Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Are you in a relationship or in a religion?

So, people picked on Jesus to "incite" the people to have faith in him!

 It did not work… because… faith in Jesus is a relationship and we are his family… you can burn down the "THINGS" that represent Christianity… it will take a whole new level of strategy to burn down the "thoughts" we live in our relationship with HIM!

What it has clearly brought to the fore… is the difference between religion and relationship ;) Those in a relationship with Christ… are in a relationship and when you are in a relationship… only one thought matters… and that is LOVE!

So, level 2, target… a woman in a relationship with GOD!

Make her the "protagonist"! In a relationship with GOD, we, believe… that what we do… is guided by a "thought", that our actions are our gift of acceptance of the Divine Providence in FAITH! That if God, has asked us to LOVE our first job is ACCEPTING that service to another human being, irrespective of the HUMAN TAGS of belonging, is that GOD created man first and man created religion! In service of her belief… she served GOD, and those who saw her faith in God's providence for her work, were naturally drawn to her! So, what the real lesson here is… YOU do what you know to be your GIFT to GOD and GOD handles the details that his PRESENCE is EXHALTED through YOU.

What is the "real"  target?

The clear WHY of these tiny campaigns of "thought" is pretty much clear to the "universal thought"… for man to maintain his DOMINION over all that is created… man must ASSUME POWER… and Power is a paradox… the power we seek… is physical, is human… determined by the physical following! The power we must seek… is SPIRITUAL POWER… to know and understand, that well, you have to work on your relationship with your "thought", followed by ACTIONS!

I am hugely inspired by the person of Jesus, met through religion and experienced through my life's work and my experience has taught me that the power he calls us to experience is "thinking and acting like children of GOD" not SONS and DAUGHTERS of MAN!

GOD created man in his image and likeness and history is proof that  GOD NEVER SAID "MAN IS NOW GOD"! 

I am grateful to Mohan Bhagwat for making a point… and from his understanding HE IS RIGHT and in the conspiracy theory…  of MAN… Man does what he does for outcomes that are human! Here, the battle is FAITH, does one person's opinion affect your faith? If it does… well, it is time to "REVIEW" your personal belief system and align with your experiences in "relationship" to GOD before swearing your allegiance of  to another MAN or WOMAN's version of GOD!

It is interesting, that all those who offended or defended indeed are choosing by their "understanding" of the power of GOD! Do you really think, GOD is concerned with man's version of FAITH. My experience tells me… that GOD created each one of us with a definitive PURPOSE and I believe that once we've found the THOUGHT that makes our FAITH firm, no matter who says what… and who believes what… our faith guides our actions and our actions inspire people to want to dip into our faith forming belief and that is "the point of conversion"… NOT RELIGION itself!.

… there's so much I can say… but what I say… isn't with the purpose of either defending or offending your belief or practice… I am simply putting forth a perspective of faith, that we often MISS in the process of being in a relationship with Religion more often that being in a relationship with GOD!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

God SHE knew

Her dream is to Coach unlimited people across India to practically invest 25% of their “thoughts” in Gratitude.

Over the past 38 years of being here… I have learned personally, through many portholes of trial and error, that there is a method to the madness that we experience and the choice of how to play out the experience is a gift we can choose to receive or GIVE and what we do choose becomes our path!
The story of the SELF as experienced through the powerful vibration of Gratitude… or what I now Understand is the OBSERVER story… is more powerful than the story we can every write about ourselves… personally… because we see ourselves as a product of being HUMAN… Creation sees us as an evolved version of itself… and that is beautiful!

Here’s the story as I was told about ME… and I FELT for the first time…

“She was born of two very powerful creators, each of who KNEW their role and did the things they were supposed to do… for her to grow into the person she was meant to be”
She didn’t understand the powerful creator she was, she felt like a puppet with strings attached… till one fine day… she needed those strings no more… she knew she was ready… she cut the cords of dependence… she sat in a corner… the story she told herself… “This is it! Its now time to be #ME”

She evolved… without strings… she first chose the HAND of MAN… She allowed herself to evolve with the experiences… choosing one mentor after the other… she allowed herself to experience the life of her dreams… this wasn’t enough… she knew for as long as she chose the HAND OF MAN … she was growing into what each experience meant her to be… she played the roles that were given to her… she felt “all-powerful” felt all achieved… but she was not happy… the way she knew deep within her ME that happiness FELT like… and she chose… a NEW HAND… She chose the HAND OF GOD!

God, she knew… knew her by name… God, she knew created her with a greater purpose. God, she knew was her defender protector and path. God, she knew filled her with happiness, joy and a beautiful story of taking the experience and creating forth from it! God, she knew, had her covered… she just needed to say YES!

…. and SHE DID!