!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rocks & Stars : Lalit Modi

I’m not too sure the BCCI will allow Lalit Modi to win this battle or if they’ll ever admit that he’s a genius, especially since they’re going all out to bury him live, if possible. I do not know whether or not Lalit Modi has made mistakes he should regret or admit. Or if he is as innocent as he’s hoping for the world to see through this interview!!!

What I know for sure is that there is much to be learnt about passion from this man. Immaterial of what the truth maybe, what allegations get proven and what makes Lalit Modi trip on his own shoe lace… He has created what was once a dream into a brand we all know as the IPL. And immaterial of whether or not he’s at the helm of affairs, we all know that IPL, will never be spoken of without a mention of Lalit Modi!!

While watching the Lalit Modi interview, a few striking thoughts emerge…


Lalit Modi, manages to say it like he wants to and no matter how straight faced and unemotional Mihir Bose is, it is evident that Lalit has orchestrated a brilliant conversation to get his side of the story to the larger audience. He understands the ways of the media well, and knows how best to use it!

The other part of the interview that made smile and I agree with, is that he should’ve ideally been given a Bharat Ratna for the IPL. Created from a pool of private investors and executed to near perfection on a national scale for a 3 years in succession. This man didn’t even flinch when he had to move the mega event to South Africa over a period of 21 days!!!

His self confidence, which can more often than not sounds absolutely obnoxious is a “MUST LEARN FROM”, he was always cued in on the tiny details and I guess that is where his real power lies!!

From the media point of view… they picked up the coverage and broadcasted it for the TRP’s… didn’t realise that Lalit Modi has orchestrated a brilliant PR move, to force the media to cover his story the way he wants it to without the authority to edit or tamper HIS STORY. He sure does know how to work out details in his favour without having to compromise on content!!! Don’t be too surprised if you see more such moves in the future by other people who want to tell their story unedited!!

I also found a simple truth in the fact that when you’re selling an impossible dream, only those who are closest to you will bet on you to deliver, the rest of the world is cruel. When the concept isn’t your own, it is so easy to break it up and crush the conceptual thought. It is mastery and practice that makes your confidence levels rise to a phenomenal vibration and confidence to follow through to the last detail on your list without allowing the dream to dissolve into oblivion.

Someday, I wish to work with Lalit Modi, be on his team… learn the art of selling a castle in thin air and making it real for the world to marvel at. The vision lies only with the dreamer and the dreamer the pied piper who leads the vision… remove the dreamer and you’ll be left with details you haven’t conceived and perceptions you have no control over.

It takes courage to stand alone and fight an institution and may I add that Mr. Lalit Modi has in his own way, given us a clear lesson to follow… “Make it happen… it will take three years for people to begin to see your arrogance as a threat Winking smile and by then, you’ve done what you need to make a brand of yourself… that NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE AWAY FROM YOU!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alert!! Wanted Actors

We’re assisting an international client of ours with the cast, crew and locations for a movie being shot part in Uganda and Part II in New Delhi for which the following roles are up for grabs.

If you’re based in Delhi and aspire to act… please feel free to send us a picture and profile of you on info@deepositive.com and we’ll be more than glad to see how best we can fit you in.

The details:

Lead Roles:
1. Indian Woman (Lead)- Female, mid 30's, attractive, modern, adventurous.
2. Indian Girl (Young lead)- Female, 8-13 years old, attractive
3. Indian Private Sector Manager- Male, 30-50 years old, Business looking, suit, clean cut.
4. Indian Old Woman (mother of lead)- Female, 70+ years old, traditional
5. Indian Food Processing Worker- Male, 30-50 years old, casual business ware, modern.
Indian Girl (Sister of Young Lead)" (Preferably a child who has experienced malnutrition)
5 Private Sector Workers" " (employees of private company, could be found at location)
4 Indian College Students" " (18-25 year olds, modern, looking educated)
Board Room Members " " " (All very business looking, suits and ties, dress attire, any age/gender)

The shoot is from the 29th of November –1st December 2010!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Business and the BUSYness

It’s turning out to be a lot of fun, as we continue the events way. It’s bring the passion back into our work that is the “big joy”!!

For months, we were groping with new ideas and wanting to walk out into the world and introduce ourselves as the OLD MONKS in the NEW MONASTERY of events… DeePositive Intertainment… where an event isn’t just another freaking brief lying on the computer that we MUST respond to!!! We’re committed to having a lot of fun while working and that makes us rather choosy about who we say yes to and the kind of events we prefer working on, there is so much work in the market that we need to choose the ones we’d really like to do and then go about doing them… Humble beginnings aren’t always fun to boast about and yet when success comes our way, the humble beginnings become the big story and that is, when the definition of success gets personalised.

Strange, that all the event managers should now meet you as clients!!! Or clients of the past meet you, not as merely a vendor who needs to manage their event, they meet you with respect as a partner who MUST work together with them on their events!! This is a fantastic transition from where we were to where we are today.

If this is an empowered beginning… I am so glad to begin thinking of the future as a space indented by the NEW power thought of DeePositive living and working, where work will be led by passion for an event high and personal high from simply being on the event!

A toast to new busyness and new business of events!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Little Things YOU do for ME and nobody else

…make me feel good. The Vodafone song that always makes me smile. More than the Vodafone services it leads me straight back to a really special someone, who makes a million efforts to let me know how special I am… Thank you!! You know who you are Smile 

Love the idea of creating a mystery around YOU… Winking smile while still acknowledging the special things YOU do for me Smile

For the longest time, I’ve never stopped to notice much about you, I’ve found a million things to throw tantrums about… behave like a complete BRAT… get some grief and return the favour Winking smile the joy is knowing that WE are beyond that… we are beyond the LITTLE THINGS that can keep us apart Smile

I won’t deny it, that there have been a million moments which still make me cringe. There are also 10 million moments that make me SMILE and that counts for soooooooooooooooooo much more… and all of them are the LITTLE THINGS YOU DO FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE … MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!

Have I told you often enough how wonderful it is to communicate with you… knowing that TALKING isn’t your poison. I can see the efforts you make each day to ensure that even in your silence you are with me… just letting me know that you’re around… JUST INCASE … I need youSmile 

I love my phone so much since it’s my connect to you… each missed call is special… I smile when I see your name on the phone… in that one instant we’re connected beyond the physical distance we’re at!!

The word “patience” … you say is what I taught you… the truth be told… I guess Patience is my lesson in this lifetime… and God chose you to help me practice itSmile It is now a virtue I am learning to be proud of even when people around me seem to want me to rush things up… the fear is TIME!!! And yet… when it comes to US… Patience… is the key to getting us through the many NOT SO MEMORABLE MEMORIES…. I’ve managed to CREATE with my IMPATIENCE!!! Open-mouthed smile Hiss, you know you can’t call me impatient anymore… even when I am being a brat!!! Winking smile

I learned through knowing you… That there is someone who prays for me just about everyday to have the BEST IN LIFE… Someone who always wishes that my DREAMS COME TRUE…. Someone who is always soooooo proud of me and celebrates every small and big success even when we’re at WAR Winking smile…. Someone who builds my inner confidence when I’m down… Someone who has neglected my million cribs only to make me strong enough to take on just about anything or anyone that comes my way… Someone who took me on a long long drive just to let me know that the only block between me and highway is ME. Someone who wakes me up each morning with a missed call and is usually the last call I receive before I got to bed each night. Someone who picks up signals telepathically and knows when I’m thinking tooo much and does LITTLE THINGS TO LET ME KNOW ALL IS WELL!!!

Thank you for all the little things you do… to make me feel so special… Thank you for the songs you dedicate to me… that remind me of you and are all about US. Thank you for understanding that there is so much I’ve yet to learn and loving me dearly and being patient with me. Thank you for getting me to take care of me and love me more in so many more ways than I ever practiced before. I am so THANKFUL to you for kindling within me the best possible I, I could be Open-mouthed smile

Each day you fill my life with a new meaning a new reason to celebrate my individuality, simply by being my greatest critic and most supportive friend. Understanding YOU is the best gift I’ve given myself… makes me CONFIDENT that the reason God introduced us is far greater than all the reasons I’ve had to runaway!!!

Here’s a song… just for you… with loads and loads of love and gratitude from me…

I matters when I write!!

I have been writing my blog for a while now… and as vain as it may sound… I love my own work!! Just concluded that my blog is my reflection of the EACH PHASE of my life, that which is important to me and that which I want to look back at and truly feel the shift in BEING!!

I understand that I have to cater to my readers… the BIG PICTURE is that my reader that I so want to hold on to for the rest of my writing years is ME… and I ask myself… How much of my blog will I go back and read… 2 years from now??? And as clearly as the question gets framed… the answer is revealed…

“for as long as my blog reflect a biography of sorts… I will read through it for as long as I live… and when I am gone I will leave back a memory of a life well …Lived!!”

As I spoke with Hormaz this morning, I felt the power of thoughts and the “eureka” of this phase I am going through, reveal the lesson… Btw… Hormaz is one of my closest friends ever, I’ve never met him. We bonded from conversation ONE and today… some of the most wonderful spiritual experiences of my life have come in conversation with him. I guess I could describe him as my SPIRITUAL SOULMATE!!! Smile Thank you Hormaz for being around always… and bringing a smile to my thoughts!!

I realise how I’ve orchestrated all the “blocks” in my path with thoughts that are thought so often that they manage to become speedbreakers… as I wonder WHY WHY WHY alone… and expression of Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS… fills my thoughts with a NEW PERSPECTIVE!! I realised I had set a GOAL and missed the date… the phase is the follow through of the GUILT I didn’t even realise got left behind in my thoughts… WOW. It is brilliant to have such AWARENESS… and my Gratitude finds a new direction… it is but the awareness of the block that is the strongest intention to break it down and resolve it!

I read a book by Anthony Robbins and began to set my book writing and editing and publishing GOAL… and the month was set for July in thought… I wrote and wrote till the book felt complete… I missed the July GOAL-LINE I had set… unknowingly… really… I slipped into postponing and finding brand new excuses for not “GETTING PAST” the block… till this morning… When I realised, that the BLOCK was but a THOUGHT… that became a THING… without my conscious awareness. I am amazed… totally amazed and filled with Gratitude… as the block is revealed… I KNOW all else will begin to set in motion and the process will begin it’s closure.

Congratulations Deepanjali Rao… your first book is headed for publishing and it is a phenomenal success with the mass reader!!! Yes!!! The good feeling returns… in celebration of the AWARENESS and RELEASE of the BLOCK!!

How awesome it would be… if every person in the world could reach out and touch their own lives with a THOUGHT in the healing direction instead of the hoarding direction!!!

I matters when I write… for I write what matters to ME!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting ClosERR!!!

Life has a pleasant way of teaching us to exchange notes of thought for notice of pending closures!

Bumped into an update on an OLD FRIEND Winking smile who once meant an entire universe  to me. Felt the memories flood straight back… some make me smile and other’s make me sad… Some memories turn the clock way back to when we were a decade younger and “FOREVER and EVER” meant EVERYTHING!!!  Good thoughts and bad thoughts later… I had to ask myself “WHY? WHY? WHY?”

I look back at the sequence of events and smile… I saw it coming and still BROUGHT IT ON!!! I am wondering if this is caused by a QUESTION I asked and he didn’t want to answer? Or was it just “TIME UP”!!!

The beauty of it lies in the truth of this moment… I have yet to completely close this chapter… and in the silence of my heart… saying “Goodbye” hurts… and yet all I have is MYSELF to work on… knowing that a THOUGHT I once had has manifested into the truth of this moment and walking away without an answer was my admitting that, at that time, I had much to much on my mind to have READ THE SIGNBOARD!!! I chose to take things for GRANTED till I lost him.

Closure for me is ACCEPTING my own awkward truth in the falling apart… I chose not to let him know I cared… at all. I chose to free him without healing the hurt I had caused unknowingly, yet knowingly. I was so lost in my own little world of me… that I didn’t even notice when he LET GO… till he’d gone too far away.

The truth is… I miss him so and I want him to know that I’ll always always hold on to each memory with fondness with joy and with a sense of complete and utter Gratitude. I am sure, if he reads this he’ll know it.

I didn’t mean to hurt you when I told you what I thought. The intention wasn’t to lose you. I am sorry if I made you feel I didn’t love you in anyway. I just didn’t understand that I loved you at all… I always felt we were just super together and that’s how it would ALWAYS ALWAYS be. I miss all the advice and the long conversations. I miss being the first and last thought on your mind. I miss being the centre of ALL your ATTENTION and AFFECTION… I miss YOU… I miss US!!! I am truly sorry for having hurt you… I promise, I didn’t think I was hurting you at all. I realise NOW that I did. Not because you’ve told me through your silence… I’ve felt it through each memory. I realise I wasn’t a good friend… in so many ways… I took you for GRANTED and that must’ve hurt you so badly too!!

Thank you for being my friend, philosopher and guide. Thank you for being my first experience of love… trust me when I tell you… that no one can match up to the standards you’ve set Winking smile I am a brat now… difficult to handle and impatient as ever… am learning to be patient though. Thank you for always looking out for me and watching my back… I know that even today, you’d be the happiest person in the world when I am happy. Thank you for being you… thank you for being the most wonderful and awesome influence in my life. I’ve had to unlearn so much to adapt myself to my life without you. God Bless you abundantly… I hope you do read this…. and know you’re super duper special to me.

I already feel so much lighter and happier now… that I have shared a group of THINGS I WANTED TO SAY TO YOU but never did… I’ve wanted to say this for the last 8 years… kept my peace waiting for the right MOMENT the RIGHT TIME… today I say this as part of the CLOSURE I needed… I love you and appreciate you more today than ever… for the Gratitude I feel in my heart that you were once part of my life.

and yes!!! I have always been extremely possessive about you… silently Winking smile have never had the WORDS to say it… but I knew you KNEW it … coz you knew ME so well… Love ya… Forever and Ever!!!”


WOW… closure… I tell you… the very INTENT makes me feel so much lighter… I had to let it out somehow… Thank God for my writing skills… really really appreciate what it does for me!!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Intent hold’s 99% Content

well well well… I’ve kept silent for most of the day!! managed to send out a few emails… taken out time to farm around a bit… and now I am wondering what to do… still not sleepy enough to sleep nor awake enough to party!!

I was reading a book this afternoon “Life” by Louise Hay… for those of you, who I’ve forced to read “You can Heal your Life”… this is another brilliant book written by the author. The beauty of the way she has written the first 10 pages… she touches your THOUGHTS with a very strong belonging. She can read your mind… for the first time, I’ve read an author clearly mark a chapter which she says is for WOMEN!!!

What strikes me is the depth from which the book is written… it reaches out to you… even though you’re the one who’s reading it… its like Louise has chosen to read it to you herself… and you will begin to read it like it was a talk… 2 people sitting across a low tea table and talking about life!!! And while you may hear Louise speak with you… she isn’t looking at you and talking for most of it… she seems to be looking at the script in heaven as the words continue to flow and touch your thoughts!!

I am wondering if I should take up a career in reviewing self help books by different authors… It’s brilliant when you’re able, through the written word that you are reading, touch the sensitivity of the Author’s intent while writing a particular book!!

Having written a book myself… I can feel the pulse with which the author has thought each word into it’s place. Credit to the Edit team… who manages to makes changes enough for the masses to read the book, without in anyway interfering with the intent of the author!!! Commendable!!!

There are some authors who both write and speak from a greater awareness of the presence of negativity… and then there are other’s who will inspire you to look at the silver lining on the greyest of clouds!

Every person, is a sum total of the vocabulary they use… the Author, has to bring each of these separate persons together to create the story and make it HOLDABLE… for if the author’s intent is all over the place… the content of the book follows suit!

Here’s an INTERESTING S.M.I.L.E exercise… that will help you pick up the writer’s intent from the writers content!

Ask yourself WHY HAS DEE WRITTEN THIS POST???? I want you to find my INTENT!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bigg Boss Season 4



Oh Yes!! I have been following each episode in totality… silence… gives you the keen ability to LISTEN… and create opinions about almost everyone and everything on the show… including the host Winking smile

My favourite host… most definitely ARSHAD WARSI!!! He was spontaneous and a giggle a minute!! Shilpa was overdone… and Salman… well… needs a make over!!

Each one doing their best to keep themselves safe… and in keeping themselves safe… some people are literally telling it all… they’re exposing their own inner devils for the camera, quite unknowingly.

Dee thinks, Manoj Tiwary is the eel of the lot… a season 4 version of Ravi. Khalli is the “Gentle Giant” who is truly having a ball of a time. Rahul Bhatt is the smart one… guess it has to do with the Bhatt genes. Veena Malik… isn’t even really sure as to who SHE IS. Seema Parihar… rock solid and blunt. Hrishant…. Is trying to do an Ashutosh on the show. Samir Soni believes that he’s Rahul Roy’s avtaar. Aanchal, well…. still isn’t into the game really… should surface in the next couple of weeks. Shweta Tiwari… is the sweeter looking version of Kashmira Shah. Dolly Bindra can safely be called the SAMBHAVNA of this season. Sara Khan could ideally be the … Monica Bedi of Season 4… her expressions are bright and brilliant radiating straight back at Ashmit Winking smile this is what the viewer is getting to see. Ashmit… a pakka… THALI KA BAINGAN… Does Ashmit aspire to ACT Rahul Mahajan and Be Ashmit Patel…. well… it’s left to the imagination!!!

Going by the ad of the episode today…. won’t wanna miss for anything…. finally the joys of season one are beginning to surface… a face…Me also thinks the web content is cool!!! Check it out on Bigg Boss Season 4

Corruption Congestion and Bribes!!!

This is a blog I write for the pleasure of completely releasing my thoughts into the www. The last couple of days my thoughts have been congested really, often interrupted by a sneeze here or a cough there… feels like the flow is BLOCKED!!

So, I thought the best way to release the congestion is to keep typing and allowing the thoughts to breathe into the www… have a feeling, the congestion will sort itself out.

Watched we the people the other night, where the topic was CORRUPTION and I so wished I was in the audience, love bragging about my history and bribe… except for a policeman who managed to get Rs. 500 from me… for talking on the phone… and may I add only because I was in a hurry to get back to office!! I have had the complete joy of never paying a bribe to get my work done….. “God Is Watching” works like magic Winking smile and I use it like I invented it… ha ha ha!!

People speak of corruption like it is external to who they BELIEVE they are… it is amazing to see the righteous speak out in tones louder than their belief and corruption sounds like a call from Satan… unavoidable in the circumstances we live.

Well, proud are those who speak so lowly of Corruption and YET stand tall when taking a large cut for the services the render which in a million circumstances they’re actually PAID to do.

I was pretty impressed with a certain Mr. Raghu who has a fantastic site I Paid a Bribe!! 


Couldn’t resist visiting the site… and found the  content stimulating…  Suddenly, I am positively alerted on the word bribe… seem to love the idea of having to win the battle of thought… before I become the BRIBE Winking smile


It is such a brilliant thought… to bring a subject that, more often than not can leave you feeling DRAINED economically … making you feel empowered mentally to deal with the “Common Thought” with “Common Sense”.

I guess, we are a race that bribes to save time or save face or speed up the process… the question is… what are our personal points of THOUGHT that make it RIGHT or WRONG to BRIBE???

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Book of Job!!!

4 reminders later… I am beginning to read the signboard!!!

First it was my sister who spoke to me… and she described Job, as a wonderful wonderful lesson to keep oneself grounded in faith even when all else seems to crumble all around!! A subject I’d often spoken to her about and yet, reading the book of Job easily connected her to the CORE of the lesson she needed to learn Smile

Last Sunday Rev Arun Andrews  of RZIM spoke on the subject  emphasised on the LOSSES that JOB faced and how EVEN IN THE LOSSES he praised GOD!!! As he spoke, I was wonderfully transported into the WHY of my presence at this particular service and my gratitude extended to the heavens in the sheer KNOWING that God indeed has a greater plan for my life and the purpose of this period holds SOOOO many lessons to be cherished!

On Wednesday I watched a movie on sony pix “Keeping Mum” in which the subject of a Vicar’s speech at a convention was “God’s Mysterious ways” and a rather THOUGHT PROVOKINGLY written script that stayed longer with me than the rest of the movie Winking smile 

On Thursday I was speaking with Aunty Colleen… someone who is really really the one person I share so much with…. and she spoke to me about the most important part of the story of JOB… the beginning WHEN GOD and Satan discussed JOB and the end of the book… when God Blessed JOB with double of all he lost!!!

While I realise that there are more than 4 reasons for me to read the book of Job… the deeper thought is to review it from the PERSPECTIVE of Gratitude!!

Could there be a reason far greater for the many reminders for me to read this book again? … for me to read between the lines of that which is written?… for me to express a greater gratitude for my own personal growth in faith?…. Or is it just for me to understand the PHASE which I am NOW in… and learn to truly be grateful for the brilliance of faith beaming straight through history into the present moment… with a PURPOSE of RESOLUTION!!!

hold on… watch out for this space…. God’s Mysterious Ways in Dee’s life is unfolding… a truth RECEIVED and SHARED is a TRUTH lived!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


If the love of life was the food that we ate then food shall be by thought this post and I post this in memory of the yummy meals that followed each other to this moment of sheer joy of writing this piece!!

All started a joyful Tuesday afternoon when my sister Roopa and my nephew Veer were expected home to stay with us for the rest of the week… Oh what a wonderful beginning for it came with a surprise… Roopa invited me to meet up with her at a restaurant close to our home called The Tibet Kitchen!!! On the menu was Fried Wantons, Momos, Hot and Sour soup and noodles… you think this would be enough… well we ordered another 2 plates of wantons and were almost in the frame of mind of getting in another plate of momo’s till there wasn’t too much space in the stomach… may I add that this was ONLY the beginning.

My nephew Veer so liked the lady who was serving that he kept looking for her and smiling… ha ha ha ha… at 4 years and 4 months even Veer knows how to appreciate a pleasant looking woman… most men need to begin to take lesson’s from children… I guess!!

That evening I decided to conquer a new fear… I wondered if I could actually take readymade masala and make a lip smacking dish that would force the family to indulge in some more food …. and so… we got back home… ordered some chicken and decided that dinner would be SHAAN CHICKEN KORMA I wish I had taken a picture of the empty box of the masala to give you a personal reason to find it at a store close to you and try it for yourself… super easy and super tasty!! All it took was frying of onions… chicken…. dahi and an empty stomach to fill… awesome!!! So, before we three sister’s went to sleep on Tuesday night… we’d filled ourselves to the brim and slept in satisfaction of knowing that we’d eaten too much!!

Wednesday afternoon I don’t think we were ready to eat at all… there was way too much to sleep over from the previous night and so… it was AVOID food… or fill in the gaps with some chai and buns… till the evening… I guess… except for little Veer who gormendised on chicken and eggs all of us were quite happy simply finishing off the yummy korma from the night before… and on day two… it tasted even better…. WOW… my mouth is watering at the thought of almost a week back!!!

Wednesday night, Prema and Mom left for Prema’s house… to begin the planned trip to Ajmer… and our food binge continued… we had friends over for dinner… Ashok and his brother Alok… would assault a new receipe… another of the packeted wonders… it was such a pleasure to cook and within a matter of minutes the house was flavourful. Before Roopa could come to the kitchen and ask if I needed help the Biryaani was ready and my mouth had already begun watering. In the meanwhile both our friends arrived and the gossiping began… it had been a while since we’d all found time to hang out together and truly truly communicate!! add the Biryaani to it… and well we headed for a feast… had I known I was going to write this post… I would’ve clicked pictures to upload!!!

Thursday morning it was the South Indian special … Upma… which yes… ALL OF US ate again like we’d been starved the previous night!!! Light only so that we’d have something more inspired for dinner!!

Thursday dinner time: Hot and Sour DeeStyle pork with Noodles… another treat!! Thankfully we were only two of us to stuff our faces fully… Veer isn’t too much of a Porky boy… prefers the noodles and so three of us sat down to finish off the food we only saw for a while till 3 bits of pork were sent straight back to the fridge for namesake so we wouldn’t have to admit to finishing 1/2 kg pork between the two of us!!

Friday morning… and even though we’ve been cribbing that we’ve been over eating… Roopa requested for the famed ALOOO parathas my maid makes… they’re yummy to say the least… and way to yummy to not call them a feast…. Hot Chai… Butter and Parathas… this meal seals the deal for the day and both of us got busy thinking about the night!!!! GOSH HOW MUCH FOOD CAN WE THINK ABOUT!!!! I guess the two of us were falling short of ideas on food… the next step had to be great muslim food again… especially since we discovered that we were going to have friends over again tonight… Shieanne the fourth Rao sister by choice and Ashok!!!!

We decided to get a little adventurous since Shieanne too has the LETS GO attitude like us Rao girls!!! We decided to head to a muslim area in Jamia called Zakhir Nagar where you get the world’s best Nihari I’ve ever tasted… Even though its a place I’d rather not sit around to dine at…. the food is too awesome to miss!!! And so… we hired an auto that would not only take us there… he agreed to wait while we gathered food ;) and we set off in the quest for food!!! Here’s what we bought…. Nihari, Korma, Fried Chicken and tikkas and ofcourse the Khamiri rotis to go with it… We headed home too hungry to wait for Ashok to arrive and began hogging on the chicken… which might I add… is as finger licking good as KFC minus the skin ;) Wonder if the original KFC recipe was from these streets!!! ;) An hour later Askok arrived and the 4 of us chatted till the wee hours of the morning… knowing that all we wanted was to have a lot of food and a lot of talk… not surprising that Shieanne knocked off early enough to miss the main course but promised she would wake up and taste the masaala!!!!

Saturday…. well … the Grand finale of week in food that left us FILLED TO THE BRIM… had to be a visit to the famed Andhra Bhawan!!! Thali and Mutton fry… what else could one ask for… filled to the brim…. satiated… surprised… and super super happy to have enjoyed all meals without giving up… wondering if we could possibly launch a “while I was eating” show for Indian women…. and have people invite us over to their homes for us to taste their cooking and write about it… How awesome would that be!!!

I’m headed back to the kitchen right NOW to cook up and awesome meal for Mom and I… wondering if the best idea would be to keep in simple ;)


The drama unfolded as expected and a lot of perspectives got in the way of the need of the hour. I am but a silent bystander in the drama sharing the thoughts of an individual not tickled by history but watching HISTORY in the making as the perspective views on the ISSUE continue to raise new loopholes and dig new graves.

There will never be a VERDICT right by ALL and therefore there will never be a solution liked by all!! The truth being felt is the power of the larger community versus the minority and the smugness of senior politicians celebrating the “making of the RAM MANDIR at the site the CLAIMED to be the birthplace of Lord Ram. That NOW the court has BELIEVED to be true as per their claim”.

I stand and watch the Muslim faces go small and the Hindu’s gloat at a victory OF CLAIM. I am asking myself, do they truly understand the REAL meaning or can they see the BIGGER PICTURE of where this verdict could possibly lead… maybe NOT… they are just looking for a PLEASE ALL verdict and hence… it is hailed by the larger community to be a step in the RIGHT DIRECTION!!

I look around wondering how many different perspectives there could be to this… and how many generations later will the suffering continue in the name of religion or religious beliefs, which are not born of our personal experiences with religion, they are in fact the HAND ME DOWN notes of the Generation of the past that continue to hold us to ransom many many many years later! As I read the Wikipedia on this information I was surprised… it’s funny how the HINDUS have always CLAIMED without proof or planted proof and then laid claim!! Ha ha ha… you have to read this!! Ayodhya Debate

As I continue to listen to the many voices that speak… I continue to understand the THOUGHT of the present moment… it’s like the OC just wanting to get through the CWG… short term success without figuring out ways to sustain it the growth they’ve begun to realise through the efforts made by ALL.

In my thought, this is a verdict that should’ve simply been handed over to the country to vote, give them 3 choices… and put the country to vote!! Add this to the weightage of the court verdict, bring in the point of view of the litigants and let it be a part of India’s greatest REALITY SHOW!!

The fact that there was no communal violence is proof enough to let the government know that the people of this country are way beyond the narrow thought processes of the past and are seriously aiming for a better and safer future for themselves and their children. I often fear for my unborn children, the very thought that they’re headed for this world brings me to the point where In my own wonderful way I’d like to contribute to their “RELIGIOUS FIGHTING FREE” world.

For when God created the world I guess he intended for us to LIVE and LET LIVE not play the game of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, like we’re all concluding. There is no resource less for even one of God’s creation… WHY THEN MUST WE FIGHT!!!

A thought away…

For the longest time I’ve been blogging I’ve always felt the need to write to you that which has touched my thoughts… often, these thoughts have no real relevance at the time and yet as time passes by the thought becomes a reality before my eyes and I wonder, “Did I not know this before??”

It has been such a surprising journey of thought becoming things that somewhere down the years, I’ve learnt to be a little laid back… in the knowing that the thought WILL eventually become a thing and that I will always KNOW when to take the BABY STEP required to ALLOW it to MANIFEST!! I’ve allowed myself the pleasure of learning with leisure for I KNOW God know’s what I’m meant to do! 

In wanting to set up my business 9 months ago I learned a brand new lesson, which has held me in really good stead and should be super helpful for you too if this is the path you’re on the edge of choosing.

It takes but a single THOUGHT to change your whole life and this is the truth the way I know it. It is the power of the thought that hold you for much longer than the circumstances it creates to check on your level of commitment to the thought itself! I can promise you that personally I’ve had a million second thoughts and third thoughts and fourth thoughts… and the learning has been that my first thought… DeePositive… was the strongest and most confident of them all and so, 9 months later I am still being DeePositive!

Here’s to all of you who are seeking a new direction or contemplating a change from where you ARE!!! Spend some quality time with your thoughts… write them down… let them fill you with their presence and knowledge… let the thoughts begin to become you… and when the thought that you’re going to live for the rest of your life finds you… it will shine brighter than the other and radiate farther than every other thought. It will grow on you, bring new ideas and lead you to a completely new reality… which in time you will find out… well… is your PURPOSE in this life!

All else found EXPRESSION when DeePositive found Dee!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

19 hours later!!!

In the spirit of UNDERSTANDING perspectives lies the TRUE art of LIVING…. Just thought that one of the most memorable conversations on FB needed to be saved for future reference…. there will be perspectives which will change… the verdict will change and OUR point of OBSERVATION will change…
Change is the brilliant GIFT of Creation and Every Creation is a brilliant Gift of CHANGE!!!
There will be MORE REASONS to remember this discussion… don’t ever want the debate to die down!! And the  discussion began with an update on facebook…
Deepanjali Rao WOW!! After listening to the VERDICT... it is OBVIOUS that they have JUSTIFIED the DEMOLITION of the BABRI MASJID as being RIGHT by RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT and APPROVED by LAW.

19 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike

Kavita Puri Chawla, Priyesh Sanghvi and Radhika Arora like this.

    • Radhika Arora absolutely!

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Yash Chawla Democracy is ruining us..

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao I am also wondering... what these same people would be saying had the verdict gone the Babri Masjid way!!! The media is being politically correct.... and screwing with the constitutional rights of secular country.

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma Religion + politics + law= completely screwed up!

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao I guess all other religions will have to get ASI to start assessing the historical relevance of their properties, before they are demolished to another ASTOUNDING piece of HISTORY!!!

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Yash Chawla I agree.. They are just opening up the gaps which are in our constitution!!

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao It's super cool... maybe this is the KHUFIA plan to OPEN the FLOODGATES of DEMOLITION DRIVES :) Wondering which is the next target after the BABRI MASJID????

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch i am amazed at the glum faces of these idiots....i agree wid u Deep...two faced nitwits..i feel there will be countless such mughal structures which will come in question if here foundations are inspected ..are they ready to go down that lane...secular my $%@

      19 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...

    • Deepanjali Rao I am just wondering... what the foundation of the GOLDEN TEMPLE could have ;) or Cathedral !!! one chappal or joota is all they'll need to begin the demolition process....

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch hahaha..trivia...foundation stone of golden temple was laid by a muslim saint Mia Mir on request by Guru sahib the fifth guru ....though it was a waste land...a swamp

      19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma Wow! Soyna, gud one....dint know that!!

      18 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao ‎:-) even I didn't know this! Btw... The BJP says that this is a great initiative for National Integration ;-)

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma LOL!!!! Bastards! sure...can I swear on ur wall by the way?

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao ofcourse you can! :-) :-) :-)

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao the land that was gifted to the Catholic church in Delhi includes the whole of Chankyapuri and Gol Dak Khana... Which the church gave the Indian Government since the city was being developed... And the church did not have enough funds at the time. Should the Catholics therefore begin demolishing? By the time the verdict comes though most of the post independence infrastructure would've collapsed anyway ;-)

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading...

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma LOL!!!! awesome food for thought!

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao another funny fact: watching Times Now and NDTV! "They BELIEVE that the place the Hindu's claim to be the birth place of Shree Ram is so" isn't it funny that after all that they've deliberated they still can't confidently say that they KNOW this! Twits!

      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao Just heard Advani speak... He is already talking about building a grand temple in Ayodhya...and the fact this verdict has paved the way for it... Awesome... I guess he has a disease! Away with him away with him... Crucify him ;-)

      15 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma LOL! ya lets crucify him! that would be blasphemous for his Hindu righteousness! ;)

      15 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch Of wid his head...probably kalmadi shd be given the duty of gettin this temple built ;) ..that ought to please the muslims

      15 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...

    • Geetanjali Bhagra- Sharma hahahahaha! now that is a justice!

      15 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas To come to think of it, we, this generation has no say in what happened in the past, but its definitely worth getting into providing justice to the belief of many. Babar, the ruler, had demolished many temples in his life time to build mosques, as his showcase of power over local groups and hindus, because of which, both the religions are facing the brunt even till today. What was originally something, it has all the rights to be that originally something, now.

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas but in the end, belief = ego and pride... We all have one, and we all should respect others' too. One might be stronger in displaying it than others, but isnt that what survival of the fittest all about? Fittest can be power of tongue or might, or even justice or proving what is right and whats not. Blind faith is evil, as evil as murdering an innocent sheep in the name of lord.

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao Agree Completely!!! The funny part is that WE, this generation NEED to STAND up NOW... What we're not seeing is the BENCHMARK this WILL CREATE in the FUTURE handling of SIMILAR cases! If this is the LEGACY we're handed in the name of VERDICT... How then do we CONVINCE our future GENERATIONS? Do we tell them that a bunch of SENIOR citizens... decided to PLAY it safe! Its time the BIGGER PICTURE becomes the basis of decisions taken... this is a QUICK FIX... !!!

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao talking of Kalmadi... I heard some wonderful DELHIZENS gave him a TALKING to at a Mall in Gurgaon... Does anyone know more????

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Trina Shekar Narayanan Dee.. one needs to get the facts clear before blaming... and have respect n faith in the judiciary system either ways. The verdict is a slap on the face of pseudo secularism.

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas

      true but, I really respect the whole Ayodhya's history, which is passed and written in multiple books over thousands of years. I dont know if youre on the same page! :S There was more to that period/era, than we know. I have a personal, con...nection with this history, so Im kinda pissed with what babar and other mughals have done to this country. All the prominent mughal architecutre that we see today, are built on demolished ancient hindu heritage spots. Sites, which were even more than 5000+ years old. I hate the guts of such religious leaders. I wish we dont see such a trend coming in the future. Though, I would love to know, what was there at Taj Mahal, before shahjahan got it built by hindu labour! And poor India, always been attacked, by this or that, always been conquerd by mulsim or christians or chinese and have always been defending. Last time, when india went to war and was the war was started by India, was... you cant ever put a date, because it never happened!!See More

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...

    • Deepanjali Rao Trina... Due respect to the judiciary system... from the philosophical point of view. But the impact isn't going to be very pretty on the future... In the NOW of things... They've played BIG DADDY... Justice isn't about being PERFECT it is about being a VISIONARY... and that MUST be taken into consideration! Anyway... the dictate seems to be go with the FLOW... We should go with the KNOW!!

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao ‎@Bhuvi: the question is DO we want to continue to DIG up?? If we do... are we prepared for a million other similar situations? Are we geared up enough to handle a MICRO investigation into HISTORY? Don't you feel that we're headed for a MAJOR historical RECONSCTRUCTION if we begin to base our ACTIONS on RELIGIOUS sentiment ALONE??? The educated have ALLOWED religion to be their WEAPON... Will this UNKNoWINGLY create a DISTURBING TREND??? It is that which is WORRISOME!!

      14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch ‎@Bhuvanesh.... yes sir lets dig up evrything..that ought to solve the problem....we'll all at last hav sumthing worthwhile to do.......we hav to set the history right...

      13 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas

      ‎@Dee: Thats the thing, questions always have the answers, you can see them in yours. @ Soyna: It is very much important to fix history. Did you know recently, they discovered King Tut wasnt african and Alexander was not Greek! Fixing histo...ry means, fixing a lot of conflicts, coz most of the conflicts happen coz of past, and non coz of present or future.
      What future holds for us, we cant envision, but yes, we can calculate and be humble. Go read about Mecca, and the cornerstone of it. In the end, everything is same, just the intentions of muslim conquerers have always been about, destroy the existing to prove the power and show them how we can insult their pride by rebuilding on their own. How many Shiva temples were destroyed in our history. Shiva is not Hindu, its vedic by the way, a religion or should i say way of life, which has been existing way before book religions came into this world. Shiva, is simply the black eternal stone. Anyway, Im a strong believer of fixing past, without that, you cannot have a future. We need a foundation, without that, not even your body can stand, even that needs two feet.See More

      12 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas oh and, @Soyna: Do you know the history of your last name? Its intresting, read it, I have some cousins with the same last name. Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katoch

      12 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Trina Shekar Narayanan

      I believe ppl hv been widely mistaken abt the whole issue. Its as simple as A had a house.. B breaks n builds a new house, which is encroachment. A wants his rights.. to get his house back so both go to the court.. the court based on facts ...gives A the rights back to build a new house thr.. thts it. Just coz it is abt a community we make it communal.
      Now for this I dont see why C needs to feel insecure unless thr is any violation. Now B cannot argue that his fundamental rights r taken away.
      The only possible trend set by the judiciary in our country is that JUSTICE prevails... and truth cannot be denied.See More

      4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao

      To each their own... RESPECT begins with KNOWING!! The perspective will always be different and I guess that is why it is fun discussing such a SUBJECT! A clear INDICATION that we as a NATION need to CONSOLIDATE what we HAVE to BUILD THE FU...TURE!!!
      And for as long as we ALLOW history and CONSTRUCTED facts to SWAY US... We will CONTINUE... in the same direction!! We need to DRAW a GREATER AWARENESS to WHAT WE WANT for US!!!
      Thank you to all the wonderful people on this thread... MAY THIS DEBATE NOT REST IN PEACE... May it bring us more such wonderful moments of COMMUNICATION!!!See More

      4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch

      ‎@ Bhuvnesh....That the thing.... its all screwed up.....i am well aware of the history of my name thank u vry much...inspite of that i stand by wht i said earlier...BTW have u thought of joinin BJP...u'll find many lyk minded people there......... the so called facts abt king tut, alexander, taj mahal are not facts they are our interpretations of wht we hav found.. which are subject to change more often than not..in light of new evidences.....Wikipedia is not the truth..... its a site where we can post information that we feel lyk sharing...might be facts might be hearsay...or plain interpretation of facts as we see them...did u 'research' oder things also there..then brother u need a better source of informationSee More

      4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch ‎@Trina...every situation has three sides to it...yours..mine..and THE truth...

      3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao ‎;) I'm loving this!!! So totally!!!!!!! :))

      3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Trina Shekar Narayanan

      Well Soyna... har cheez ke sirf 'do' he pehlu hote hai(only two sides dear)... true or untrue. Now its upto oneself which side one is. You r most welcome with ur side and perception.
      @Dee... like ur post.. 'may this debate not rest in peace'...... :-)See More

      3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch truth is untangible..so cliches (do pehlu) does not apply to it..it is different for diff people..luk at sum grey trina..life is not just black and white..it might add sum colour to it..i wonder if ur belief in judicial system will remain the same if the court wud have given a diff decision...

      3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...

    • Deepanjali Rao

      The TRUTH is ONLY AS REAL AS OUR PERSPECTIVE of a SITUATION!! We need to OBSERVE the TREND... It is most IMPORTANT TO BE INDIAN at this POINT... and HISTORY is ONLY THE PERSPECTIVE of the AUTHOR who wrote it... it is HIS/HER thoughts... The... TRUTH of OUR GENERATION is FAR FAR AWAY from THE TRUTH IT IS PROJECTED TO BE!!! Don't we all know that... and this is true for the ERAs gone by... and ERA's to COME!
      History will always be NOTED as the EDUCATED version of what HAPPENS... the TRUTH will only come from THOSE who are LIVING it... and they are THE UNSUNG HERO's :))See More

      2 hours ago · LikeUnlike

    • Trina Shekar Narayanan

      Soyna.. i wdnt juggle with words here.. the only point is what is fact and what is not... I am with the Judiciary for the underlying facts... which is available to the public. What is not available is none of my concern. If trow supreme cou...rt tells something else I will be open to accept that also.. based on new facts which come up.
      I personaly am not with or for any side. For me idealy it wd be landmark decision to make adjucent Mosque n Temple whr all can go n pray.... let all know that humanity is above religion.... and that India is above religion and to show the world that yes.. we can co-exist with love, mutual respect and harmony.
      Blaming n debating is very easy whr one can put down owr fellow countrymen... some political party.. or community... Looking at the brighter side is difficult.. needs openness of heart and mind.. and acceptance.
      Seems some of you guys were expecting some different judgment ??See More

      56 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Soyna Katoch ‎@trina..i absolutely agree wid u...by the way i am a hindu by religion.. ...i wasn't expecting or not expecting nething...i felt that 50-50 shd have been a better deal rather than 2/3rd and 1/3rd...for obvious reasons

      51 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas Woah! When did all this become about religion! Im only a fan of fixing history! I guess, we all are too adamant to see everything from our own perspective... and thats the end for most of us! And lets none of us be shallow enough, that we know it all. Oh and @Soyna: Hinduism isnt a religion, its a way of life, just like budhism... Religions are: Islam and Christanity.

      34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas oh and @Soyna: http://www.eutimes.net/2010/06/king-tuts-dna-is-western-european/ DNA is proof, what else would you need to believe in someones origin? Its far from interpretation, its a logical explanation. Now thats different, if you dont believe in DNA!

      31 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas What ASI has used to find out the proof for existence of Original structure to bring a more balanced result in the case, to settle a war is called 'carbon dating', which is a scientific process of archeology. Lets all just shut up and be more educated or sshould I say, aware and updated about whats happening around us. Why are we all so judgmental, such a pitty!

      29 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas Wiki: Can be edited, but go ahead try it, and Wiki will fix it back within 24 hrs. There are books, from which wiki has updated all that! How kiddish to even bring that into discussion here... Its super fanny, that we question others' research platform, rather being concerned how much we ourselves know... Sad too.

      27 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas Oh and last one, Im out! I hate having discussions with walls!

      26 minutes ago · LikeUnlike


      22 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Bhuvanesh Singh Manhas sorry, forgot to mention, Where did love for BJP come from? That was completely overboard and weird! I hate religious politicians, why would I find like minded people amongst them... Maybe you should, coz they are judgmental and laid back and pretty easy to mould! And Dee, stop loving it, remember the saying, everything takes a full circle and finds whose responsible and gives a big one, return!?

      16 minutes ago · LikeUnlike

    • Deepanjali Rao I love all of YOU... The rest are but OUR PERSPECTIVES and PERCEPTIONS!!! We all have AGREED to DISAGREE and that is a HEALTHY sign!!!

      a few seconds ago · LikeUnlike