When I decided a year ago that I did want to get into business, the business of creating memories, people call events, on my own. All I had was a thought…DeePositive… over a period of a year, the thought became the brand we now know as DeePositive Intertainment. A perfect example of thought become thing, really, and proof that THOUGHT DO BECOME THINGS
I have had the power of Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS, reveal to me some truly powerful content that became the baby steps I could confidently walk on to getting to where my reality meets my dream
There have also been extremely powerful situations that have STOPPED me short and revealed to me how my faith can sometimes become so weak that my knees totter!! I have had the voice of my EGO compare my work to that of others and suddenly my world shrinks, I am thinking a million thoughts and each one of them brings me down and tries to hold me down, I can remember a few….
“Maybe I have less work!! x, y or z is doing so much better than I”,
“How well, he/she is doing!! In comparison I am not doing too well at all!!!”
“She writes so much better than I do, no one reads my posts or comments on my blog or for that matter, is active active on my facebook page as I would like them to be”.
“Damn… the bank balance is dwindling and there are still payments to be made, even if it is to myself”
“If I have been honest in my work with other’s, why is it, that I have people crawling and wanting to draw blood from my energy”
Just reading these lines of thought creates and intense feeling from within that isn’t making me feel the power of the DeePositive ME I chose consciously to be. Yet, these are some of the thoughts that I deal with each day of living the new life I’ve promised myself
It is such a brilliant to KNOW that these are the thoughts that have helped me STOP in my tracks and take out QUIET time to RE-ENERGISE my DeePositive philosophy. On a lighter note… the moment I move away from Gratitude for the present moment, my powerful subconscious me finds a way to BRING ME STRAIGHT back to a good feeling place and begin again.
It has been an incredible life experience following my instincts ONE at a time… ALLOWING them to lead me ON. Often times, I come across as impulsive and unpredictable!! Yet I know that it’s the ONLY way I am always ME!!! I can stay still enough to LISTEN now.. and when I stress… I KNOW I’ve been talking too much
My secret wish is to share enough that each person I know may begin to radiate this same knowingness… with AWARENESS that every direction leads to your BEST INTEREST… in ACCORDANCE with ALLOWING!!!
Have a DeePositive Life… You’ll LOVE IT!!!