Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Open Letter: Thank you for breaking my heart :)

I really want to THANK YOU for the joy you've unknowingly given me... I guess I didn't realise the power of this trip till I finally took the decision to take the flight to GOA. The joy I've felt since I reached the city is phenomenal... last year I came here and my Professional life took a turn for the best. This year I knew it was to be a year of PERSONAL breakthrough and so, it is proving to be.

God knows what's best... I believe that more now than ever... it broke my heart to see our plan go down in sinking sand. It hurt so bad when I first felt it... I was horrified at the way I felt... Yet it presented itself as an opportunity to back off with my dignity intact. Loving you is my LEARNING and in ACCEPTING the LESSON... my release. The discovery is that my attachment to you really has more to do with LEARNING than loving and in accepting that I've released all the bad feelings. Maybe, the only reason God introduced you into my life was to help me understand myself better and learn to love being my own person.

I have never doubted you love me... just that maybe... we're both looking for a very specific type of relationship and both of us are very SURE of what we want... we've changed stances over and over again to accommodate each other. I can vouch for the many changes I've seen through the 2 and a half years of knowing you and I really do appreciate all the changes you've made to TRY and adjust to us being together :) As we continue to evolve personally so do our relationships with each other and with God, in whom we both TRUST, far more than we know it ;)

I know God puts us through these phases to teach us something new... each time a new lesson appears!!! It is beautiful to see how magnificent God's love is in our lives...HIS PURPOSE is reflected through the FIRST EXPERIENCES of our relationship. You are a bouquet of firsts for me and I am truly grateful for ALL THE GOOD and the NOT SO GOOD that have come from our knowing each other. I know there's lot more to come... God's using us in each other's lives to REFINE us into GOLD... Our ACCEPTING this will make the hills and valleys an adventure!!!

I truly wish we could've used this GOA time to REDEFINE our KNOWING... Yet, God seemed to have different plans... I wish I knew them... falling off the HAPPINESS of BEING with you DREAM has landed me in the lap of God's plan for my life... and it's making me SMILE... for I know that HIS plans are always better than our plans.

Please forgive me if I reacted immediately to you breaking my heart... it took a while to ALLOW GOD to pick up the pieces with me and enable able to see you through his love for me more than always wanting to see me through your love for me!!!

Have yourself a MERRY CHRISTMAS and blessed 2011

I love you... for you're Jesus' gift of LEARNING to ME!!!

Our Greatest Good…

…. Is rooted in our greatest brood: DeePositive

December has always been a special month of beginnings and endings… I end a year of growing older and begin a year of growing stronger Winking smile

This year 2010 has been a super special experience, just the mention of it as part of this piece is making me smile… the most important discovery of the year well is “Dee” Winking smile 

The year opened with a life decision “I need to take a chance and begin my own company… I need to take this chance NOW”

January: The year began with a very powerful reunion with my roots… my school friends… with whom I shared my dreams and even though they must’ve thought I’d lost the plot, they were super supportive and very effective in bringing me to the point of confidence to take the BIG STEP… I went back to Mumbai…Quit Mirchi, closed shop in Mumbai moved to Delhi… 26th January… well… the day I closed a chapter and started the next. Armed with nothing more than a dream of creating a brand “DeePositive”… there was a definite plan… 5 people… and a 12 month plan Winking smile 

A month later… 26th of February… my first event as co coordinator, for a fee (I’m still waiting forWinking smile), of the 5 people, 4 changed their priorities, with their own brands making progress… I was still waiting to write the first chapter of my book…. and everything seemed to be in a state of “OOPS!!!!!!”. Nothing more embarrassing really, that having to cut corners on my WANTS to focus on DeePositive needs!!! It was the time when all of the speculation starts…. AM I??? SHOULD I???? WOULD I???? CAN I???? WILL I???? WON’T I!!!! Oh the questions that the KNOWING posses… often put me into a state of “GIVE UP NOW!!! GET BACK INTO A JOB!!!! YOU NEED THE FREAKING MONEY!!!!

March was really a month of taking the first steps toward sanity…. a brilliant opportunity knocked at my door… and I was tempted to say YES at ALLOW a new direction to begin!! I bought my Dell Laptop… it affirmed a step in some direction, I learnt that the basics will present themselves for my direction to begin… and it did… I began writing my book!!! Felt awesome, knowing that I had taken the first BABY step… As I began writing the book… a phenomenal direction began to unfold… friends backing out had earlier made me sad… and yet… as the book began to write itself… I understood… that I must follow the LEAD and accept things as they come!!!

April, another month of breakthrough understanding of the direction… I met Abraham Hicks through the book “Ask and It is Given… A deeper meaning to my book was revealed and the content of the book began to take shape… Inspired by the absolute raising of my vibration into the space of I AM and life became a series of interesting discoveries… cherished even more, since they revealed the path the book would take and the path I was headed towards…. GRATITUDE to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS became my central point of FOCUS and inspired by the complete DeePositive Experience… I began a new journey… revealed to me by the book!!!

May- July was a  trimester of DELVING PROBING and DISCUSSING my book. My best friend and guide through this phase, a friend, Hormaz, who is really my SPIRITUAL PARTNER, for our conversation led to breakthroughs and new learning's. My greatest gift through my work was KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT MANIFEST!!!!   The power healing Mantra of DeePositive living. Suddenly, people began to appear on the horizon and new relationships were beginning to be forged… yet there was a longing inside of me… the events part of my quest took a backseat… and I chose to ALLOW the knowledge of the book to take seed and grow from my sub conscious knowing to my conscious knowing. The beauty… I started magnetising, counseling practices, with a number of people and I continued to sample the DeePositive Power tool with many, keeping a close tab on their progress… and my joy doubled with each person… for I began to see the life purpose of DeePositive unfold through their experiences into their lives… and I can promise you… it was an all time HIGH!!! Winking smile

August was a dip, I guess the HIGH was so high that I needed to be brought back to “INFLICTED REALITY” to be able to truly understand the progress I made… Relationships went wrong, people weren’t as forthcoming, dreams were built, all of this, a TEMPORARY high. My awareness seemed to be more in the conscious KNOWING ALLOWING ACCEPTING and MANIFESTING. Not a pretty space to be in… my expectations were dashed and I was back to the drawing board… I needed to affirm a direction and set upon it… ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME!!!

September… brought me straight back to my INTENTION, well, only after another dream crashed Winking smile Lucky me that the dream crashed… lucky me that I was suddenly reminded through GRATITUDE that my INTENTIONS were far different from that which I was paying ATTENTION to… and thus in faith I was moved to take another baby step … Registering DeePositive Intertainment Private Limited… the company I intended to form on my return to Delhi. Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!! I knew, that announcing it would make me commit to it and that is exactly what I managed to do… and the company registration became the central reason to continue to follow the path of Gratitude and pay attention to our INTENTIONS. My community on Orkut celebrated 3 whole years and a bumper 6000 members… BLESSED truly BLESSED and MANIFESTING!!!

October was the bumper opening. We get to know our investments will be STUCK for another 3 years…. and suddenly MONEY becomes the SORE POINT… I begin to understand that my awareness is in the LACK and therefore, I am attracting more LACK. Evelyn picked up a couple of weddings and we were on our way. As we continued our journey a number of new associates began to show up…. we began to pick up new event briefs… we began to meet people and sniff out new business and clearly focused on enjoying exactly what we did… nothing feels better than knowing that you’re getting to be the best you can be at what you do. We needed to take a very quick decision on the path forward and we knew if we got this intention RIGHT… we’re heading in the right direction ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME!!!

November has always been a bumper month… We picked up our first private party… we confirmed opening events for our 2011 calendar… New clients found us and opened conversation. Somewhere in all of this… the BOOK found itself a new set of publishers… manuscripts sent… it is the time to stand still and remain in Gratitude as it takes the path it is meant to… and it begins to EVOLVE into a book that the masses flock to buy… the SHORTEST best seller in the country Winking smile I find myself in awe of Gratitude as I begin to receive by intention. I am excited to receive abundance of God’s love… I am BLESSED and I KNOW IT!!!

Come December… the big plans are ready to be rolled out… I know it’s the month of my birthday and the right time to express total an utter Gratitude for the fascinating and manifesting year it has been… Professionally gratifying and spiritually abundant… A year that MANY only DREAM of and only FEW realise!!! I am in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here’s an interesting way to look at it…

… it is almost working up the thought muscles as I write this piece. When a new thought decides to take centre stage and all that you can really do is write it soon enough not to lose it… and share it soon enough so other’s can use it!! Winking smile

I always wondered why I was chosen to be born into a family which has seen all shades of relationships… my memories go way back to the time when I was 3 years old… size of body seems to have some relationship with the size of memory Winking smile. With all the OH SO NOT DESIRABLE circumstances we’ve been through … our smiles are our way of saying “thank you God for the power to overcome and excel in your name”

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Here’s what my awareness has prompted me to understand from my past… my Gratitude to the knowing… allowing… accepting and manifesting the change it brings… within me… and around me!!

  • My Gratitude to their dream of independence… Today we are 3 independent women living lives that would’ve been the three possible routes of living their own… each one of us is a reflective of decisions they took… and the results thereof!
  • Gratitude to their talents… Today each of my talents has a root in their WANTS as young people. I have the joy of passion towards events from my father and the brilliance of natural talents in the arts from my mother and from both of them, a heartfelt connection and appreciation for my grand parents who have added to the flavour of completing me spiritually.
  • Gratitude to their lives… Today I have learnt to deal with life one baby step at a time… prompted by an internal need for evolving into a complete me, they always wished they could be.
  • Gratitude to their dream of health. Today I find new ways to be healthy spiritually that my spiritual health may energise my physical health and in turn radiate into my conscious life on this earth.
  • Gratitude to their failures. Today I’ve learnt to tap into the inner knowing of the way I feel and and have learnt to use it to sustain myself. It is also essential to understand that I have evolved from the awareness of failure as I hear it from them and graduate to the awareness of success, by following my instinct, aware, that my EGO will play spoilt sport, since the knowledge I received from my DNA is of the awareness of lack.
  • Gratitude to their quest for healing their own lives. Today I find myself in the centre of magnetising the healing I need to clear history and the additional resources I need to extend this healing around me. That my own children may evolve from this point onward.
  • Gratitude to their CONFIDENCE in themselves. Today I have learnt to take a stand in awareness of my inner quest for being, un-phased by the circumstantial evidence of life as I know it… that comes from their confidently knowing that inner strength is what got them through to the outer strength to follow through on their inner knowing. I have learnt that irrespective of the circumstances presented to me, the truth of being is greater than what we can see if and only if we learn to focus beyond it!
  • Gratitude to them separating. Today, we’ve had the joy of experiencing them in totality, without any need for us to SIMPLY accept what we’re told to believe. We are able to take a simple situation and read between the lines, learn from it and release the circumstance and live the lesson it presents.
  • Gratitude to their belief. Both my parents are truly the two poles of creation… so distinctly different in their approach to life and to life’s lessons… and as an evolved DNA of their coming together, the three of us are equally poles apart in our understanding and living of our lives.

I could write a book on the subject with the knowledge I’ve drawn through this knowing… It is also a wonderful reason for each of us to evaluate our lives with respect to the DNA we represent…

Respect your parents, love them, understand them, they are the foundation thought of your own personal evolution… Understand them better that you may begin to understand yourselves better and live from a point of Gratitude, in the knowing that you’re greatest evolution and acceptance of yourself comes from KNOWING, ALLOWING and ACCEPTING the DNA you’ve evolved from!

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for a new, more complete experience of ME through the awareness of both my connection and blocks with my parents, whom I chose to be born to… with the knowing that I am an evolved vibration of their thought.

Begin a new relationship with your parents today!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rocks & Stars : Lalit Modi

I’m not too sure the BCCI will allow Lalit Modi to win this battle or if they’ll ever admit that he’s a genius, especially since they’re going all out to bury him live, if possible. I do not know whether or not Lalit Modi has made mistakes he should regret or admit. Or if he is as innocent as he’s hoping for the world to see through this interview!!!

What I know for sure is that there is much to be learnt about passion from this man. Immaterial of what the truth maybe, what allegations get proven and what makes Lalit Modi trip on his own shoe lace… He has created what was once a dream into a brand we all know as the IPL. And immaterial of whether or not he’s at the helm of affairs, we all know that IPL, will never be spoken of without a mention of Lalit Modi!!

While watching the Lalit Modi interview, a few striking thoughts emerge…


Lalit Modi, manages to say it like he wants to and no matter how straight faced and unemotional Mihir Bose is, it is evident that Lalit has orchestrated a brilliant conversation to get his side of the story to the larger audience. He understands the ways of the media well, and knows how best to use it!

The other part of the interview that made smile and I agree with, is that he should’ve ideally been given a Bharat Ratna for the IPL. Created from a pool of private investors and executed to near perfection on a national scale for a 3 years in succession. This man didn’t even flinch when he had to move the mega event to South Africa over a period of 21 days!!!

His self confidence, which can more often than not sounds absolutely obnoxious is a “MUST LEARN FROM”, he was always cued in on the tiny details and I guess that is where his real power lies!!

From the media point of view… they picked up the coverage and broadcasted it for the TRP’s… didn’t realise that Lalit Modi has orchestrated a brilliant PR move, to force the media to cover his story the way he wants it to without the authority to edit or tamper HIS STORY. He sure does know how to work out details in his favour without having to compromise on content!!! Don’t be too surprised if you see more such moves in the future by other people who want to tell their story unedited!!

I also found a simple truth in the fact that when you’re selling an impossible dream, only those who are closest to you will bet on you to deliver, the rest of the world is cruel. When the concept isn’t your own, it is so easy to break it up and crush the conceptual thought. It is mastery and practice that makes your confidence levels rise to a phenomenal vibration and confidence to follow through to the last detail on your list without allowing the dream to dissolve into oblivion.

Someday, I wish to work with Lalit Modi, be on his team… learn the art of selling a castle in thin air and making it real for the world to marvel at. The vision lies only with the dreamer and the dreamer the pied piper who leads the vision… remove the dreamer and you’ll be left with details you haven’t conceived and perceptions you have no control over.

It takes courage to stand alone and fight an institution and may I add that Mr. Lalit Modi has in his own way, given us a clear lesson to follow… “Make it happen… it will take three years for people to begin to see your arrogance as a threat Winking smile and by then, you’ve done what you need to make a brand of yourself… that NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE AWAY FROM YOU!