As I watched the waves hit the shore… a sense of stillness filled my soul. The stillness so powerful, that I could even here my heart beat with the joy that the rhythm of the waves so powerful invited my conscious mind to listen to it.
I reached for the phone… the battery died… a KNOWING, that the stillness was an invitation to a D.E.E.P connection with ALL THAT IS communicating with my entire being… and I lay back on the beach chair and stared into the horizon… and surrendered to the ISness of the moment…
Fascinated by the co-inspired invitation to stillness… I decided to allow this moment to come alive within me… and listen. That is when it came alive for me…
I was receiving …
A change in the METAPHOR I’ve lived… a new self discovery… a new PERSPECTIVE … a NEW VISION for 2012…
I reached for the phone… didn’t KNOW how to react to the THOUGHT… needed a distraction… The Phone rang, it was our driver Suresh, “Maam, I am back, we can leave when you’re ready” … As I recall this moment NOW as I write this… I was given a CHOICE… to stay and LISTEN or PACK UP and Leave the NOW .
I listened to my heart… my heart wanted to stay and in retrospect… I am so glad I did…
“You, are at a threshold of a NEW BEGINNING… ALLOW me to give you a glimpse today into the bigger picture of your life. It isn’t a co-incidence that you are attracted to the ocean… the ocean is the holder of your vision that must now begin to be revealed to you. Be the OCEAN you are… allow the infinite wisdom of the ages to radiate to you and through you. Create ripples … of that which YOU ARE. You are the HORIZON the mystery from where CREATION begins… Take your place NOW as the OCEAN… deep breathe and ACCEPT yourself… NOW as the OCEAN”
for the next 30 minutes… there was a stillness… I could hear my breathing… and the waves danced their way to the shores… a sort of SPIRITUAL welcome celebration to invite my OCEAN life experience.
I came back from GOA yearning to feel complete again… still trying to absorb the intensity of the most important conversation ever… I’m still absorbing… still trying to find the connecting words for the rest of that which I was told… some of it… still finds me … in flashes… through… Doreen Virtue’s updates… through Oprah Winfrey… through my community… still putting the pieces together… and loving the CLARITY with which… I can NOW hear myself more clearly… and yet… so far. I still need to stand up and CLAIM the fullness of who I am NOW… I know the words will find me soon… till then… I’ll stare at the PICTURE… the BIG PICTURE of WHO I REALLY AM…
… In Gratitude I will find my way… or better still… ALLOW GRATITUDE to show me the way…
… In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!