Monday, July 12, 2010

Unloading and Unfolding ;)

It is such a brilliant feeling to bring on the GOOD THOUGHTS…

Have been quite busy writing my first book, realising in the process, that there are many TO DO’s on my list. Clearing the backlog… ONE BY ONE… so that I can take a decision on the way forward, if at all that is the direction of where my passion leads me to!

It is brilliant the way life unfolds and it takes a special DOSE of learning PATIENCE to ALLOW the JOY of the UNFOLDING to reveal itself. I’ve had the pleasure to watch life evolve and in the ever tender moments of weakness, send me angels, I call friends to help me pick up the thoughts I’d abandoned and start creating a new story.

There are so many people who have played such crucial roles without even realising that they were anchors. These are people with the freedom to SAY what they please, be who they are and yet yearn to be THEIR version of ME. Till their thoughts met with mine, and evolved into a new direction. There are times when their thoughts have been the crutches I’ve failed to balance my fragile EGO and fallen hard on my knees, wreathing in pain… wondering WHERE I HAD GONE WRONG!! Today, these very people are the ones that have strengthened my FLIGHT to FOREVER for every CRUTCH was really a PROP to protect my WINGS till they were strong enough to FLY!!

It is fascinating to see all the THOUGHTS that seemingly BROUGHT me down, today, present their TRUE perspective of HOLDING me UP… Higher than the place I chose for myself, with the SOUL PURPOSE to help me understand my PERSONAL EVOLUTION!

Thank you in a special way to each of you who broke my heart, walked away, stayed silent, told me I’d NEVER MAKE IT, let me down, spoke behind my back, hated me for reasons I sure am still to understand, smirked at my dreams, told me I would fail, pretended to be my friends while you waited in the background hoping I’d walk straight into the waiting sword. Thank you to all those who told me there we things I’d never achieve and places I’d never reach. Thank you to all those who wished me FAILURE… and you KNOW who you are beyond a doubt.

For EACH time you TOLD ME I WASN’T good enough, in defense, I would FIND OUT something AWESOME ABOUT MYSELF to make myself feel better… and today… as I feel it… and KNOW IT…. You are the REAL reason for the POSITIVE person I am… for if it weren’t for you to let me down, I wouldn’t have found a new way, each time, to stand tall… Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!

What a freakin relief… in the last couple of PARAGRAPHS I’ve managed to UNBURDEN my thoughts of many years… let go of some of the hurtful people and thoughts that have given me the JOY of BEING ME!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

On this 4th day of July

Letting Go is a virtue we often miss to UNDERSTAND is always meant to project a greater good into our personal knowingness. These are moments that are most difficult especially if your someone as loud mouthed as I am ;)

The last 10 days of my life, moved me to a point of dealing with a lot of THOUGHTS to let GO, that new thoughts may find their way into my head for my own good.

Are these the most easy to LET GO… Hell NO!! Yet they are the most important to OFFLOAD when you’re headed in the direction of your dreams!  I learnt that we often carry our thoughts much longer than we need to! I learnt that we MUST understand that there will always be much more to LET GO of… I’ve accumulated so much over the years!!

It is necessary to bring the JOY of knowing WHEN TO HOLD ON and WHEN TO LET GO and be GRATEFUL to BE AWARE OF BOTH!!