t being an author isn't just about writing what you THINK the people will read... It is all about writing what you truly feel... it may not be structured or have a list of specifically designed "must do" notes. It is just a piece of you... now in words... for everyone to come and read.
Every word that is therefore written is meant for exposure to a larger audience, often looking for the answers a writer is gifted to deliver.
I look at the books I've read... and I know deep within that each of them was sent specially for me... often not the entire content of the book... but a para... a chapter... a character... I know there is a message for me in every book that will reveal itself to me as I read. Often a breathrough... often a new understanding... often a new direction that pops out of nowhere to say "Hello... may I introduce myself to you"
I remember most of my trips to a bookstore... and trust me when I tell you, that most often... there isn't a reason for me to even want to walk into a store... but whenever I see books... me feet decide the direction... and I... well... I only follow its lead.
I can stand for hours and stare at a rack of books and not even pick one... and there are yet other times... when I have picked up books... that I didn't even know I wanted to read and yet was led to.... each book... has been a breakthrough :)
I read other authors... I do I do... and when I am done with the first paragraph and don't find a soul connect I don't read further... hmmm... may sound rude... but what can I say... as I read I connect with the soul of the author... and the reading isn't simple. Some words and sentences stand out and say Hello and the rest of them SIMPLY pass by.
When reading the content of a book, the author, through his words takes you on a journey... which is what keeps you glued to the content... or leads you away. I have had moments of sheer visionary experiences as I have read certain books, and with a couple of others, I've been able to pick up the pure commercial vibes with which the book has been written.
When was the last time, you read a book and felt its soul. I promise you... try it once... and you shall know. You shall through the content... style of presentation and continuous references through the book... know the soul of the work...
I write... therefore I am an author... I write... therefore I can author... I've written so that I may share a part of my soul with you.