Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: Unlearning to Learn

When the journey of entrepreneurship begins, the most dangerous partner to your vision, is your CHECKLIST! It’s an extra-marital affair, a short term fix. So, be cautioned, you will be attracted to it, tempted by it and yes, you may need it sometime but, you must always be more aware that you don’t get #spotfixed and cheat on your vision.

Now, on the face of it, if you DON’T HAVE A PLAN, you don’t really know where you are headed, atleast, that is what we’ve always been taught or rather, every boss expects a plan, she needs to know what you’re going to do. Plans, Goals, Checklists are the perfect trap to keep you needing proof of growth. Well, even when you meet clients, they want to see HISTORY of HOW before they even consider that you may have potential. So, every new entrepreneur, me included 3 years back, struggled to create a checklist of Must Have and Goals, clearly defining the future of the business.

These plans, checklists bait become the basis on which you view your dream. More often than NOT, this invites you to SOURCE FUNDS and the moment your IDEA depends on funds, your IDEA becomes A FUND-RAISER a short term fix, in the LONG TERM, the idea becomes the “FUNDS” it has, all else, including you, are compromised to follow the BOTTOM LINE!

Lesson One to UNLEARN : “No one invests in an idea, they invest in the revenue the idea generates”: Deepanjali Rao #fact

Lesson Two to LEARN: “Stay Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive about an idea and the path will find you”: Deepanjali Rao #truth

Your idea isn’t important and will never be important and significant unless it clearly shows HOW THE MONEY WILL ARRIVE and WHERE THE MONEY WILL BE SPENT and WHO WILL SHARE THE PROFITS. The first question most people ask is “how are you going to make money?”, so, you have a great idea, then idea can’t serve you dinner, get realistic, you need to sustain yourself”. The word sustain, can be a pretty powerful word that makes you change more than just your mind. People will tell you that if you don’t have a FINANCIAL BACK UP, don’t even venture into adventure of running something of your own, the world is UNKIND to those who don’t transact in cash! Then again, unless you unlearn this #fact you will live a SHORT TERM, REVENUE TERM!

What you need to learn, is that the idea give to you. Has you as the protagonist and will grow in tandem with your KNOW about it. Every idea has the potential to grow into a grand business proposition, yet, the most important part of the idea is YOU, the seed of the idea. Remember, you are the seed, the idea came from you! YOU and every thought, word and person that comes to YOU will be the most important ingredient to your AD-VENTURE of creating with your VISION! You will always be the FACE, THE VOICE and the VISIBILITY of your idea. Those, that will help GROW, will find you and you will find them. YOU have to trust yourself with the OUTCOME! It is NOT about the money or the matrix, you are the matrix through which all that you’ll ever need to BEGIN and GROW!

I am not saying, it won’t be a lot of fun if other people were to INVEST and make it CASH RICH to GROW INSTANTLY! Then again, there’ll be a time, LIKE NOW, when ORGANIC is sought after! There will come a time, or really has come a time, when IDEA & CONTENT, is getting recognised and life is getting re-organised. So, start slow, start seeding, yet, remember, creation is instant, creating requires YOU!

The MOST IMPORTANT EVER… delete the “REGULAR" and IMPROVISE! You’ll be surprised with the outcome. Checklists of Research, follow a beaten path, too many have left their “footprints", the edge you have is to BEGIN ANEW and the BIG INNINGS begins with YOU!

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