Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alert!! Wanted Actors

We’re assisting an international client of ours with the cast, crew and locations for a movie being shot part in Uganda and Part II in New Delhi for which the following roles are up for grabs.

If you’re based in Delhi and aspire to act… please feel free to send us a picture and profile of you on and we’ll be more than glad to see how best we can fit you in.

The details:

Lead Roles:
1. Indian Woman (Lead)- Female, mid 30's, attractive, modern, adventurous.
2. Indian Girl (Young lead)- Female, 8-13 years old, attractive
3. Indian Private Sector Manager- Male, 30-50 years old, Business looking, suit, clean cut.
4. Indian Old Woman (mother of lead)- Female, 70+ years old, traditional
5. Indian Food Processing Worker- Male, 30-50 years old, casual business ware, modern.
Indian Girl (Sister of Young Lead)" (Preferably a child who has experienced malnutrition)
5 Private Sector Workers" " (employees of private company, could be found at location)
4 Indian College Students" " (18-25 year olds, modern, looking educated)
Board Room Members " " " (All very business looking, suits and ties, dress attire, any age/gender)

The shoot is from the 29th of November –1st December 2010!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Business and the BUSYness

It’s turning out to be a lot of fun, as we continue the events way. It’s bring the passion back into our work that is the “big joy”!!

For months, we were groping with new ideas and wanting to walk out into the world and introduce ourselves as the OLD MONKS in the NEW MONASTERY of events… DeePositive Intertainment… where an event isn’t just another freaking brief lying on the computer that we MUST respond to!!! We’re committed to having a lot of fun while working and that makes us rather choosy about who we say yes to and the kind of events we prefer working on, there is so much work in the market that we need to choose the ones we’d really like to do and then go about doing them… Humble beginnings aren’t always fun to boast about and yet when success comes our way, the humble beginnings become the big story and that is, when the definition of success gets personalised.

Strange, that all the event managers should now meet you as clients!!! Or clients of the past meet you, not as merely a vendor who needs to manage their event, they meet you with respect as a partner who MUST work together with them on their events!! This is a fantastic transition from where we were to where we are today.

If this is an empowered beginning… I am so glad to begin thinking of the future as a space indented by the NEW power thought of DeePositive living and working, where work will be led by passion for an event high and personal high from simply being on the event!

A toast to new busyness and new business of events!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Little Things YOU do for ME and nobody else

…make me feel good. The Vodafone song that always makes me smile. More than the Vodafone services it leads me straight back to a really special someone, who makes a million efforts to let me know how special I am… Thank you!! You know who you are Smile 

Love the idea of creating a mystery around YOU… Winking smile while still acknowledging the special things YOU do for me Smile

For the longest time, I’ve never stopped to notice much about you, I’ve found a million things to throw tantrums about… behave like a complete BRAT… get some grief and return the favour Winking smile the joy is knowing that WE are beyond that… we are beyond the LITTLE THINGS that can keep us apart Smile

I won’t deny it, that there have been a million moments which still make me cringe. There are also 10 million moments that make me SMILE and that counts for soooooooooooooooooo much more… and all of them are the LITTLE THINGS YOU DO FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE … MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!

Have I told you often enough how wonderful it is to communicate with you… knowing that TALKING isn’t your poison. I can see the efforts you make each day to ensure that even in your silence you are with me… just letting me know that you’re around… JUST INCASE … I need youSmile 

I love my phone so much since it’s my connect to you… each missed call is special… I smile when I see your name on the phone… in that one instant we’re connected beyond the physical distance we’re at!!

The word “patience” … you say is what I taught you… the truth be told… I guess Patience is my lesson in this lifetime… and God chose you to help me practice itSmile It is now a virtue I am learning to be proud of even when people around me seem to want me to rush things up… the fear is TIME!!! And yet… when it comes to US… Patience… is the key to getting us through the many NOT SO MEMORABLE MEMORIES…. I’ve managed to CREATE with my IMPATIENCE!!! Open-mouthed smile Hiss, you know you can’t call me impatient anymore… even when I am being a brat!!! Winking smile

I learned through knowing you… That there is someone who prays for me just about everyday to have the BEST IN LIFE… Someone who always wishes that my DREAMS COME TRUE…. Someone who is always soooooo proud of me and celebrates every small and big success even when we’re at WAR Winking smile…. Someone who builds my inner confidence when I’m down… Someone who has neglected my million cribs only to make me strong enough to take on just about anything or anyone that comes my way… Someone who took me on a long long drive just to let me know that the only block between me and highway is ME. Someone who wakes me up each morning with a missed call and is usually the last call I receive before I got to bed each night. Someone who picks up signals telepathically and knows when I’m thinking tooo much and does LITTLE THINGS TO LET ME KNOW ALL IS WELL!!!

Thank you for all the little things you do… to make me feel so special… Thank you for the songs you dedicate to me… that remind me of you and are all about US. Thank you for understanding that there is so much I’ve yet to learn and loving me dearly and being patient with me. Thank you for getting me to take care of me and love me more in so many more ways than I ever practiced before. I am so THANKFUL to you for kindling within me the best possible I, I could be Open-mouthed smile

Each day you fill my life with a new meaning a new reason to celebrate my individuality, simply by being my greatest critic and most supportive friend. Understanding YOU is the best gift I’ve given myself… makes me CONFIDENT that the reason God introduced us is far greater than all the reasons I’ve had to runaway!!!

Here’s a song… just for you… with loads and loads of love and gratitude from me…

I matters when I write!!

I have been writing my blog for a while now… and as vain as it may sound… I love my own work!! Just concluded that my blog is my reflection of the EACH PHASE of my life, that which is important to me and that which I want to look back at and truly feel the shift in BEING!!

I understand that I have to cater to my readers… the BIG PICTURE is that my reader that I so want to hold on to for the rest of my writing years is ME… and I ask myself… How much of my blog will I go back and read… 2 years from now??? And as clearly as the question gets framed… the answer is revealed…

“for as long as my blog reflect a biography of sorts… I will read through it for as long as I live… and when I am gone I will leave back a memory of a life well …Lived!!”

As I spoke with Hormaz this morning, I felt the power of thoughts and the “eureka” of this phase I am going through, reveal the lesson… Btw… Hormaz is one of my closest friends ever, I’ve never met him. We bonded from conversation ONE and today… some of the most wonderful spiritual experiences of my life have come in conversation with him. I guess I could describe him as my SPIRITUAL SOULMATE!!! Smile Thank you Hormaz for being around always… and bringing a smile to my thoughts!!

I realise how I’ve orchestrated all the “blocks” in my path with thoughts that are thought so often that they manage to become speedbreakers… as I wonder WHY WHY WHY alone… and expression of Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS… fills my thoughts with a NEW PERSPECTIVE!! I realised I had set a GOAL and missed the date… the phase is the follow through of the GUILT I didn’t even realise got left behind in my thoughts… WOW. It is brilliant to have such AWARENESS… and my Gratitude finds a new direction… it is but the awareness of the block that is the strongest intention to break it down and resolve it!

I read a book by Anthony Robbins and began to set my book writing and editing and publishing GOAL… and the month was set for July in thought… I wrote and wrote till the book felt complete… I missed the July GOAL-LINE I had set… unknowingly… really… I slipped into postponing and finding brand new excuses for not “GETTING PAST” the block… till this morning… When I realised, that the BLOCK was but a THOUGHT… that became a THING… without my conscious awareness. I am amazed… totally amazed and filled with Gratitude… as the block is revealed… I KNOW all else will begin to set in motion and the process will begin it’s closure.

Congratulations Deepanjali Rao… your first book is headed for publishing and it is a phenomenal success with the mass reader!!! Yes!!! The good feeling returns… in celebration of the AWARENESS and RELEASE of the BLOCK!!

How awesome it would be… if every person in the world could reach out and touch their own lives with a THOUGHT in the healing direction instead of the hoarding direction!!!

I matters when I write… for I write what matters to ME!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting ClosERR!!!

Life has a pleasant way of teaching us to exchange notes of thought for notice of pending closures!

Bumped into an update on an OLD FRIEND Winking smile who once meant an entire universe  to me. Felt the memories flood straight back… some make me smile and other’s make me sad… Some memories turn the clock way back to when we were a decade younger and “FOREVER and EVER” meant EVERYTHING!!!  Good thoughts and bad thoughts later… I had to ask myself “WHY? WHY? WHY?”

I look back at the sequence of events and smile… I saw it coming and still BROUGHT IT ON!!! I am wondering if this is caused by a QUESTION I asked and he didn’t want to answer? Or was it just “TIME UP”!!!

The beauty of it lies in the truth of this moment… I have yet to completely close this chapter… and in the silence of my heart… saying “Goodbye” hurts… and yet all I have is MYSELF to work on… knowing that a THOUGHT I once had has manifested into the truth of this moment and walking away without an answer was my admitting that, at that time, I had much to much on my mind to have READ THE SIGNBOARD!!! I chose to take things for GRANTED till I lost him.

Closure for me is ACCEPTING my own awkward truth in the falling apart… I chose not to let him know I cared… at all. I chose to free him without healing the hurt I had caused unknowingly, yet knowingly. I was so lost in my own little world of me… that I didn’t even notice when he LET GO… till he’d gone too far away.

The truth is… I miss him so and I want him to know that I’ll always always hold on to each memory with fondness with joy and with a sense of complete and utter Gratitude. I am sure, if he reads this he’ll know it.

I didn’t mean to hurt you when I told you what I thought. The intention wasn’t to lose you. I am sorry if I made you feel I didn’t love you in anyway. I just didn’t understand that I loved you at all… I always felt we were just super together and that’s how it would ALWAYS ALWAYS be. I miss all the advice and the long conversations. I miss being the first and last thought on your mind. I miss being the centre of ALL your ATTENTION and AFFECTION… I miss YOU… I miss US!!! I am truly sorry for having hurt you… I promise, I didn’t think I was hurting you at all. I realise NOW that I did. Not because you’ve told me through your silence… I’ve felt it through each memory. I realise I wasn’t a good friend… in so many ways… I took you for GRANTED and that must’ve hurt you so badly too!!

Thank you for being my friend, philosopher and guide. Thank you for being my first experience of love… trust me when I tell you… that no one can match up to the standards you’ve set Winking smile I am a brat now… difficult to handle and impatient as ever… am learning to be patient though. Thank you for always looking out for me and watching my back… I know that even today, you’d be the happiest person in the world when I am happy. Thank you for being you… thank you for being the most wonderful and awesome influence in my life. I’ve had to unlearn so much to adapt myself to my life without you. God Bless you abundantly… I hope you do read this…. and know you’re super duper special to me.

I already feel so much lighter and happier now… that I have shared a group of THINGS I WANTED TO SAY TO YOU but never did… I’ve wanted to say this for the last 8 years… kept my peace waiting for the right MOMENT the RIGHT TIME… today I say this as part of the CLOSURE I needed… I love you and appreciate you more today than ever… for the Gratitude I feel in my heart that you were once part of my life.

and yes!!! I have always been extremely possessive about you… silently Winking smile have never had the WORDS to say it… but I knew you KNEW it … coz you knew ME so well… Love ya… Forever and Ever!!!”


WOW… closure… I tell you… the very INTENT makes me feel so much lighter… I had to let it out somehow… Thank God for my writing skills… really really appreciate what it does for me!!!