Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Co-Inspired Life: S.T.O.P

I wil begin where S.T.O.P began for me… to thank the opportunity to celebrate a new life lesson Smile

It all began for me this morning… when I responded to a question… I hadn’t thought about… since Positive Vibes began it’s Facebook journey… a graduation of sorts from being “the secret” community on Orkut…


What got me thinking… well the ONLY three posts from other members… funny, I thought there would be many more… who’d speak for us… then again… those were but, MY expectations Winking smile. I hadn’t ever thought in this direction… I was so CONTENT with the fantastic CONTENT we create together… just a very powerfully and positively vibrating space of diverse energies… in communication!!




…. what surprised me is the silent questions… that ONLY SOME have the courage to ask… and still fewer have the courage to respond to!! Then again… maybe… it was more about… something else here… I didn’t realise… till later… well, you’ll have to keep reading this piece to find out!!… Anyway… here’s what Gaurav’s query was really about!!


Ouch… I didn’t know… we came across as some SCAM!! ha ha ha… to think of it… maybe… I guess… it was the answer appeared to the visual screen of my mind… I knew WHY… It is the first time… I actually thought about … what it meant to create Positive Vibes… and the why of the absolutely brilliant energy we create together… Here’s what I couldn’t resist posting… at 5 am!!!

What we have created here is a powerful coming together ... Where our turnovers come in the form of personal growth... By sharing with the intent of inspiring each other to reach our maximum potential... Share our fears... Ask for answers... Learn from each other... Our turnover... Is the growth we see in our own lives and the lives of other family members! Our turnover is in the power of all being equally equipped to lead by example... Our turnover is in the experience of a deep trust... Most of us haven't met... Yet we are connected ... Just realised... How precious and amazing we really are.... Had it not been for your question... My Gratitude would've been incomplete... Thank you Gaurav for asking :) :Deepanjali

I slept in peace… knowing… the answer had found my question… and radiated out into my sharing…  Smile

I woke up to another THOUGHT PROVOKING status update… from one of my favourites… Someone… who puts up status messages that resonate into my own personal thoughts… My Gratitude Angel… Farah Pasha!!


I have had the lonely tag… for a larger part of my life… it is an observation… people have made of me… and sometimes… wicked wicked… I’ve used it to my benefit Winking smile … ha ha ha… then again… what did come to mind… the honest truth… something I hadn’t thought of before… I realised I kinda liked being lonely… strange but true… here’s what LET FLOW… from my thoughts… as a response to this…

First Thought…

In my loneliest times.... I have evolved... I have spent quality time with me!! Understood what holds me back and learnt to move on. My loneliest times are my greatest teachers!! I used to hate and despise them once... cry out of pain!! till one day... in my lonely tears... I realised... I was missing time with me. You'd be surprised, that even now, there are times when I am so lonely, that even silence attacks... yet, if I am in a crowd for too long I get claustrophobic!! Ironic... you bet!! : Deepanjali

I realised, I was either, feeding off my loneliness… then again… what was positive enough… for loneliness to stick around Winking smile and feel welcomed!! Thanked Loneliness… and here’s what I thought…

Second Thought….

Lonely should then be good... right! Then why does it sometimes feel so bad... especially when we speak about it!! Ha ha ha. I sometimes make loneliness sound like a terrible thing... but I need my lonely time to write.. work on concepts... read... learn... reach out... pray... meditate... think... what would I do without all of this... and it only happens in my lonely me time!! : Deepanjali

The sensational series… of 6 hours… brought me to a deeper gratitude for someone I hadn’t noticed… or acknowledged… ME!!  So , I looked back at the last couple of years of my life… “Reverse Gratitude” (try it!! You’ll love it)… that brought me to a LESSON… I learnt… from the series of CO-Inspired events… that began with Gaurav’s Question…

ThinK I learned it from my LIFE... ;)
The moment you begin achieving... you begin expecting more achievements and stressing... rarely finding time to accept what you have achieved and celebrate it! : Deepanjali

What it brought me to… the very powerful process of S.T.O.P…

S.T.O.P Start.Thanking.Opportunity.Prompts

… two opportunities to thank… so unrelated… yet.. co-inspired a deep gratitude for the NOW of my thoughts… brought a lesson… to S.T.O.P and thank more for what already IS!!

Gratitude to all that IS for all that IS!!