Monday, May 27, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: A weak week can be a boost a tweek ;)

So, another week has passed, I have had to extend the dates for the applications. The office, takes its own time to feel complete. People are telling me that it isn’t possible to do good, AGAIN! There are those waiting in the wings to watch what happens. DeePositive is like a giant screen that people are watching, growing with and love. Like a  block buster movie, and everyone wants to be invited for the premier!

“Oh! How impatient you are” is an oft repeated thought in my mind. When you begin a journey, there is excitement about the destination, here the destination is introducing Entrepreneurs into the network! So, for as long as the only OUTCOME is the Entrepreneurs, the impatience is about WHO they are going to be, how I am going to plan their 365 day journey and WHY I am really really doing this?

Delays seem to perfectly work for me right now, the commitment was made the day I decided to put my savings where my office now is, the blessed assistance of a special vendor who has become family, helping me take that BIG STEP. Then comes the setting up of the office, there is a lot of “cheque work” and then there are things that happen around you that begin to give you a comfort level like no other.

Delay has opened up many moments of miraculous THOUGHT that have converted into very special things, having two new team members and the tribe is growing. The co-inspired path is another revealer, while my impatience has been niggling and nudging me into a place of BEING OK, which I often turn to, impatience makes me very very snappy! There is another part of me that absolutely is drawn to #GratitudeTribe on twitter, this exercise, that began with a tweet from Pri introducing Mehul and I on twitter on all things gratitude, the words that came to my mind, has become daily practice, just hash tagging a thought with #GratitudeTribe, fills me with much energy and excitement.

We’ve now decided to move the first batch to JULY, knowing that JUNE is going to be so hot! All the AC’s in the world won’t make life comfortable for all of us, unless, we’re in one of those posh buildings that have central cooling. Yet, our office is going to be home to many vibrant people, creating their dream ventures and building life changing ideas. Super exciting and very tempting to want to start NOW, then again, everything created has a perfect time. The time, is decided by thought and manifested INDEED!

Growing is a gift you give yourself and Growth is the OUTCOME of this giving!: Deepanjali

Growth and Growing are two different aspects, Growth is visible the OUTCOME. Growing is about creating yourself in the image and likeness of the OUTCOME. May sound simple, yet, it is a most oft missed opportunity. #WordVibration is another very important factor, the tone in which something is thought or said, becomes the FOUNDATION on which an outcome is built.

In the process of Growing You are called to the SELF and the more you meet the self, you create the self, needed to make your venture or idea a market ready concept. What we are going to be to doing, is creating entrepreneurs of individuals, by first associating their mindset with Growing, themselves in Gratitude, before they sow their “entrepreneur” seeds where the growth will be their company.

Some tips that will help you when you’re setting up office:

  • Keep it simple: when you think office, know that this is a space where you’re going to be spending quality time, in THOUGHT WORD and DEED, it has to feel good!
  • ASK FOR HELP! You may think you can do it on your own. Remember, you have limitations and you need to focus on HOW of things happening, there will always be brilliant help, if you dare to ask. Sometimes, the deal is waiting for you to accept.
  • Buying furniture, keep it minimal, an office is like a home, too much and it looks crowded, too less and you feel poor! Make it a workable space.
  • Wifi is a first, it is convenient. However, if you’re calling AIRTEL, like I did. You ought to know that the sales team is brilliant, make it all sound so easy and they are extremely FAST at the beginning, their idea is to make the sale and start your trip. The key is in the know, that the salesman, will disappear once the sale is complete. What you’ll be left dealing with is a bunch of “pass on the buck” lot that can make it very very trying to get anything done! Professionalism lasts only till the verification call, after that, well, you’ll have to find your way!
  • Keep the pantry area, sacred, make it up if you have to, but remember, that this is a place where you don’t want your team to be spending all their time, you need it to be, yet, it should simply be a functional space which does not interfere or get too attractive. Ha ha ha ha, I loved the pantry in most of the offices I’ve ever worked in, the coffee machines, the food, well, if you’re me, this is an area you sure must have, yet, keep it minimal.
  • Your own working space, I speak, for the entrepreneur, should be isolated a place where you are free to put on your THOUGHTS and make Strategies of them, this is sacred space, make it for yourself and fill it with love and empowering objects of sight. One Table and Chair a few shelves and a vision!

Just a few thoughts to get you started! Now am off to a day of settling in the LOOK of the office, taken 20 days so far and still much to be done!

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