Monday, May 13, 2013

Entrepreneur Diaries: The Big Inning does have KINKS!

Just watching the carpenters work, is a thrilling feeling, I know that something is happening. This is the beginning of a brand new phase. A little nervous how things are going to turn out and yet I know that there is a divine rhythm in the way things are happening.

When I began my journey to where I am now… 3 years ago, I had no idea, how things were going to shape up. I just knew that there was something I had to do… something, I didn’t know much about and yet, most positively, the only thing I was sure of is the “have to take the risk” part of it! I wasn’t sure of what life would be like without the risk… today… 3 years later… I am so glad I began.

I look back… and the only thing I would’ve done differently, well, I may have started the “Entrepreneur Diaries” as a series earlier! However, I have always believed in Divine Timing of almost everything in my life… so maybe, right now as I begin a brand new entrepreneurial adventure, the time is right again to write again. So, as a gift to all entrepreneurs, I am going to write this column as regularly as possible, maybe, “the thing” I’ll do, just before I leave the office.

Just using the word “office” is a thrilling feeling… every entrepreneur BEGINS with an OFFICE…I have taken 3 years, by choice, to take an “office leap in faith”. I always have felt, that an office is a sacred place where you invest ENERGIES for GROWTH, yet, to this day, I didn’t feel the need to have one. Most of an entrepreneur’s work is really “communicating” and to do that… well, the INTERNET and TELEPHONE SERVICES was all that I have needed so far! Yet, now, with the Intern to Entrepreneur Programme, it is a given, that I need to create a space for GROWTH WITH OTHERS and FOR THE OTHERS that will now be a part of GROWING GRATITUDE really.

It is a given, that in the journey, there will be kinks, an entrepreneur is called to ADJUST the kinks to DESIGN the journey! Most times, this is what we refer to as our “struggle” period and this is the time, when you are more aware of “things that aren’t HAPPENING” for you. This is the phase when FINANCES are your KINK! The kind of KINK, you imagined, you’d sail through, when you began.

Then again, if the VISION is ENHANCED, the KINK is but a STEPPING STONE and I’ve just stepped over a STONE and taken a leap!

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