Saturday, June 5, 2010

On this 5th day of June 2010

I learnt a special lesson… My mother really does know best!  A lot of times I get rather worked up by her irrationality on a wide array of subjects. Today, her irrationality saved me from making a hasty investment… and I guess, my impatience moved her to taking action sooner than later.

I love you Mummy… you’re so special to me! Don’t know what I’d do without you. When I argue with you… and I know I do that often, I look back and realise… after wasting so much of my energy… YOU have helped me take some of the most AWESOME decisions in my life. You have inspired me to be the woman I am… learning the JOY of loving every lesson… My Way.

Thank you so much!



  1. Mommies r d best!!! I donno what I would have done without mine....

  2. hope all realise it sooner than later... for MOM's are God's own creation..

  3. two supermoms.... comment on this post.... muah muah... love you both DEARLY :))
