Friday, November 15, 2013

DeePositive November Reigns!

There comes a time... to stand still and thank... #November is that month for ME!!

12th November 1997: the birth anniversary of my personal guardian angel in heaven and my journey of Gratitude & Faith completed 16 years... knowing it was a life class... feels like I graduated with honours!

16 years ago on this day... I experienced the first "death" of a person... I felt I could never live without... someone who taught me most about what I was meant to be and that which I was meant to DO... event-YOU-Ally
This is the day that Gratitude and Faith... changed meaning... from FLESH to SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE! Death of the Flesh Anniversaries... change meaning, when you connect with the soul purpose of the WHY of the person in your life!
Happy 16th Anniversary of being with GOD Nana! I don't miss you, because I know you're empowering me to be ALL THAT I CAN BE everyday in every way!
A lot of people ask me... "HOW I STAY SO POSITIVE" and today, as I remember my NANA... I recognise, that it is my life's greatest turning point, breakthrough, blessing... that for as long as she was in the flesh... she taught by example of BEING Gratitude and Faith... in the flesh. And the day she passed on... she became my GUIDE and GUARDIAN of all that she taught!
I owe my Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive SELF to her brilliant tutoring and her continued spiritual guidance... through my instinct, intuition and impulsiveness
Can't believe... its taken me 16 years... of living with her teachings to recognise her as my HUMAN guardian and experiential guide and now by eternal support in heaven! Ha ha ha... sometimes I think... she whispers through the angels and sends her "i am always around you... Always and in ALL WAYS"

14th November 2013: Children's day... put a new "want" into the cosmic universe... and can feel the joy of its truth and validity right now! I have a strong feeling, this is the NEXT big date to look out for in 2014!! I can feel the energy tell me I’ll be announcing some-thing very very special soon… that will culminate on the 14th of November 2014 into a big piece of news!

15th November 2010: DeePositive Intertainment is now a dream that has taken its own path over three years... and the wonder of being able to sustain for 3 years... confirms that it has a future... written in heaven that will live out its purpose! When I took the plunge 3 years ago, I didn’t know what to expect of the journey, yet, the only firm truth about anything I chose to believe… is that GOD is Chairman… and CHANGE is inevitable. Also, the other very interesting factoid is I kinda knew that I’d have to KEEP IT GOING till 2015 if at all, I wanted to see the BIG FLOURISH! 3 years down… 2 to go!

16th November 2011:DeePositive Foundation was born, with a passion for making gratitude a way of being. Gratitude as a core ingredient of human progress and yes... learning from Gratitude itself, what it means to APPRECIATE as a key driver of social growth. Completed 2... we've already reached over 3,00,000 people with our tokens of Gratitude and Light! Our continued exchange of ideas and energy. What we’ve achieved in 2 years… are what dreams are made of. YOU learn on the way, that it is not about YOU it is all about how many lives you touched and how many lives have felt touched by our work. It is amazing, how, we continue to create magic with Gratitude and with each new idea, what truly grows is the tribe of “gratitude moved” lives. Feel blessed just THANKING the UNIVERSE for the COURAGE and PASSION to create a brand new way of LIFE for both ourselves and those whom we meet through our work.

18th November 2011: Santa Workshop… was announced and we began! Apoorv Ahlawat and Prema Evelyn D’Cruz… EPIC!! Fr. Stanley Co-Inspired with the maddness to allow us the pleasure of making a dream to “appreciate” a reality! Won’t forget that morning meeting with Archbishop Vincent. The meeting with Murphy and the phenomena called Santa Workshop! I remember, being SCARED… when Fr. Stanley told me… “God’s Providence, My Dear, God’s Providence”. It is amazing, how, every part of Santa Workshop, worked out MAGICALLY… self sustained… and a complete experience of “GOD’S blessing” upon the work… like, there were angels sustaining the energy and heaven could practically be FELT! This year… we’re in Season 3 of Tokens of Gratitude and Season 2 of Tokens of Light! 2 years… and 5 Santa Workshop Initiatives… “Gratitude IS Progress” and through our work, we can promise you that Gratitude has PROGRESSED!

26th November 1977: My Grandfather passed on, and many years later, was my first introduction to the DIVINE assistance I was meant to BE! I guess, that was the first time I had a brush with SPIRITUALITY! I was all of 11 i think...

November... a month that has created and sustained who I am... someday in the future... We’ll celebrate ALL OF NOVEMBER as the DeePositive Month of Gratitude!! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The “Myth” about God & Creation!

As I observe the political climate, I see a war coming our way! the war of words, the war of worth and the war that will bring about a change in perspectives. The human race has history, that the times when life is challenged and lost, they rise united. It is thus, a pattern of performance, that before the shift takes place, it is now, more and more, evident that the species of beings are fearing more than feeling and this is causing the deterioration of the very essence of beingness.

As I continue to ask for clarity of thought and a deeper relationship with CREATOR/GOD, I have been blessed to have acknowledged GOD’s presence, not through the external source of the visible truth as is seen by the eye! I continue to experience GOD’s presence through the INNER RESPONSE and understanding I receive. It is my desire now to begin sharing these conversations, knowing, that all of us are asking for the same thing and all of us are turning to IDOL GODS to pray, yet, in the silent listen space of your being, there THE WORD is, still, waiting for you to LISTEN!

We all create from our CONSCIOUS VISIBLE awareness, just as we understand from our CONSCIOUS VISIBLE AWARENESS and so, my sharing, is but my own acceptance that this is HOW I UNDERSTAND LIFE and LIVE it! It is also my conscious understanding, that YOU may choose, in accordance to YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE and HOW YOU LIVE IT! The Choice to share is mine, the choice to understand or reject is yours! May we continue to grow in our awareness of each other as we grow in our awareness of what each other is NOT!


It is the collective fear that the end is at hand, where the premise is faulty is, that this is an act of the creator. That is a myth! It is historically and continually conditioned practices of the human thought that are causing the turmoil in the world. All That Is causing fear is visible to the eye and so, finite visible, as we have told you before, the finite visible is created by the finite visible, human being!

God, is infinite invisible being, which means “without form” and eternal. Man is finite visible being, “in form” and external. The creative source of production is in-finite in-visible, which means “with in-form” or “within form” and creates “with in-form”.

Man created God in his own image and likeness, in accordance to his awareness! The more aware we cause our thoughts to be, the more aware we then become of the “things” we are creating. Every creation, in thought or word or expression or impression or need or demand or greed or any other emotion you choose to act from. Thus, is converted into the manifest/thing that then be-comes a part of your reality!

Weapons, are created with a purpose to kill and by the fact that they are created they must fulfill their purpose “to kill”. Medicines are created with a purpose to “heal” and therefore they must fulfill their purpose “to heal”. And since all of the “individuals/companies” that produce these “things” create them with a purpose to become rich financially, their intent and purpose of creating them is “to sell”. To sell these products, it is important to create a “need” for them and so, we have armies and doctors who are called to be the “medium” of channeling these “things” into the larger majority. They have the power, to choose HOW to use these products and who to use them with.

The point of choice, right through history that is creator given to each one of us. Is the “free will” or “choice” of how to use these inventions. Can we use weapons to do something better? Can medicine heal the human thought? Is it necessary for weapons and the process be used only for destruction, can they, in anyway be used to create life? The  answer lies in the “collective thought” of mankind! The “collective consciousness” the “collective now” the “collective vibration” of creation, pouring forth from our individual choices, grouping together and creating the world as you see it!

If you are asking for PEACE you are asking for the infinite invisible to empower the in-finite in-visible form to identify the areas in which you can CHOOSE peace and in making the in-finite in-visible choice to experience peace you, begin to experience “peace” in your finite visible form.

Mankind, must be reminded, that GOD is not form, GOD is FROM where all form is created, in itself, GOD is infinite invisible and thus, the myth of HISTORY is GOD can be SEEN and THUS molded into the finite visible FORM! All FORM is finite visible created by the ASKING and IN THE IMAGE OF FINITE VISIBLE!

… we will leave now, knowing, we have caused you to desire more clarity. As you continue to ask, KNOW that we will RESPOND through many experiences and yes, the key is to take time out to ALLOW us to communicate through you to you and to the many others who are asking. We ask you to ACCEPT our love and light, as you walk the path of THOUGHT to create WORDS and transform them INDEED into the MANIFEST of FORM!

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS from ALL THAT IS!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My word for the day : CHANGE ;)

We all want to change the world, change our circumstances, change outcomes, change incomes, change status and change countries too!

Change is the ever creating vision that leads us on to the next… the next best option, the next best outcome, the next best friend and the next best feeling!

Change is a KEY to understanding the present moment. We’re asking for change and now, we’ve been gifted perspectives and people. The big question is, are we allowing change or simply observing change.


13 years ago, when I started my professional journey seriously, I wanted change in the way people and businesses function. I learnt from the best possible sources how I didn’t want to run my brand. Here’s the twist, today, I am creating change by making new choices, learning from my databank of memories as an employee and using it powerfully in my experience as an Entrepreneur.

Oh! May I promise you that it really is easy, the key is CHANGE! Everyday, you change how you feel about what you’re doing and how you’re doing and it causes you to change perspectives.

In my journey, there is much I’ve learned from sources that once made me so angry, not so much because of their choice of action but the feelings I understood they were fueling and yes, in many ways they continue to do so. They do it deliberately, to make you CHANGE your mind about goodness and I say this confidently, because I felt the change within me too! I felt the need to isolate people and wish them terrible fates. The change happened, when I understood clearly, that the intent was to divide and communicate, angst and selfish motives! I CHOSE carefully and deliberately not to allow them to seduce me into their emotion and yes… the end, spelt victory. The situation hasn’t changed, the people haven’t changed, the pattern hasn’t changed for a larger community, what really changed is MY perspective!

As I continue to LEARN about CHANGE, I am fascinated, the path to change is ROCKY and MURKY and filled with POTHOLES of EMOTION, held on to! It is brave to still want to walk the change.

Entrepreneurs understand that CHANGE is an OPPORTUNITY, that can be tailor made to CREATE a new vision forward. The KEY is understanding, that VISION cannot be PERSONAL in its larger perspective, it has to ORIGINATE at the INDIVIDUAL level and permeate through to the next level. This next level is your immediate area of influence, your family & friends.

They are the GAME CHANGERS, often providing you with vital clues of NEXT STEPS and areas of CONCERN more vehemently and decisively. They provide the foundation of GROWTH from an IDEA to a REALITY! These sources of CHANGE assist you and love you and are the edge protectors. They give you the necessary FRUSTRATION you need to COMMIT to your IDEA and YES your VISION!

CHANGE is first personal and then everything else and everyone else.

As an Entrepreneur, the path isn’t written in blood, to be followed, in is carved in thought to be created. It just doesn’t turn OUT according to your PLANS, there is much to learn and re:frame as you go along. There is much to commit to in THOUGHT, before the signs of CHANGE appear into your REALITY!

A good start is to THINK CHANGE and EXPERIMENT with CHANGE and CHANGE the EXPERIMENTS according to your learning… you have to keep CHANGE CURRENT… NOW… right where you are! Change is a GIFT you give of yourself to yourself!

The art of CHANGE is more powerful in THOUGHT, you just simply THINK a NEW THOUGHT and LIKE MAGIC… you have begun a new journey of CHANGE…

Know Change| Allow Change| Accept Change| Manifest Change a powerful process of Growth with Gratitude

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS from ALL THAT IS!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: Blessings in “this guise”!

Oh yes, been a while since the Entrepreneur spoke and this post is going to be pretty real. In the journey of an Entrepreneur, there are many ‘Blessings in Disguise” situations and people you learn from. Some of them are “Pure Positive Experiences” yet others are “Pure Positive Lessons”, all meant to grow into their own reality, to exponentially reflect the truth! None, should be dismissed as a goner… till you’ve learnt what they’re meant to teach.

When you work from an intent to GROW WITH GRATITUDE, the obstacles are “thought processes” not people. People only reflect and radiate the “thought processes” of the “collective” and as you continue to accept them as they come, you personally learn, that there are social challenges far greater than “Poverty, Illiteracy, Hunger, Mal Nutrition and jobs” that need to be met.

In my recent and phenomenal conversations with people, wanting to know more about Intern to Entrepreneur” this is what I have come to learn and these learning's, really, are the solid affirmation that I have to continue what I am doing, irrespective of “response”. I have begun a new journey and that is to inspire and empower “Entrepreneurs” with their first big step and to take this first big step, they’ve got to want it, they’ve got to choose it and they’ve got to live from a more inspired and empowered place in their minds first… that the reality of their thoughts may show UP in their lives. It is not about me, it is NOW about them.

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Entrepreneurs Create in the Image and likeness of God and not the image and likeness of God:  Sometimes, we choose, to play GOD, creating GOD in our own image and likeness, which is the folly of an entrepreneurial journey, the truth is that we as entrepreneurs learn from our ventures how to ALLOW growth, both for ourselves and those that come in connect with us. We unlearn all the “management jargon” to ACCEPT that our ventures must continue to create, ripples within us, to keep us “creating”. We first choose the outcome, then figure out, through experiment and experience “how” to reach that outcome. We don’t always have the PHYSICAL ANSWERS yet, we derive them from our experiences, we learn all the time, we innovate to sustain and grow. These aren’t tangible “things”, these are infinite in-tangible, born of a “growth mindset” not “grow mindset”.

Entrepreneurs, take the RISK of CONFIDENCE in their VISION: Every Entrepreneur, has a beginning, that is filled with “circumstantial evidence of growth” possibilities. Once they take the plunge and are on the other side of the fence, the initial dilemma is “that the grass is greener” on the employee side of life, where cheques walk in to your bank account and money is around at regular intervals. It is the Entrepreneurs confidence in the SELF and in the AD-VENTURE, that is the “power backup” of the un-learning process, getting out of the employee mindset, takes atleast 6 months. if not more to adjust to! It is often “fear” of “”no money in the bank” and “bills to be paid” that breaks the vision.

As a survivor, I learnt that practically. It wasn’t easy yet it was fun, I took 3 detours in the process : 1) Everytime I felt “poor” I’d take a pen and paper and write what it felt like to create a brand 2) I wrote a book K.A.A.M guided spiritually to a new Know.Allow.Accept.Manifest the idea, the brand, the waiting and the divine timing. I found, that Gratitude, that has been present all my life, was leading me to be able to THINK BIG, before I began what I now call my DeePositive Journey. 3) fallouts, drawbacks, depression, poverty all knocked at my thoughts, wanting to drown my “vision”, as I look back, my fears, my deepest fears were surfacing and I had the CHOICE to treat them as real or accept them and let them heal. My greatest gift, well, accepting that these “fears” were deep within me, being brought into my awareness for the simple purpose, letting me know, that they existed, then when I saw them with gratitude, they unfolded into “healing my fears” making me MIND READY to grow the vision. I learnt that my VISION was far greater than my fears, each time a fear cropped up and I can promise you they did, lots of them, those who know me closely, know that I have had my share of tears, fears and tantrums, I felt so alone so obsolete that I wanted to go back to my comfort zone, being an employee! Thank God for Gratitude, thank God for a deeper understanding, Thank God for Angels… I took a leap of Gratitude in 2010, today I am co-creating at the speed of Gratitude and I love it! Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive my anchor and vision.

Entrepreneurs, are take Responsibility or Response Ability of their CHOICES:,Growing with Gratitude is a gift to every human being, based on their CHOICES. Entrepreneurs live through it, to tell a success story or fade away. An Entrepreneur makes new choices everyday, born from their inner vision. One of the key attributes of an Entrepreneur and a wonderful way to KNOW the difference between and entrepreneur and a businessman/woman is the ability to be “inclusive” in success and “exclusive” in failure. An Entrepreneur, takes failure as a lesson, a personal lesson, it is a gift really. Failure, in the KNOW of an Entrepreneur, is the gap between Vision and Execution, a personal learning. Where as Success is a bridge built between vision and execution. The Entrepreneur HOLDS the vision before all that is, always and in ALL WAYS! It is important therefore, to KNOW, that the RESPONSE- ABILITY comes from a deeper understanding of the vision. If the actions in thought word and deed don’t match the vision, the VISION, ceases to INSPIRE AND EMPOWER growth, the brand, doesn’t need NEW PEOPLE, it simply needs a new vision. As an Entrepreneur, you embody the vision, you are the vision, that every team member draws from, so, you should actually be the perfect example of what your company stands for. If your CHOICE comes from VISION, you will automatically create an “inclusive growth” environment. When the VISION is OUTSIDE of YOU or you see INSPIRATION and EMPOWERMENT of your team as an OBSTACLE, you begin to desire “exclusive growth”, this cramps your ability to respond with vision. Looking for “scape goats”!

Blessings in “this guise” , assist the inner growth of the Entrepreneur Mindset, this is another perspective, merely another perspective to meet the entrepreneur within you. In my learning, the odds have produced more results that the expected. I still choose, the VISION, for the vision is the guide to tomorrow I may not live to see, yet, that will I leave as a memory, shall grow, for GROWTH is Intentional, it is Infinite, it is Invisible, Omnipresent and Omnipotent… all of out choice and all in “this guise”.

How you perceive it is how you receive it!: Dee

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: I ACCEPT!

One of the key challenges of being an Entrepreneur, is the ability to ACCEPT the challenges and the thoughts without judgment knowing very clearly, that the vision creates from scratch all that needs to be DONE and delivers them unto you for the completion of the project.

Now, considering that I practice Gratitude as a core foundation intent in all my work, does not take away the challenges that present themselves to me or to the project at hand. Sometimes, Gratitude delivers unto you the greatest challenge of all “TO HOLD THE VISION in THE MIDST OF DIVISION”. This is a key practice in the alignment required to move from a BUSINESS person to an ENTREPRENEUR!

Business, well, anyone can do, the best in business are children. They know what to say and who to say it to, to get immediate results. However, in the case of an Entrepreneur, more like the PARENT of this child, immaterial of the profit or loss, must hold the “grown up version of the child” and chart his/her path for maximum outcomes when he/she turns 18! The path isn’t always all “green” there are patches of barren, there are needs that must be met, there are finances that must be planned and there is a vision that must be at the core of the up bringing. You have to match your vision, everyday to make the picture clear, first in your own mind. This radiates from you and becomes part of the mindset that attracts all that is required to complete the picture.

Entrepreneurs, I understand, have the keen ability to create a future in words and then, steeple chase through circumstances to get to the final “big picture” or the VISION! There is an INTERNAL ability to see the OUTCOME more often than the OBSTACLE course to get there. The Gratitude technique gives you the the prowess to HOLD ON TO THE VISION, even though the NOW of it is filled with CONTRADICTIONS!

I ACCEPT is a powerful affirmation that assists you in making PEACE with the CIRCUMSTANCES without losing FOCUS on the VISION/OUTCOME!

Here’s what I mean:

When I took up the Intern to Entrepreneur Idea and made an initiative out of it, I ACCEPTED, that there were people who would JUMP for an OPPORTUNITY to grow their lives. Be confident of investing in themselves and take this opportunity to grow their lives and grow their dreams into realities. I smiled, my intent, clear, to create a powerful and new eco-system of Gratitude Growth with the core values of Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive!

I ACCEPT that they are scared to KNOW that it is true! They have more evidence of scams, they have more evidence that if it is as cheap as Rs.5000/-  there is a hidden agenda!

I ACCEPT that we’re learning too! Goodness doesn’t have as many takers as GOOD FEES do!

I ACCEPT that they won’t TRUST us to DELIVER on the promises. They’re more aware of promises that come with BIG TICKET fees that seem more promising!

I ACCEPT that everything is going according to a DIVINE HEALING plan! That for a lot of people, just the exercise of filling in the application maybe all they need to feel confident about themselves AGAIN and that will be a new beginning.

I ACCEPT that every delay is created by the intent, people are moving towards SELF CONFIDENCE, still not being able to truly trust their own instincts, leaning towards RESEARCH and TRENDS! Something as new as this, WILL TAKE DIVINE TIME, to make a place in peoples’ thought, then their word and finally their actions.

I ACCEPT that the signs of delay in the office set up and functioning too are divinely guided by Gratitude, it is OKAY, the office will come together by design, when the interns show up. The space is for them, they will inherit a PERFECT space to grow their IDEAS!

I ACCEPT that I was meant to create an initiative and share, it is an individual choice to be a part of it. It is now PUBLIC PROPERTY and those who are meant to grow from it, by CHOICE, will find it.

I ACCEPT that the challenge is to breakthrough the mindset FREEZE and open windows of individually inspired and empowered ACTION. The OUTCOME is a CHOICE that the INTERNS will make for themselves.

I ACCEPT the new ideas of growth coming my way and focus on how to maximise the reach and inspire and empower others to CHOOSE a beautiful new life for themselves, knowing that the CHOICE is theirs to MAKE, mine is COMPLETE in providing ANOTHER WAY for them to GROW!

I ACCEPT that Gratitude, Dedication, Enthusiasm, Empowered Action and a Manifest of the promises we’ve made is my PART. Wanting it for themselves is their part.

Above all I ACCEPT my place as Co-Creator with the greater ASK of all times, to create a brand new future! It is my deepest intent ONLY to take the journey of Gratitude towards the VISION of a Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive business eco-system that will create a KNOW of personal, professional, social, local, national and global vision of abundance! There’s enough for everyone to live abundant lives, it is now time to ACCEPT it!

As I complete this post, I have learned something invaluable from it, that there is a powerful feeling of Gratitude that is filling my confidence RIGHT NOW, willing to surge ahead and do what I do best.

There is greater growth in acceptance than expectance!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Intern To Entrepreneur: Application


Download the Application Here

Entrepreneur Diaries: A weak week can be a boost a tweek ;)

So, another week has passed, I have had to extend the dates for the applications. The office, takes its own time to feel complete. People are telling me that it isn’t possible to do good, AGAIN! There are those waiting in the wings to watch what happens. DeePositive is like a giant screen that people are watching, growing with and love. Like a  block buster movie, and everyone wants to be invited for the premier!

“Oh! How impatient you are” is an oft repeated thought in my mind. When you begin a journey, there is excitement about the destination, here the destination is introducing Entrepreneurs into the network! So, for as long as the only OUTCOME is the Entrepreneurs, the impatience is about WHO they are going to be, how I am going to plan their 365 day journey and WHY I am really really doing this?

Delays seem to perfectly work for me right now, the commitment was made the day I decided to put my savings where my office now is, the blessed assistance of a special vendor who has become family, helping me take that BIG STEP. Then comes the setting up of the office, there is a lot of “cheque work” and then there are things that happen around you that begin to give you a comfort level like no other.

Delay has opened up many moments of miraculous THOUGHT that have converted into very special things, having two new team members and the tribe is growing. The co-inspired path is another revealer, while my impatience has been niggling and nudging me into a place of BEING OK, which I often turn to, impatience makes me very very snappy! There is another part of me that absolutely is drawn to #GratitudeTribe on twitter, this exercise, that began with a tweet from Pri introducing Mehul and I on twitter on all things gratitude, the words that came to my mind, has become daily practice, just hash tagging a thought with #GratitudeTribe, fills me with much energy and excitement.

We’ve now decided to move the first batch to JULY, knowing that JUNE is going to be so hot! All the AC’s in the world won’t make life comfortable for all of us, unless, we’re in one of those posh buildings that have central cooling. Yet, our office is going to be home to many vibrant people, creating their dream ventures and building life changing ideas. Super exciting and very tempting to want to start NOW, then again, everything created has a perfect time. The time, is decided by thought and manifested INDEED!

Growing is a gift you give yourself and Growth is the OUTCOME of this giving!: Deepanjali

Growth and Growing are two different aspects, Growth is visible the OUTCOME. Growing is about creating yourself in the image and likeness of the OUTCOME. May sound simple, yet, it is a most oft missed opportunity. #WordVibration is another very important factor, the tone in which something is thought or said, becomes the FOUNDATION on which an outcome is built.

In the process of Growing You are called to the SELF and the more you meet the self, you create the self, needed to make your venture or idea a market ready concept. What we are going to be to doing, is creating entrepreneurs of individuals, by first associating their mindset with Growing, themselves in Gratitude, before they sow their “entrepreneur” seeds where the growth will be their company.

Some tips that will help you when you’re setting up office:

  • Keep it simple: when you think office, know that this is a space where you’re going to be spending quality time, in THOUGHT WORD and DEED, it has to feel good!
  • ASK FOR HELP! You may think you can do it on your own. Remember, you have limitations and you need to focus on HOW of things happening, there will always be brilliant help, if you dare to ask. Sometimes, the deal is waiting for you to accept.
  • Buying furniture, keep it minimal, an office is like a home, too much and it looks crowded, too less and you feel poor! Make it a workable space.
  • Wifi is a first, it is convenient. However, if you’re calling AIRTEL, like I did. You ought to know that the sales team is brilliant, make it all sound so easy and they are extremely FAST at the beginning, their idea is to make the sale and start your trip. The key is in the know, that the salesman, will disappear once the sale is complete. What you’ll be left dealing with is a bunch of “pass on the buck” lot that can make it very very trying to get anything done! Professionalism lasts only till the verification call, after that, well, you’ll have to find your way!
  • Keep the pantry area, sacred, make it up if you have to, but remember, that this is a place where you don’t want your team to be spending all their time, you need it to be, yet, it should simply be a functional space which does not interfere or get too attractive. Ha ha ha ha, I loved the pantry in most of the offices I’ve ever worked in, the coffee machines, the food, well, if you’re me, this is an area you sure must have, yet, keep it minimal.
  • Your own working space, I speak, for the entrepreneur, should be isolated a place where you are free to put on your THOUGHTS and make Strategies of them, this is sacred space, make it for yourself and fill it with love and empowering objects of sight. One Table and Chair a few shelves and a vision!

Just a few thoughts to get you started! Now am off to a day of settling in the LOOK of the office, taken 20 days so far and still much to be done!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The missing MiNK in the IPL KINk ;)

I am a die hard CSK follower, have been so from season 1 of the IPL. Even in this moment of “oh my god”, when most followers will see it for what is being shown. I have a feeling, that we’re missing the whole point of this “drama”, it is the CHANGE OF POWER that will happen every 3 years, pre-auction time, for a simple reason, if power stays too long in one place, there is going to be “HOLDING”!

The IPL is a concept that was created to grow cricketers and became a harvesting ground for the moolah along with cricket! Meant to lean on the laurels of the BCCI, it has become the ARROW that has pierced through the BCCI! It has become a PAPPU in the BCCI power share game!

Some questions that starkly relay the story that they refuse to let the media debate!

1) Srinivasan owned Chennai Super Kings before he became president of BCCI: I am not saying this, here is where it is written! Why the NOISE now? When he was given charge of the BCCI, he already had CSK, the BOARD should’ve THOUGHT THEN!

2) The fact that the two teams implicated and snooped out for “SPOT FIXING” are both, the most consistent teams of the IPL! The one who stands to benefit most in this dram from the IPL point of view “Mumbai Indians”.

3) The arrests begin in Mumbai, the main sources are all “mumbai”! Are you saying that Mumbai is the HUB of the BOOKMAKERS and BOOK REVEALERS and is CLEAN?

4) Vindoo the only winner of “Bigg Boss” who hasn’t got too many assignments to this day! Could it possibly be the NO WORK that landed him with the “jack” assignment? Did no one notice, that he was also present at other matches too! He is the “opener”. The hands that hold the opener, is the REAL one we ought to reach!

5) From the IPL perspective: why have the two most consistent teams been targeted? Rajasthan is safe, under the Lalit Modi wings and CSK is too strong a team for them to be shaken by allegations! These two teams have been most watched and most followed in the 6 editions. Chennai Super Kings has retained their best team, which is why they have built a strong team. This BAN CSK chant, will make way for all members of the team to return to the auction pool and be divided among other teams. The other possibility is that now that Sahara has pulled out of the Pune Warriors, his next aim, MAY be to buy CSK from India Cements! #JustGuessing. The cat that stands to gain from the controversy “Mumbai Indians”. The quietest of the lot!

6) Funny that there are no voices of the other franchise owners? Afterall, they too have heavily invested right, they should be the ones screaaming the loudest. They are silent and their silence must have REASONS! They are most hurt by the implications and the chances are that every franchise has skeletons, the moment they “speak” the bones will make sounds. These sounds could open up a pandora’s box.

7) Senior Players are silent, almost like they’re seeing their careers under a scanner, trying to remember faces of people they’ve taken pictures with, wondering if their mindless chatter could’ve possibly been with a bookmaker. Now, no one tatoos their profession on their forehead! And wondering, if the police were asking questions that pretty much had “obvious” answers! A moment, when all of cricket in India is under the scanner, especially the ones, that could’ve done better. Or the ones, who have done better!

8) the BCCI perspective déjà vu moment, 3 year bermuda triangle, where power changes hands. The centre of it all, the IPL, if nothing happens by chance, the truth is, nor is this! Shashank Manohar, becomes INTERIM… then the new BCCI chief announced. This time, all the stories and if’s and but’s are pointing towards Arun Jaitley, and this comes to pass, then are we looking at BJP power in BCCI? Could this be the place for alternative careers for the ebbing BJP! Could this be the next place where they gather to gain power! Quite visibly so, they aren’t making waves in the political arena, their strategy is clear… oust CONGRESS! Here, in the form of Rajiv Shukla, the Congress does get an important position… IPL commissioner… yet, speaks not in the tone or the body language required, to hold the IPL fort! Could we be seeing  Narender Modi, heading the BCCI in 2016, probably, the next BIG SCAM of the IPL revealed then! According to history!

There are more thoughts coming to me, more questions I’d like to ask, have done some on with my #tweetfix, however, the most voracious won’t answer questions till they are sure, it makes them feel good!  I am just a girl, who began following cricket, the day that a certain MSD caught my attention and holds it to this day. If the math is simple, then why is the “media” not seeing it? Could it be part of the unrevealed back door strategy to ensure that the power term in the BCCI has to do with the IPL? Or is the  IPL the scape goat, born a CONCEPT now a CON-SPECK!

The media tells it to you like they want you to react, question is, we need to read between the KINK and feel the MiNK, stamped VISIBLE and allow ourselves a few new perspective thoughts forward.

As for CSK, well, they’re an absolutely fabulous team and that is why they will have my complete and utter love. I tweet and they meet my tweets by responding with wickets or runs, love them so totally, my team.I don’t know what you’re thinking…. this is what I have to say, what you think, will be your perspective. We live in a world where marketing is champion… this time, maybe, marketing has won! If we don’t start to REVERSE and find the beneficiary we will continue to see things and respond to them like we see them.

THINK… are the people failing the concept or the concept failed to motivate the truth! Your Perspective… Your Reality!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: Unlearning to Learn

When the journey of entrepreneurship begins, the most dangerous partner to your vision, is your CHECKLIST! It’s an extra-marital affair, a short term fix. So, be cautioned, you will be attracted to it, tempted by it and yes, you may need it sometime but, you must always be more aware that you don’t get #spotfixed and cheat on your vision.

Now, on the face of it, if you DON’T HAVE A PLAN, you don’t really know where you are headed, atleast, that is what we’ve always been taught or rather, every boss expects a plan, she needs to know what you’re going to do. Plans, Goals, Checklists are the perfect trap to keep you needing proof of growth. Well, even when you meet clients, they want to see HISTORY of HOW before they even consider that you may have potential. So, every new entrepreneur, me included 3 years back, struggled to create a checklist of Must Have and Goals, clearly defining the future of the business.

These plans, checklists bait become the basis on which you view your dream. More often than NOT, this invites you to SOURCE FUNDS and the moment your IDEA depends on funds, your IDEA becomes A FUND-RAISER a short term fix, in the LONG TERM, the idea becomes the “FUNDS” it has, all else, including you, are compromised to follow the BOTTOM LINE!

Lesson One to UNLEARN : “No one invests in an idea, they invest in the revenue the idea generates”: Deepanjali Rao #fact

Lesson Two to LEARN: “Stay Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive about an idea and the path will find you”: Deepanjali Rao #truth

Your idea isn’t important and will never be important and significant unless it clearly shows HOW THE MONEY WILL ARRIVE and WHERE THE MONEY WILL BE SPENT and WHO WILL SHARE THE PROFITS. The first question most people ask is “how are you going to make money?”, so, you have a great idea, then idea can’t serve you dinner, get realistic, you need to sustain yourself”. The word sustain, can be a pretty powerful word that makes you change more than just your mind. People will tell you that if you don’t have a FINANCIAL BACK UP, don’t even venture into adventure of running something of your own, the world is UNKIND to those who don’t transact in cash! Then again, unless you unlearn this #fact you will live a SHORT TERM, REVENUE TERM!

What you need to learn, is that the idea give to you. Has you as the protagonist and will grow in tandem with your KNOW about it. Every idea has the potential to grow into a grand business proposition, yet, the most important part of the idea is YOU, the seed of the idea. Remember, you are the seed, the idea came from you! YOU and every thought, word and person that comes to YOU will be the most important ingredient to your AD-VENTURE of creating with your VISION! You will always be the FACE, THE VOICE and the VISIBILITY of your idea. Those, that will help GROW, will find you and you will find them. YOU have to trust yourself with the OUTCOME! It is NOT about the money or the matrix, you are the matrix through which all that you’ll ever need to BEGIN and GROW!

I am not saying, it won’t be a lot of fun if other people were to INVEST and make it CASH RICH to GROW INSTANTLY! Then again, there’ll be a time, LIKE NOW, when ORGANIC is sought after! There will come a time, or really has come a time, when IDEA & CONTENT, is getting recognised and life is getting re-organised. So, start slow, start seeding, yet, remember, creation is instant, creating requires YOU!

The MOST IMPORTANT EVER… delete the “REGULAR" and IMPROVISE! You’ll be surprised with the outcome. Checklists of Research, follow a beaten path, too many have left their “footprints", the edge you have is to BEGIN ANEW and the BIG INNINGS begins with YOU!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: VISION is your Perfect Mate ;)

Today’s a light in thought day!

I just realised I had a brand new answer to the “why is someone like you still single?”

Smart Mind says: “Oh just tell them that you’re married to your Vision and that you now have two children, Intertainment & Foundation. That your Vision supports you and your children are still too young for you to have an Extra Marital Affair!


The one major lesson you learn as an entrepreneur, especially in the first TRIMESTER ( the first 3 years are the most volatile years) is that the more you become the brand, the brand grows through you and with you. It is a transformational experience both in the way you perceive and how you perceive life in general and work in particular.

A wonderful metaphor for raising your thought to HOW AN ENTRERENEUR should THINK, is to METAPHORICALLY transform your VISION into a LIFE PARTNER, someone you LIVE with 24/7 and may not always agree with or have great success with, yet, appreciate and learn from and learn to live with, over a period of time.

That one moment, when an VISION becomes central to you and you can’t do without it or get cold feet when you need to take action… well that is the moment you make the ultimate commitment, you either MARRY the VISION or ditch it. Divorces in real life, now seem like a sign, that there is a larger community of us who are “relationship claustrophobic” something I realised about myself late last year, and decided to REMEDY with intent in 2013. Fascinated, I am at HOW, one decision to CLEAR the block, has really filtered in many areas of my life. IF ALL OF LIFE IS CO-INSPIRED AND DESTINED, we are called to perspective changes in ALL AREAS OF OUR LIVES.

The Vision creates new relationships, you network, you share, you begin a life together. There is usually not a thought, word or deed, that doesn’t have a connect with your vision. CAUTION: This is the time, when people think you’ve lost your marbles or sold them to the “kabadiwala”, they snigger, they will tell you that you’re dreaming, the world is not a safe place to dream, they want to know how you are really securing yourself financially the most famous question “what is your revenue model”. Everyone, knows your vision, ONLY and ONLY by words, they haven’t met or seen it YET! There are always more reasons to ditch a VISION if you don’t feel like it will give you RESULTS/OUTCOMES/REVENUE and above all, SECURITY! When all of the deterrents haven’t made you change your mind, you are finally and truly committed… and you begin to CREATE with your VISION and that is when the real TRYST with destiny begins! The longer the courtship with vision, the more settled the emotions are… you’ve hated, dated, had your tantrums, been jealous, felt insecure and then comes the BIG MOMENT… Then comes the thrill, you speak, you romance, you make love to the vision, till you begin to feel and know the vision, like it was another person… and ideas are born!

This is the beginning of PARENTHOOD: Vision + You = Ideas

Ideas are like pregnancies, it takes 40 weeks of gestation, then again, there are premature ideas, miscarriages, abortions, surrogacies, 8 month scares and hormonal changes, mood swings, bloating, swollen feet… oh well, this is starting to read like a pregnancy manual! Then again, the truth is, you go through phenomenal changes, when an idea is set to become an identity, in entrepreneurial terms… well, team, revenue, funds, marketing, sales, social media, pr, advertising, engagement, planning and saving up and scrounging! Every tiny detail is felt both emotionally and physically. The fun part is all the ADVICE simply walks in and tears your PLANNING apart, more than enjoying the process, you get bogged down by “CAUTION ALERTS”, so you keep trying to figure out WHAT CAN GO WRONG and WHAT YOU NEED TO DO “IF” it does! You always know, that if the baby is healthy and handsome/pretty, the whole lot of people will love adore and want to adopt it. YOU also figure out, that if anything does go wrong, well, you’ll be the centre of a “pity parade”. It is this moment that you CHOOSE to focus on all the things YOU need to be so that when the IDEA matures and grows into an IDENTITY, the IDENTITY is strong enough to HOLD ITSELF and make you a proud parent.

I must also add here, that as an ENTREPRENEUR in the making, this is the most CRUCIAL PERIOD, everyone expects you to DELIVER and yet, no one can actually experience, what you’re feeling or how you’re dealing with the journey. Everyone, will walk in and congratulate you… they’ll ask questions, expect answers, tell you what you’re doing wrong. Everyone also feels free to recommend doctors and therapies and food and reading material and classes and loads of other “must do”, this is the most stress inducing time for an idea. You tend to get irritable and impatient and the only support you will ever really need though, is in the relationship with your VISION. The ONE most important relationship that gets SEALED is really the relationship with your VISION. When the time comes closer, your vision is the first co-owner, co-creator and co-energy. Your VISION needs you more now, since, the idea, is part of the both of you!

40 weeks is what it takes… and in these 40 weeks, you grow with your idea and feel the idea and breathe the idea and learn to GO WITH THE FLOW of the moment. Whether MALE or FEMALE, these 40 weeks are a given, if you have to GROW your RELATIONSHIP into a LIFE EVENT… a CHILD and GRADUATE from IDEA to REALITY or COUPLE to FAMILY or INDIVIDUALS to PARENTS. This is the time really when you grow from and INTERN to an ENTREPRENUR, a husband to a Daddy or from a wife to a Mother.

Most times, we get so bogged down by the MUST DO’s that we often don’t take time to enjoy the journey! When I look back at the last 3 years of being a parent METAPHORICALLY I am filled with a certain sense of divine intervention of the key “things that happened along the way”

  • I courted the VISION of “I wasn’t created to do small things” since I was 17
  • Been through many relationships really… from Wizcraft, to Executive Access, to Radio City, to Showtime, a flirtation with Freelancing, and got back to Showtime, then Times of India 360 degrees before I got a surprise promotion to Mumbai with Radio Mirchi! Every relationship taught me to love what I did and learn about what I wanted. The vision wasn’t LOUD, it was just there, lurking, waiting for me to choose to COMMIT. The kind of partner that loves you enough to let you know they will always be around till you CHOOSE them above all else!
  • In 2009, I started feeling like I was missing something vital in all my communication I was alone, working everyday towards someone else’s vision. I quit worrying about the future and married my VISION. To take this big step I quit life like I knew it. My VISION promised me everything I ever wanted… a family, friends, feelings and a future. The PROPSAL was simple “hi I am DeePositive, will you MARRY ME!” I said “YES” and the life changes began!
  • In Jan 2010: 27th Jan 2010, I quit my relationship with “radio mirchi” and committed to the DeePositive Vision. 27th was the day I returned to Delhi with the DeePositive Vision, in November the same year, our first idea was born, Intertainment! Strangely it took 40 weeks for me to finally Announce the Birth of DeePositive Intertainment on the 15th of November 2010. ( will need another post to tell you about all that happened ; ) ) The thoughts fears, the stress, distress, changes, advice and shattered state of being. The day Intertainment was registered, was when I formally became a Mother for the first time… glad I has my little sister… Prema Evelyn to HELP me consolidate my RELATIONSHIP with VISION and our IDEA into a reality! That was the day I graduated into what I know now as the term ENTREPRENEUR! The first three months of Intertainment were filled with Congratulatory moments of pure joy… by the time Intertainment was 5 months old, my baby had created a ripple… prodigy for a new born… international clients, international events and well a whole lot of national clients and glory. Intertainment walked strong! The experience so wonderful that VISION decided it was time for the NEXT leap in creating and we decided to have a second one, soon, so that the elder one, doesn’t get all lonely, also, before we completely indulged in stressing one IDEA into being all WE knew we were meant to be! It is a “parent patent” to stress themselves planning the child’s future from the very onset, we however, wanted to parent in a very different style, we knew, we needed more ideas to divert our attention from stressing Intertainment to be our only purpose. And that is when WE took the decision to create another idea, with a more global intent and we chose to create of GRATITUDE, the force that brought us together.
  • Feb 2011, an idea called “Santa workshop” became our second idea that needed to breathe and Gratitude became our intent for the growth of this idea. This time around, courtesy Intertainment and our experiences, it was a more confident and knowing journey of 40 weeks and we knew, that Santa Workshop would only be the beginning, This second idea, we were co-inspiring and co-creating was meant to be more global, universal, more potent, reach more people, change lives, change perspective and create experiences. The 40 weeks that followed our decision, well, we nurtured ourselves, spent quality experiences trying what it would feel like, to expand Gratitude into an identity and how these experiences will change the world as we knew it. Our world and the world we lived in, how both would overflow with Gratitude and create again, from Gratitude itself.
  • 16th November of 2011, DeePositive Foundation was born, proud parents with a wonderful team of God Parents Ashok Singh and Prema Evelyn D’Cruz, our first dedication to Gratitude, “Santa workshop” which we dedicated to Gratitude on the 18th of November and a brand new vision of Gratitude was born, today 18 months later, Santa Workshop is a an overflowing gift of gratitude to us and to those who connect with it. Foundation has created powerful experiences and continues to create through us. Now 18months old and yet, has grown to be known by its own name. Created ripples with Santa Workshop, G.I.V.E, GOLD, L.I.V.E and now with the Intern to Entrepreneur Programme, Foundation has become an identity with its own VISION… and the courtship with Gratitude has become the NEW US!
  • DeePositive Vision is Gratitude and a brand new journey has begun, I graduated from an Entrepreneur to a Visionary, just watching my Foundation chart its own path and live out another vision.

oh… this post has filled me with awe… the metaphor… so perfect… As I looked back at how far we’ve reached, Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered and Positive vision has been a perfect SOULMATE, a LIFE PARTNER without compare! And silly me, I was getting all worked up about being 36 and single! A perspective like this can TRANSFORM into a PERFECT FAIRYTALE, a happy ever after! *sigh*

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: When an Idea sinks in an entrepreneur is born!

The key to beginning is to really start. Every start begins with a THOUGHT, develops into an IDEA and then the more the idea sinks in, the idea becomes and identity. The process, isn’t like a 9 month pregnancy, where the basics are certain. Every identity is unique and matches the frequency of the originator of the idea. Much like a parent child relationship really… and it’s only the beginning METAPHORICALLY!

Today we begin accepting applications for the Intern to Entrepreneur Programme and to be honest, I have a flurry of emotions that I am going through, hormonal changes… ha ha ha… the role I am now taking on is “Vision” Centric and is embedded in the outcome of watching the seeds (interns) grow into trees (entrepreneurs)… feel like a gardener right now… amazed at the preparation that life has given me, to take to FARMING entrepreneurs! Maybe, just maybe, the point of thought or inspiration, none other than “Farmville” which I played till I began working on brand DeePositive!

The intent is pure and in an environment, where “SCAMS” are aplenty, I wonder if people truly have the mindspace to trust their instincts or follow our history to know we deliver blinders with Gratitude. It is now, a public affair, that will take this programme to its outcome. As the SOURCE of the idea, well, I feel like, it is NOW a matter of CHOICE! People will CHOOSE to either BELIEVE this to be true or to DUMP the idea saying “too good to be true”

Yet, my intent is pure, to CREATE a brand new BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM… a word I learnt while talking to students from different colleges, understanding that their fear to begin, began with the powerful “business criteria” made famous by word of textbooks! Yet, most entrepreneurs of repute will tell you, they followed and instinct and the instincts led them to their dreams becoming realities. They will all also have a story about how they almost gave up till they were so committed to an idea, that they learnt the art of following the INNER LEAD. They met with REJECTION too…. just that the rejection wasn’t as powerful as their instinct… they ALLOWED the PRESENT to BE and focused on the future, taking ONE LEAP at a time… even if it meant, WAITING for the RIGHT TIME, instinctively to STEP AHEAD!

I personally believe, that there is a plethora of people, waiting for the RIGHT moment to TAKE A LEAP, what they aren’t sometimes able to comprehend, is that the leap is in “PERSPECTIVE” and “VISION” not “CIRCUMSTANCES” alone. Then again, who really cares about what I have to say… this is another project that will speak for itself, it is now the people’s verdict.

This is how I also felt when I began “santa workshop” in 2011! History repeating itself with a BENCHMARK set so high, that I wonder if I’ll be able to SCALE IT UP again! What is thrilling though, is opening up a PORTAL of OPPORTUNITY to initiate a TINY CHANGE RIPPLE.

Another new day, being an entrepreneur is a blessing… dotted with experiences and grown with victories so tiny, that it is easy to miss out on them. I guess, I am going to have to watch my weight … and wait to LEAP with Victory… have taken the first step… a LEAP of GRATITUDE… now is when Gratitude will show me the way to the ENTREPRENEURS and THE ENTRERENEURS the way to DeePositive.

and yes, may I add, that setting up an office is a THRILL in pieces!

Another successful day begins at the office…

Monday, May 13, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: The Big Inning does have KINKS!

Just watching the carpenters work, is a thrilling feeling, I know that something is happening. This is the beginning of a brand new phase. A little nervous how things are going to turn out and yet I know that there is a divine rhythm in the way things are happening.

When I began my journey to where I am now… 3 years ago, I had no idea, how things were going to shape up. I just knew that there was something I had to do… something, I didn’t know much about and yet, most positively, the only thing I was sure of is the “have to take the risk” part of it! I wasn’t sure of what life would be like without the risk… today… 3 years later… I am so glad I began.

I look back… and the only thing I would’ve done differently, well, I may have started the “Entrepreneur Diaries” as a series earlier! However, I have always believed in Divine Timing of almost everything in my life… so maybe, right now as I begin a brand new entrepreneurial adventure, the time is right again to write again. So, as a gift to all entrepreneurs, I am going to write this column as regularly as possible, maybe, “the thing” I’ll do, just before I leave the office.

Just using the word “office” is a thrilling feeling… every entrepreneur BEGINS with an OFFICE…I have taken 3 years, by choice, to take an “office leap in faith”. I always have felt, that an office is a sacred place where you invest ENERGIES for GROWTH, yet, to this day, I didn’t feel the need to have one. Most of an entrepreneur’s work is really “communicating” and to do that… well, the INTERNET and TELEPHONE SERVICES was all that I have needed so far! Yet, now, with the Intern to Entrepreneur Programme, it is a given, that I need to create a space for GROWTH WITH OTHERS and FOR THE OTHERS that will now be a part of GROWING GRATITUDE really.

It is a given, that in the journey, there will be kinks, an entrepreneur is called to ADJUST the kinks to DESIGN the journey! Most times, this is what we refer to as our “struggle” period and this is the time, when you are more aware of “things that aren’t HAPPENING” for you. This is the phase when FINANCES are your KINK! The kind of KINK, you imagined, you’d sail through, when you began.

Then again, if the VISION is ENHANCED, the KINK is but a STEPPING STONE and I’ve just stepped over a STONE and taken a leap!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Weapons or Weigh Upon Us?

Writing has been one of my fondest escapes and the more I write, the more I discover how vast the spaces between WORD and MEANINGS can be. Discovering within me and around me an Illusion that calls to be recognised, held in front of the mirror and explored.

Mankind is at a point of “RETURN OF SPIRIT”, something not many of us are recognising, the completion of the trinity is at hand and we, the “people” are still looking for TANGIBLE proof!

It is becoming evident as you ride the wave of a more spirit filled knowing of “gratitude”, “law of attraction”, “positivism” that the calling is to move from MASS EMOTION to ME EMOTIONS! I am of the thought that this is the turning point in the way we see the world.

We are called to move away from external circumstances and precisely WHY the external circumstances have become so excruciating that we are often drawn to commit our energy and thoughts to things around us and so harsh are the realities, that even if we were to shut ourselves off from NEWS, well, the information finds other ways to get to to us and infiltrate within and create TURBULENCE. This internal turbulence is the main reason why we are stressed, uneased, always looking out for a scapegoat.

The PURPOSE, is for HUMANITY, US, to see that we need to have more AWARENESS of what is happening within US! Within us is where it all begins!

Weapons is a word I tripped upon and have been tripping on since I realised, that WEAPON in itself, in the physical realm, represents a visual real source of external destruction. These weapon annihilate, humanity. Making it easier for us to PICK EM UP and ELIMINATE external sources of TURBULENCE. While our forces use these same weapons to PROTECT us. The truth is that a WEAPON represents DEGRADATION, LESSER OF.. and eventually MAYBE NONE!

Now, how the word, is constructed in the ENERGY REALM, will give you a deeper more “significant” look at the vibration of the word and broaden your perspective and mine on the powerful weapons at large, unrecognised by the visual eyes, yet, annihilating energy and depleting HUMAN RE: SOURCE (

Human resources, vibrationally, is the “HUMAN REsponse to SOURCE” energy/vision, which ideally means HUMANS responding from a place in thought of who they really are, God Particles in the human form, therefore, from SOURCE.

Just as in an office, every employee is expected to respond from the VISION/GOALS or TARGETS of the COMPANY, so, are HUMANS called to do the same. In the case of humans, well, we all are created by the ONE FORCE, we call SOURCE/CREATOR/GOD, in my new understanding, the “infinite invisible” and we are called, everyday, to tap into the “infinite invisible” and live out the instructions. Which is also why, there is an upsurge of literature and coaching sessions, yoga, meditation, introspection, counseling  and HELP being made available to us, everyday! Inspirational/Motivational speakers are growing everywhere, with the purpose, of moving your thoughts from a place of HUMAN to a CONNECT with the DIVINE. Even the SPIRITUAL TEXTS from the ancient point out to the GENERATIONS before us, the impact points of HUMAN EVOLUTION come from CONNECTING with the UNIVERSAL SOURCE, we’ve come to know in more lay terms as GOD!

Bringing our attention back to the VIBRATION of the WORD “WEAPON”, when you say the word loud a couple of times, there is a resonance, that is if you’re tuned to the VIBRATION of the WORD, not just the WORD. Two words emerge, “WEIGH” and “UPON”, thus revealing to you that in the vibrational realm, even a WEAPON has an external purpose, which, well, we cannot IGNORE, we see the many new ways people are KILLING each other in the flesh. They’ve even begun and continue to use themselves as weapons, to kill! Rape is a huge and very powerful example of the same. 

Where weapon sounds like “weigh upon”, the plural of the same word sounds like “weigh upon us”. Now bring yourself back to your own life, what are the thoughts and feelings that make you EMOTE? Who are the people around you that make you cringe? What is the situation in your life that is causing you to feel let down or drained? What words do you use, that create a void within you? What are your fears? What are you afraid will happen, to you, your family or your immediate surroundings that makes you angry?

Now look around your social set up, what are the events that are causing you to grieve, hurt, anger and feel an emotion that is not from LOVE or of LOVE? What are the events that draw you away from feeling Gratitude for YOU and all YOU really ARE? Who makes you wish, you weren’t alive? What thoughts that are being repeated make you feel scared about yourself and those whom you love?

KNOW, I say KNOW, because KNOW is an affirmative of being DOUBT free! Know that each of these things that “weigh upon us” draw us out  of our natural state of BEINGness, are WEAPONS in disguise. Just because, we haven’t YET, recognised them as WEAPONS it does not mean they are not at work.

Think back… before WHAT WE KNOW NOW, to have evolved, MAN HAD few EXTERNAL WEAPONS and FEW INTERNAL traumas. As the NEED FOR SURVIVAL became RELEVANT… especially since we’re taught early, that we survive in a planet that BREATHES “survival of the fittest”, the more external weapons we created, the reflection of our external fear also became our internal fear. Our internal fears, created more internal “weigh upon us” and thus, now, if you look around, sickness in THOUGHT, WORD and DEED!

Thought words that “weigh up on us” : Hate, discrimination, lust, power, poverty, submission, war, catastrophe, END.

Words that  WEIGH UPON US: Divorce, abandonment, lonliness, distrust, dislike, scarcity, deprivation, disease… DEATH

Deeds that “weigh upon us” : Rape, Scams, Fraud, Murder, war, fight, anger, scarcity.

KNOW your WEAPONS … Live in Love!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Trinity Assist

If there ever was a moment in time to write what I feel, this is it. The hero behind every success or failure is a CHOICE. I have come to realise that the most powerful experiences are born from choices made at the level of INTUIT.

Intuit, a word we hear often, yet, do not understand the vibration of or understand the magnificence of. The potentcy of intuit, is born from the core vibration of “who you are” and “experiences”. Don’t be misled by the voices in your head as intuit and follow them blindly. Intuit is a BY PRODUCT of the dominant vibration/thought you make choices from.

Now take a simple situation, you have experienced a SETBACK in your relationship: The dominant vibration of your thought is the CAUSES & EFFECTS of the SETBACK. The PERSPECTIVE would be either that of a VICTIM or VICTOR. Since, SETBACK is your main focus, you will invite thoughts, feelings and actions that are born from the vibration of SETBACK! This means you’ve given the SETBACK importance, wanting, waiting, yearning to come clean of the SETBACK. Often, when you’re thinking of a SETBACK, you’re inviting more thoughts that match SETBACK, more words that affirm SETBACK and more ACTIONS that therefore CONFIRM SETBACK!

Don’t be surprised, if you’re spewing venom. Imagining yourself wronged and working towards affirming it. What you’re forgetting in the same process, is that you’re the mirror, the view is yours, the vision is yours, the thoughts are yours, the actions are yours and YES! the OUTCOME is yours.

Now, you may ask “Dee, how do I get out of this?”… if that is the question you’ve asked, well, the healing has already begun, because, you’ve just made a CHOICE… a choice, that says, “I really do want to feel better”.

Now, let’s work on REVERSING another perspective here and see where we go!

Now if we looked at the word SETBACK, there are THREE PERSPECTIVE views, maybe more, but taking THREE is to assist you in understanding the powerful vibration of the TRINITY it represents. The trinity is 3 parts in one all creation is part of the trinity and the trinity is part of all creation and hence, by the law of creation, well, everything created MUST THEREFORE have three parts:

1) YOU, Super Conscious, Creator Vibration, God, Eternal, Infinite Invisible: Mysterious, something you can tune into when the dominant vibration is KNOW

2) He/She/It/They/Them/Those, Conscious, Human Vibration, Man, External, Finite Visible: What you see, feel, smell, hear, taste… is all in this vibration. This is the vibration from which you BELIEVE, the belief is born of experiences and experiments.

3) WE, Sub-Conscious, Soul Vibration, Soul, Internal, In-Finite In-Visible: This is the vibration in which your CHOICES are revealed to you. This is where you CHOOSE from your KNOW or your BELIEVE and this is the space in which you RAISE your VIBRATION. This is really where the secret of all VIBRATIONS are revealed. You life your KNOW PURPOSE or BELIEVE PURPOSE. This is the vibration in which MEDITATION happens. Depth is revealed.

So, now let’s take a look at SETBACK from the TRINITY!

1) Super Conscious: SETBACK has purpose, it is asking you to take one step back and review the LESSON being revealed. In this vibration you will always see the WORD from your CREATOR CONSCIOUSNESS! Just like you and I, words, were created with a PURPOSE… so beautifully told to us in the bible, “and the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst(within) us”. If every word has a creator vibration, we will not be able to tap into it, unless, the vibration from which we seek to understand the word, isn’t in the same vibration as the creator sees it. Therefore, PRAYER, MEDITATION, FOCUS, AFFIRMATIONS, CONCENTRATION and SURRENDER are powerful tools to ASSIST us in reaching the CREATOR vibration of the word. SETBACK, is a beautiful way to assist you in reaching the CREATOR PURPOSE of the SETBACK! When you raise the vibration, you begin to see, how you have attracted the setback and more importantly WHY you have attracted the set back. In this vibration, it is all about YOU! This is a personal vibration, in this vibration, you will begin to understand how YOU are responsible, what choices you have and what it is that you can learn and remember.

2) Conscious: SETBACK, well, there are causes and effects. In this vibration, SETBACK, is a result of the external, the effects of what you SENSE from your immediate and extended environment. When this vibration is active and dominant, we see the causes and effects of the vibration of setback. Feeling hurt, betrayed, abandoned, angry, disappointed, wronged. In the conscious realm, the effects of SETBACK are comprehended by external inflictions. In the conscious realm, we are all connected to each other by how we experience and what we BELIEVE to be true. This is an effect of the “thoughts” of the collective human consciousness and the understanding thereof.

3) Sub-Conscious: The sub-conscious bridges the KNOW|LEDGE gap between the Super Conscious vibration and the Conscious vibration. It is in this realm of the vibration that the balance is revealed. The bridge between what you KNOW and BELIEVE. It is at the SUB-CONSCIOUS level, that the experiences are revealed from the super conscious perspective to the conscious perspective and vice versa, from the conscious perspective to the super conscious perspective. In this realm is when we experience déjà vu, miracles, oneness, balance, why, how, who, what, when and where of a SETBACK. It is in the sub-conscious, that the PURPOSE is served to the asking and purpose is revealed in a SETBACK. It is in this realm that the SUPER CONSCIOUS communicates with the CONSCIOUS and the ONEness is found. The greatest experience of this realm of vibration is in finding the ANSWERS to many CONSCIOUS WHY’s as it is KNOWN to the SUPER CONSCIOUS and meant to be understood. Balance in seeing a SETBACK as a GIFT comes to you at this vibration. For it is the soul vibration, that keeps all the records of thoughts and yes, the things they become.

Most of us are trained by our LIFE EXPERIENCES to ACT upon a thought or word or circumstance in our CONSCIOUS awareness and hence, we’re effected by the dominant vibration of the visible world, the havoc and the hurt. It is natural, therefore, to be drawn into a possible drama of the collective conscious of the visible world and then think, act and BE from it.

So, don’t be surprised, that a larger part of our visible world is shaky and hurtful, they’re absorbing conscious awareness and living from it. The power to change is when you tap into the SUPER CONSCIOUS, a vibration in which you truly and most profoundly see everyone and everything from the creator power and accept that “that which they do, has a PURPOSE. The purpose to AWAKEN to the SUB CONSCIOUS knowledge of the  PERFECT, WHOLE and COMPLETE vibration of creation. Since this is a challenge, especially if you’re GROUNDED in the VISIBLE REALITY and the EFFECTS of the VISIBLE REALITY. The next and most important step you will ever take, is to begin to find ways to tap into your SUB CONSCIOUS and find the balance you need to raise your personal vibration to the realm in which all is PERFECT WHOLE AND COMPLETE or the SUPER CONSCIOUS vibration of YOU!

Now, take another quick glance at your SETBACK and measure for yourself, the vibration from which you are making CHOICES. KNOW that you have the choice to move from  what you BELIEVE to be TRUE, to what you KNOW to be true. Raise your vibration to the level of healing and wholeness and you’ll know then…

That your SETback, is really a SETup to assist you reach a higher level of conscious awareness. Each one of us is individually responsible for raising our personal vibration and in doing so, we, partake in raising the collective consciousness of the conscious visible world.

Take a moment, now, to THINK and THANK for a brand new vibration of MANIFESTING WITH GRATITUDE, AWARE of the VIBRATION from which you’re transmitting THOUGHTS.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Write Vent

One of the most awesome ways to vent, anger, frustration and anxiety is to remind yourself of the age old cliché “everything happens for the best” even though the present moment may be filled with incidents and events quite the opposite. The second step… write and empty yourself of the emotions that are craving attention.

One of the most powerful life changing aspects is to detach yourself with the details and focus on the outcomes. If the outcome is promising, then you’ve got to know that you’ll get there. You won’t know HOW till it has happened. If, on the other hand you can acknowledge the emotions and the notions and the motions you experienced on the way. You’ll know the WHY first and settle in to letting the “infinite invisible” take care of the HOW of things! I have always had a firm and confirmed KNOW that GRATITUDE CONQUERS ALL!! Now is the time to ALLOW Gratitude to do its job, while I bask in the beauty of ACCEPTING that this trans|ACTION (actions of transforming)

It is in practicing all we have ever learnt or taught in our “rock bottom” moment, or so we think it is, there is phenomenal growth in practicing what we preach and preaching only that which we practice. I’ve been “God’s Brat” for way too long to back off and fall out with him. Its crazy but true, that everytime I’ve hit an emotional low, I’ve grown to a brand new high. Gratitude has been my path and will continue to fill my destiny with surprises!

So, you feel betrayed, I do, a lot of times. Then again, betrayal, when seen through the eyes of Faith. Is really a time of rebuilding. Betrayal isn’t external, its internal. We often react from external betrayal syndrome. When the truth of betrayal, is that you chose not to follow an instinct, which has repeatedly did N.U.D.G.E (Now.Understand.Dedicated.Gratitude.Empowers) at you. You saw the signs, got anxious, reacted from the anxiousness without looking within.

Betrayal has been “top of mind” recall for me. today, in the bliss of gratitude, I realised, that the SITUATIONS and PEOPLE were only indicating a LOOK WITHIN YOURSELF, HOW ARE YOU BETRAYING YOUR OWN PERSONAL POTENTIAL! Something, I hadn’t even considered, for so long! I also have a weakness, “I don’t want to hold on but most often I don’t know how to LET GO!” Ha ha … a vital piece of information delivered with so much exhaustion!

Anger comes when you realise, that you’ve been played out! People have called your bluff or you’ve called theirs! Anger is the INNER want to be in control and often comes with a lot of drama. Which is a great platform for the “unspoken” to “speak up” without the fear of repercussion. Anger, is a good thing, really, unless, well, you’ve already been carrying way too much baggage in thought. I recognised, yesterday, that ”my anger, begins with a PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCE and grows with HISTORY” You don’t realise, when you’ve lost the NOW of the anger. It’s almost like, anger, doesn’t feel comfortable when not given enough attention.

Anger, is an emotion that clears the deck, its cleansing in many ways. It reveals your deepest thoughts and greatest challenges. Gratitude, helps in cleansing it from the root! The first thought that makes you angry, is far deeper than the surface, sometimes, so deep, that you are called to be angry more often, till you reach the root of it. Anger has many friends and many deal breakers. The mind is the RESEARCH FIELD for ANGER! The thoughts you’ve acted on or reacted to or created with or created form. All are part of the “mental maths” of anger. The moment the subject is revealed, anger gets together all the possible information and trust me, once you let it pour, you’re in for a surprise!

Most often, for both emotions to flare up is in recognition of their existence. This is true, especially, when like me you’re an explosive blunt and very expressive exponent of emotions, the ride is a reminder, that all is not cleared. The drama, is necessary and vital to the cleansing. Betrayal and Anger as a combination is lethal really!

It is really the betrayal of the self that the anger is more about! Like the mind saying “Silly Girl, it about you. Not them”

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Assume is a beautiful word…

For the last three whole years I’ve learnt to GO WITH GRATITUDE & GROW WITH GRATITUDE in a more practice makes perfect life accepting way. The results are absolutely phenomenal, even to the naked eye ;)

OneNess is a gift, a product of Gratitude in Action and Reaction really, it’s the pause that reveals WHY a particular event or occurrence takes place. The thrill of Gratitude is in the KNOWING of this simple truth. It is true for my experiences, that Gratitude for the KNOWING has triggered a series of events that have in fact brought all of life together and helped me focus on growth.

There was a time, when I would notice updates from other event managers and feel anxious, that my brand is growing pretty slowly. Gratitude for their work, moved me to introspect and these brilliant moments of introspection led to new ideas on what I really wanted to do and these ideas have found shape in building relationships today that are part of my brand growth of tomorrow.

As an entrepreneur, it is essential to keep focused on the vision and make provision for it to grow large enough to accommodate personal growth, brand growth and social growth of the brand and all those associated with it. Assume plays a vital role…. to assume is to make a practiced path forward towards a specific result. More often than not… ASSUME is CONSUMED with “Make Believe” taken literally. The connotation is the essence and you get to CHOOSE and your CHOICE is the path forward to a specific result.

My many assumes are the reason why I have reached where I am. I assumed the roles of my thoughts and have grown. I have learnt to say YES to experiments and experience the results as I have assumed them to play out, keeping a single minded focus on the COMPLETION, as ASSUMED. As I look forward I am reminded how powerful moments of ASSUMPTIONS with GRATITUDE have in fact co-inspired my present learning and knowing.

Often, as an event manager you are called to CONCEPTUALISE an event OUTCOME and all that you do have, to begin with, is ASSUMPTIONS. YOU assume your role in the project as the creator of the final outcome and the plan works out backwards, in every row, is an assumption worked backwards from the result and served to the client. Every detail is assumed.

We assume roles in our lives… we live out many roles in the ACT OF LIVING. We assume the role, then we play it according to the rules of the role as defined by those who’ve ASSUMED the roles before us. Now and again, we make a new CHOICE and with this new choice, we begin a new series of roles and rules. We don’t question the roles or the rules of the role, for when we assume what exists we learn to adjust to the frameWORK put in by history, passed on through the ASSUMES of lineage and we make a tradition of it.

I look at the assumes that have created my life ….

I assumed the role of a responsible elder sister, when my mom made the statement “because you are the eldest you have to be an example to your sisters”

I assumed the role of a student when I began school and to this day I remain learning and reminding myself, that I only need to assume as per my dreams and I am confident that I will fit into the role.

I assumed as a child that “ because Jesus wants it”, then came “everyone is born with a purpose”, “I was not created to so small things”, “Jesus

I assumed the role of a teenager when I turned 13, then I grew to an adult at 18, then I joined the workforce at 19, then an entrepreneur at 33 and now at 36 I am readying my self to assume a new role… wife… and with it comes a whole new plethora of experiences and assumes that will pave the way to the finale when I prep myself to assume the role of a soul in celebration of the completion of the journey we know as LIFE.

I assumed the role of a singer when someone, first helped me recognise I had a brilliant voice, then my first choir experience, then my first solo in school when I came second, then my first choir solo in church, then my first public performance at rashtrapati bhavan, then my first prize for singing in school, then my representing my school at the state level as a singer, my first studio recording for an ad, then my first club singing assignment, then many other experiences of singing… recording my song for the first time and sharing it with my social world and now a new role beckons as a lead singer of a band…

I assumed the role of a writer when I wrote my first poem in school, then my first play, then my first journal, then my first blog post, my first response to a thread of a community, then I learnt to write from my responses, then my first book in which I compiled and shared the simple truth I learnt from our sharing and now a book about experiments and experiences I’ve practiced

I assumed the role of an entrepreneur when we first got together as a group of kids to earn, then with my jobs to learn and now my own brand to practice what I learnt and create my own experiences, which I now share… each time I get an opportunity to speak… each time I speak a new idea is born and with it begins a brand new level of being an entrepreneur.

I assumed my roles as I met them and along the way in accepting these new roles, which my great assumption was, that it will lead me to running my own brand led global corporation on one day!! Today I smile upon the excitement that with an agency and a foundation that a couple of steps have already been taken and the new ones will reveal themselves as I continue to make choices and assume new futures in thought and assume new roles in action. It is this thrilling experience of ASSUMING that leads to innovation and growth. We are blessed to make choices in the knowing that we are a GLOBAL CORPORATION in the making… and this shall be made possible through the many different ASSUMES I will meet on my own path to completion of the grand vision of my soul journey on the earth NOW and then when I am back in the formlessNess of OneNess, through the many who will choose their ASSUME and evolve in creating from another CHOICE a NEW ASSUME for the Future!!

I assume that in sharing this with you, I am sharing the powerful assumes that I am so grateful for and in this recognising… I also accept the many assumes I haven’t written about but sure am thinking about… Assuming with a Grateful heart creates a rainbow of reasons to celebrate life. It is amazing when you look at the world of assume… and how it has played out in your life, you recognise, that the process of assume is the divine driver of all that is part of the visual process. Assume is SILENT GROWTH, without expecting, without demanding… it simply moves you to RECOGNISE the silence of “MYSTERIOUS WAYS OF GRATITUDE” delivering your PURPOSE TO YOU through ASSUMPTION.

Assume is a beautiful word and creates a beautiful world… when we look back and see how Life is a series of ASSUMES…evolving with every choice!!!

Here’s wishing you a journey to ASSUME the YOU, you were created to BE!!