Friday, March 10, 2017

Children: the taught or the teacher?

Spirituality isn't "elite" on the contrary it is a collective co-creator energy. Which means, that they who are unaware of their spiritual gifts are KEY MANIFESTORS in the process. 

In the NOW, these are children... frighteningly stepping in adult shoes too early, because, the only rules they know are "I am an ADULT, so YOU LISTEN TO ME" 

Children, their experiences on the Earth especially from Conception to the age of 9 are the sages, really. If we stop long enough to LISTEN to their perspectives. However, COMPARISON has caused us to NEGATE their STRENGTH and FOCUS our ATTENTION on their "SOCIAL ABILITIES". 

Unknowingly, we are REPEATING HISTORY instead of CREATING NOW, with them. 

Blessed to have fantastic examples in my Family and in the children and parents I am blessed to UNDERSTAND. I remember, only last year, I felt it was MY DUTY to CORRECT their path. This year, I am blessed to ALLOW them to be their own teachers. 

It is natural progression that the more we are made to depend on OTHERS the further we are drawn away from our own destiny. There are no WRONGS and RIGHTS here, this is HOW IT IS! 

Parents raise CHILDREN to FIT and STAND OUT in SOCIETY. Which means, continually putting their focus on "conforming" to social structures and status. This process, however, causes the parents to put Society first and their child second, causing stress and creating stressful situations in the home and school environment. Schools have a set "matrix", a "uniform" culture, where HOMEGROWN energies, come together. 

Practically, what we are doing is creating "conflicting" realities for the Children. This way, we're raising CONFUSED adults. 

Focus on your CHILD's abilities, focus so powerfully, that you are able to see him/her as they ARE not who YOU VISION them to be ... SOCIALLY. And you will come to realise... that all they require is to grow up believing they can be or do anything they CHOOSE. 

I don't know where or how I learnt the art... so, I am going to GIVE GOD all credit and glory for the GIFT of being a child with children. Giving them the FREEDOM to express themselves, let them choose and keep tiny promises to see them as they are, not how they should be. The only "on loop" conversation with them is to ACKNOWLEDGE their "Oh Wow" and add a dimension of How many ways they can do the same thing and letting them choose which one makes them feel more confident.

A tiny example, my Nephew Veer, felt PRESSURED each time we used the word STUDY. He would switch off, to him STUDY means "always being told what to do", no fun and so, the moment STUDY came up, he would have enough to do's to delay. He is a kid who loves reading, so it was a challenge to help him see his books in the same light. Last summer, we decided to have some fun, while he was with me (In his mind, I am not his teacher, I am just someone who allows him to do what he chooses, he is free to be himself with me). So, we decided to simply lay on the bed and read chapters from his book. "let's read" time... he had the choice to cuddle up and read, rest and read... no learning. I explained to him, that he didn't need to study, just read. We would both take books and read together, ONE chapter from each subject :). 

In three days, a new found excitement about reading, Veer, realised, that each time he read the chapter, the more he "needed" answers. Raised his Questions about what he read (I had to read his chapters too... I don't know everything). He would give me his book to read aloud to him (rules for him are rules for me too) and I would make mistakes and HE would correct me (gave him confidence). 

It is NOW his BEST FRIEND... Reading... not something he will remember being taught, yet, is a part of HIS STORY. I imagine him, wanting to lie down and read in school...  only part that scares me sometimes... is him teaching others the same trick ;) 


Sunday, March 5, 2017

We actually have a lot to #Thank #BJP for.... A lot!

Reflecting on the positives… is a gift we often miss in the rat race to get through one more day of Surprises!

It is my observation, though, that the BJP have achieved what they NEVER set out to do… Awaken India to the Paradox we ARE and Power is NOW clearly with the people.

Fear has become REAL and our ability to respond has become legendary! We are learning that, while the Social Fabric is shifting, so are WE. During the Congress regime, we, the people of India, became complacent, allowing ourselves the pleasure to do what we deemed fit to survive. In the BJP regime, we are becoming AWARE that we are simply SURVIVING one "order at a time" and so, we're living each day, knowing the rules WILL BE CHANGED, even if it is meant to SERVE a FEW… it will eventually SERVE US ALL!

We are now, engrossed in the CHAOS, that we hardly find time or money or the opportunity to engage as much in OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS… we're actually finding ways to work together! People are collaborating more to utilise their STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITY THREATS to establish themselves in the NOW!

In a conversation the other day, while we debated on "reservations", the wise confidence revealed to us the paradox and it was a FLASH of PERSPECTIVE. When reservations were first "employed" was to bridge the gap between the ELITE, them who were socially, by lineage and legacy handed over the "charge" and DELETE, them who had the "charge", yet not the power to implement. So, it was a good thought and a noble one. However, reservations also opened the PANDORAS BOX of "CLAIM" without "RESPONSIBILITY", which is why today, we have more people in places of "power" by CLAIM, not CHARGE (the energy to LEAD). Simply put, the deserving intelligence for whom these reservations were made possible, for a larger number of US to be included in the democratic process, #FailedByChoice. They, who should and could and must "use the reservation", continue to choose NOT to stand up and be counted. It is also true, that ENTREPRENEURS have seen the opportunity and the financial abundance to create a MONEY LACED path, too few who deserve can afford and those who can afford DO NOT DESERVE!

In the middle of all of this… FARMERS… have much to teach all of us…They sow seeds! We are just getting too used to "InstaGratification", we miss the journey from the SOIL to the SOUL!

It is also clearly evident, that they are effectively laying the foundation (they aren't aware of, I guess) what I call "Alchemy of Religion"… even though their own firm foundation is, the path of Hinduism ( a fascinating detailed description of HOW to live, while on Earth and a wonderful infusion of vibration made VISIBLE to experience Creation through CHOICES), they are actually, causing #religion to diminish and patriotism to EMERGE as a uniting factor.

Being Indian is getting a makeover… and all of us are a part of the CHANGE. The more a RELIGION is targeted, the greater the UNION of the people within it! I see more people speak up about that which their religion proposes FOR ALL HUMANS equally, there is a surge in CHILDREN being taught the BEST PRACTICES within the COMMUNITY, to firmly GROUND them RELIGIOUSLY. Isn't it amazing, when you listen to a child speak of God as a friend! It makes my heart HAPPY… so happy.

The money crisis actually created more family time! Also, the focus shifted to managing our homes with the little money we had available to us. Getting used to " Being Grateful for what we do have"! Wow! No matter how many workshops I have done in the last 6 years… #SantaWorkshop2016 #ExperienceUS is my favourite! Each day, we learned, we COULD ACHIEVE in small numbers, both financially and people and expenses… We survived the PARADOX and we EXPERIENCED US! The power of LESS is MORE. Power is a GIFT, not an "ACCESSORY" to be flaunted.

When we are disillusioned, with the ways of the world, it is an opportunity to see the world from the eyes of the CREATOR… in this way, the NOW makes sense… and the prayer becomes a HEALER … now I truly understand "Father Forgive them, for the KNOW not what they do"… is actually YOU through them and not about what they THINK/IMAGINE and STRUGGLE to ACHIEVE! "For the POWER, the GLORY and the KINGDOM IS YOURS, NOW and FOR-EVER"

Thank you, BJP, I wish you ALL THE BLESSED, for GIVING me the OPPORTUNITY to SEE you and that which you do through the POWER-Filled vision of Gratitude. To understand your ROLE in the "Alchemy of Religion", you have caused us to "think Indian, think India and Be India and Be Indian" for this you will always be in my prayer "May you continue to be used by the Divine for God's work! You have no idea how much you have UNKNOWINGLY done to bring US, the people of this Esoteric Nation into alignment with the NOW. I pray that God, continue to use YOU to awaken us"

Friday, March 3, 2017

Back to writing... Today!

Hey! I know you haven't missed the blog... I did not either... to sum up the GAP between "24th February 2015 - NOW"

"Transformational" ha ha... been dealing with LIFE! Took a break to experience life "in the face".

I hope to be back to writing... because "I love writing"... I also love talking... so maybe... today is a brilliant day to begin again ;)

3rd of March has always kinda been #MyDay ;) Not because I was born... yet, because my Angel was born today, My Nana. I know that sounds #Awww... but is true! She is my "Inspiration" for all my Earth Stuff...

Just for kicks... my latest fav ;)