Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here’s an interesting way to look at it…

… it is almost working up the thought muscles as I write this piece. When a new thought decides to take centre stage and all that you can really do is write it soon enough not to lose it… and share it soon enough so other’s can use it!! Winking smile

I always wondered why I was chosen to be born into a family which has seen all shades of relationships… my memories go way back to the time when I was 3 years old… size of body seems to have some relationship with the size of memory Winking smile. With all the OH SO NOT DESIRABLE circumstances we’ve been through … our smiles are our way of saying “thank you God for the power to overcome and excel in your name”

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Here’s what my awareness has prompted me to understand from my past… my Gratitude to the knowing… allowing… accepting and manifesting the change it brings… within me… and around me!!

  • My Gratitude to their dream of independence… Today we are 3 independent women living lives that would’ve been the three possible routes of living their own… each one of us is a reflective of decisions they took… and the results thereof!
  • Gratitude to their talents… Today each of my talents has a root in their WANTS as young people. I have the joy of passion towards events from my father and the brilliance of natural talents in the arts from my mother and from both of them, a heartfelt connection and appreciation for my grand parents who have added to the flavour of completing me spiritually.
  • Gratitude to their lives… Today I have learnt to deal with life one baby step at a time… prompted by an internal need for evolving into a complete me, they always wished they could be.
  • Gratitude to their dream of health. Today I find new ways to be healthy spiritually that my spiritual health may energise my physical health and in turn radiate into my conscious life on this earth.
  • Gratitude to their failures. Today I’ve learnt to tap into the inner knowing of the way I feel and and have learnt to use it to sustain myself. It is also essential to understand that I have evolved from the awareness of failure as I hear it from them and graduate to the awareness of success, by following my instinct, aware, that my EGO will play spoilt sport, since the knowledge I received from my DNA is of the awareness of lack.
  • Gratitude to their quest for healing their own lives. Today I find myself in the centre of magnetising the healing I need to clear history and the additional resources I need to extend this healing around me. That my own children may evolve from this point onward.
  • Gratitude to their CONFIDENCE in themselves. Today I have learnt to take a stand in awareness of my inner quest for being, un-phased by the circumstantial evidence of life as I know it… that comes from their confidently knowing that inner strength is what got them through to the outer strength to follow through on their inner knowing. I have learnt that irrespective of the circumstances presented to me, the truth of being is greater than what we can see if and only if we learn to focus beyond it!
  • Gratitude to them separating. Today, we’ve had the joy of experiencing them in totality, without any need for us to SIMPLY accept what we’re told to believe. We are able to take a simple situation and read between the lines, learn from it and release the circumstance and live the lesson it presents.
  • Gratitude to their belief. Both my parents are truly the two poles of creation… so distinctly different in their approach to life and to life’s lessons… and as an evolved DNA of their coming together, the three of us are equally poles apart in our understanding and living of our lives.

I could write a book on the subject with the knowledge I’ve drawn through this knowing… It is also a wonderful reason for each of us to evaluate our lives with respect to the DNA we represent…

Respect your parents, love them, understand them, they are the foundation thought of your own personal evolution… Understand them better that you may begin to understand yourselves better and live from a point of Gratitude, in the knowing that you’re greatest evolution and acceptance of yourself comes from KNOWING, ALLOWING and ACCEPTING the DNA you’ve evolved from!

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for a new, more complete experience of ME through the awareness of both my connection and blocks with my parents, whom I chose to be born to… with the knowing that I am an evolved vibration of their thought.

Begin a new relationship with your parents today!!!

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