Thursday, June 24, 2010

On this 24th day of June

I woke up this morning with a special thought… I know this day is going to challenge me… and the key to it is to remain in touch with what I am feeling right through this day.

I knew the morning sequence and now, as I write this , I am unfolding the why of this sequence. There is a lot of HIGH strung feelings in the air for the last two days… a lot of different energies converging and there are things I’d like to say, yet, am holding back hoping to quickly change the effect of these thoughts on my feelings…

The COVER picture of trends, a lot of UNGRATEFUL people taking centrestage and I am the audience, I look at the act and at a subconscious level, while I notice the EMOTION, I am aware that NOT want I want more of. Yet, like a good spectator I continue to absorb this content at a level of knowing DEEPER than the VISIBLE and it starts to form a trend. In accepting this OBSERRVATION, I choose NOT to INDULGE in the happening, my thoughts however, remain in the knowing and the sorting of the details and the trend… well… I walk out of this MELODRAMA, feeling a little BURDENED by the NEW FEELING and KNOWING that there is a lesson to be learnt. What can I say… I am now magnetising MORE experiences of this particular feeling ;)

As I reach out for the CONTENT, I am HAPPILY surprised… I see that I am meant to UNDERSTAAND the effect of the ENVIRONMENT on my own EMOTIONAL state. The clarity comes pouring in as I understand a FUNDAMENTAL instinct based DELIVERANCE…

I am attracting the UNGRATEFUL, that I may draw myself into a place of GRATITUDE. I am attracting the UNTHOUGHTFUL that I may draw myself into more reasons to reach out and be THOUGHTFUL. I am attracting more of that which I DON’T want… ONLY AND ONLY that I may DRAW clarity on that WHICH I DO WANT!

… and like a dream realised… I walk into the open spaces of my mind… to look for more perspectives on INGRATITUDE that I may  ENRICH the list of PERSPECTIVES to be GRATEFUL for… in an instant… I am filled with thoughts that go with the INTENT of POSITIVE ALIGNMENT to WHO I AM when NO ONE IS WATCHING.

Even before the day has begun… 3 days of CLEARANCE is done… I am NOW relishing a NEW VISION and LOVING IT!!!

I passed THIS WAY that I may create a MEMORY… This MEMORY is the STORY I must TELL… SO IT IS!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

On this 18th day of June

shhhh… blessed!!

The art of living each day to the fullest is recognising the feeling that each part of the day brings on… and KNOWING. That ALL THAT IS conspiring to give YOU ALL THAT IS you’ve ever desired.

Friday, June 18, 2010

On this 17th day of June

Silence is Golden… and if you learn how to maintain the rule… well… a million surprises in waiting find their way into the experience of the day. Silence is also a phenomenal tool… silence speaks the language of the emotion… and so… the effect of silence is an emotional knowing.

How beautiful the world is when you see it from silence… the leaves make a special sound when they greet the wind. Even dogs snore and whimper ever so silently, just to get your attention. When you watch TV in silence… there is a greater connect to the subject than the objects ;) Silence allows you to read a book with your mind in sync with the flow… a beautiful experience for as long as it lasts…

Silence has a PURPOSE… ha ha ha… so here comes a catty synopsis of the day that was ;)

After, what seemed like ages… the power of silence reflected in my thoughts… I noticed a profound difference in the productive communication right through the day. and yes… I am a woman… the need to talk is always most urgent… and a special angel fulfilled the wish of speech before i set my self to sleep. Thank you RUCHITAAAAAA I love you girl… I realised I was saving all the conversation to shower my 100% attention to talking to her!! Ideas flowed, conversation was super interesting ;)

Btw… we’re also flaking around with a thought on match making with a twist… ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On this 16th day of June 2010

Today is a day in which the patches matched the manifestation and life is STILL. There is an aura of BEINGNESS that filled my day. The brilliant experiences of Gratitude filled my emotional me with so much love and joy and a sense of triumph of the spirit. Going with the flow has a whole new experience to  share… and on this day… I got to share so much with so many people… such a plethora of emotions… and the joy is the stable stillness from within.

The news keeps pouring in… and the beauty is of KNOWING each emotion and accepting each emotion without PREJUDICE or JUDGEMENT. I also learnt the art of internalising the joy and the learning, what an astonishing process.

and a new truth revealed itself through the million manifestations… I am in SYNC with Me… and that is the BEST NEWS ever!!

To all be CLARITY and JOY for that is the free gift of LOVE…

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On this 15th day of June 2010

It was another day… spiced up by a million different experiences. As I let the day progress at its pace, there was a sweet feeling of CONTENT. I visited places I hadn’t been to in over 365 days… actually … all of which entertained my entire day was blessed with this feeling of HAPPY NOSTALGIA… it showed… really showed me a completely VEER way to be!

As we celebrate Veer turning 4… we truly celebrated Satisfaction… a gift from Veer to all of us. Veer is so special, when I see him… I see the spectacular spectacle of life in perfection. Veer… well… all I can do beyond mentioning him… is SMILE.

If satisfaction had a date to be celebrated… well… for me… its Veer’s birthday

Monday, June 14, 2010

On this 14th day of June 2010

It is fascinating to tap into the power of emotions in our daily routine. It is imperative to understand the EMOTION of the moment. For in the understanding of the EMOTION is the HIDDEN AGENDA of the greater plan.

Today I allowed myself to feel a plethora of emotions, jealousy, dislike, doubt… and the only purpose… is to ALLOW myself the deeper meaning of the present phase. To my surprise, the EMOTION guided my understanding of my own ability to RISE to the OCCASSION without, being DRAINED by it. To my JOY it revealed a rather simple experience, when I looked within, the EMOTION crystalised into a LESSON I could learn. In looking outward, I managed to start a debate.

More often than not, we’re moved to action by suggestion… even when the need is ALLOWANCE! ;)

On this 13th day of June 2010

There will always be days when life will seem to always be in control and running according to the rhythm of your heart. There will always be moments of SURPRISE when the thought in your HEAD becomes the sms, phone call, visitor you welcome. 

The beauty of APPRECIATING these moments is the moment they’re absent… In DEEPEST gratitude to ALL THAT IS absent, for you’re the MOST important reminder of all, that in all the HAPPINESS of NOW… you’re missed!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

On this 12th day of June 2010

Sometimes, it is better to take a break from things like you know them to SAVOUR the simple joy of BEING. When you can set your own thoughts aside for 48 hours and draw experiences from those around you. It is fascinating to see how your emotions are attached to the emotions of all those who are in your immediate circle of influence. I saw life from so many different perspectives and enjoyed the BRILLIANCE of being aware of the thoughts in my head as each hour passed.

I learned, that in my line of work, I will continue to be in the presence of many influences, yet to be aware of the EFFECTS of these INFLUENCES on my PERSONAL EMOTIONAL field, is the KEY.

We are so prone to UNKNOWINGLY filling our EMOTIONAL bodies with the OUTER influences that often we remain UNKNOWING of the TIME we are losing in KNOWING our TRUE selves.

Friday, June 11, 2010

On this 10th day of June

Sometimes it is NECESSARY to connect to the SOUL of a CIRCUMSTANCE, from the SOUL of WHO YOU ARE!

When you look at an EVENT like a child, you understand EXACTLY what you need to do and what is even better is… YOU FIND a way to ACCOMPLISH it, much in the same way as you did, when THOUGHTS and WORDS didn’t have much of a specific meaning. I’ve found a brilliant teacher in my little nephew, who at all of almost 4 has such a brilliant way of teaching.

It is easy to get SWAYED by the PERSPECTIVE presented through the MANY SOURCES of INFLUENCE… It is DIVINE to be SWAYED to the LIFE PURPOSE of it ;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On this 9th day of June 2010

When HISTORY repeats itself, its PURPOSE is specific. I stood at the same THOUGHT I did 15 years ago… I felt the same reaction coming on… and then to my surprise, the next thought, introduced me to HOW MUCH I’D CHANGED :) and it made me feel grateful immediately. I knew it was a moment of RESOLUTION not REVOLUTION. When you KNOW more that you BELEIVE, you RECEIVE more than you PERCEIVE.

I had a phenomenal experience of TRULY KNOWING my feeling… and each good thought that came from Gratitude of being aware, led me to another thought that raised my ability to seek the TRUTH, without hunting it DOWN. As the day drew to an end… with Gratitude I received the TRUTH and rejoiced. Rejoiced, not in the CONTENT of the TRUTH, just REJOICED in REVEALATION of the INTENT.

We often JUMP to CONCLUSIONS on the basis of the CIRCUMSTANCIAL evidence and the EMOTIONAL response to the EVIDENCE we PERCIEVE to be real. I can tell you from personal experience, that from what I KNOW NOW, HISTRORY has a greater reason for repetition and it is to bring into my present awareness how much has changed NOW. I KNOW the INTENT ;)



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On the 8th day of June 2010

I understood in a more emphatic way today… That RESISTANCE and ASSISTANCE, both have but one common CRAVING… ACCEPTANCE

The greatest MISINTERPRETATION of our lives is that we LIVE from a POINT of EXTERNAL APPROVAL of the INTERNAL CRAVING OF ACCEPTANCE. There are but two forces at play against each other, each motivated by the SINGLE purpose of ACCEPTANCE. RESISTANCE and ASSISTANCE and the choice we make determines the DIRECTION in which we flow.

RESISTANCE is ONLY an ALERT to let us know, that our CRAVING FOR ACCEPTANCE is being motivated by EXTERNAL SOURCES, and if we can take a moment to DEEP breathe, we can immediately switch and delve into our INTERNAL SOURCE of ASSISTANCE to SATIATE the CRAVING FOR ACCEPTANCE.


Monday, June 7, 2010

On this 7th day of June 2010

Today I’ve understood the POWER of LOVE as an expression of BEINGNESS. We’ve grown up to many different expressions of LOVE and as we grow older, the very meaning of the word LOVE is restricted. As a child… LOVE IS… just a connection of pure divinity, we love EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. As we grow still older… Love… and all it stands for is finding the perfect partner or an expression of APPROVAL of all that we HAVE.

The essence of LOVE when restricted CREATES a FRAGILE version of its EXPRESSION and we’re moved to a greater experience of the ABSENCE of it in its purest form. The ABSENCE of the PUREST UNDERSTANDING of LOVE brings us to… PAIN, SEPARATION, ANXIETY, HURT, HALUCINATION, VOID, LONLINESS. I could possibly list many many words that come to mind… ALL THESE FEELINGS are ONLY A RESULT of TAPPING INTO THE ABSENCE OF LOVE.

In the presence of LOVE, we connect with the inner feelings of BELONGING. When we talk of being in love, the natural part of FEELING the FEELING of LOVE is JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, EXCITEMENT, DREAMS, SURPRISE, BELONGING, ONENESS with that which express love for or with.

In understanding LOVE. I KNOW NOW, all I need really to be in LOVE is to understand and radiate all that which LOVE promises. All I need is to ALLOW LOVE to lead the way. Its very presence in my THOUGHTS will bring it into my EXPERIENCE.

I am Delightfully Manifesting Spectacular Dreams ;)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

On this 6th day of June 2010

The experiences I’ve had to this day have conditioned me to not trust too easily. The fact that it has been brought to my awareness… I took the first step of trusting my deepest instinct to begin sharing the wisdom I receive without PREJUDICE or JUDGEMENT, that my greatest JOY comes from sharing with Gratitude that which comes to me as part of the natural talent of being ME.

There will always be the OUTER influences that will continue to mark the path I take… I must reclaim the childlike joy of TRUSTING my instincts and TRUSTING the Divine Energy of Life to lead me on. I KNOW NOW, that every little decision, is a STEP forward in the direction of bringing ALL THAT IS special to me into my REALITY. 

That every HURDLE is only a speedbreaker on the fast lane of SUCCESS, that I must express GRATITUDE, that I slowed down, to savour the moment, instead of worry about the TIME it will take me to reach my destination. I need to TRUST, those around me, not because OTHERS think that they are worthy of being TRUSTED. I need to TRUST, because I am WORTHY of all the JOY and ABUNDANCE I am destined to achieve as  I continue my journey. That I every moment I am in Gratitude, the HURDLE will reveal the PERSPECTIVE I need to be GRATEFUL for.

The INTENT is clear… I am Delightfully Manifesting Spectacular Dreams ;) 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

On this 5th day of June 2010

I learnt a special lesson… My mother really does know best!  A lot of times I get rather worked up by her irrationality on a wide array of subjects. Today, her irrationality saved me from making a hasty investment… and I guess, my impatience moved her to taking action sooner than later.

I love you Mummy… you’re so special to me! Don’t know what I’d do without you. When I argue with you… and I know I do that often, I look back and realise… after wasting so much of my energy… YOU have helped me take some of the most AWESOME decisions in my life. You have inspired me to be the woman I am… learning the JOY of loving every lesson… My Way.

Thank you so much!