Thursday, January 26, 2012

…. Are YOU ready to GIVE UP?



As I watched the waves hit the shore… a sense of stillness filled my soul. The stillness so powerful, that I could even here my heart beat with the joy that the rhythm of the waves so powerful invited my conscious mind to listen to it.

I reached for the phone… the battery died… a KNOWING, that the stillness was an invitation to a D.E.E.P connection with ALL THAT IS communicating with my entire being… and I lay back on the beach chair and stared into the horizon… and surrendered to the ISness of the moment…

Fascinated by the co-inspired invitation to stillness… I decided to allow this moment to come alive within me… and listen.  That is when it came alive for me…

I was receiving …

A change in the METAPHOR I’ve lived… a new self discovery… a new PERSPECTIVE … a NEW VISION for 2012…


I reached for the phone… didn’t KNOW how to react to the THOUGHT… needed a distraction… The Phone rang, it was our driver Suresh, “Maam, I am back, we can leave when you’re ready” … As I recall this moment NOW as I write this…  I was given a CHOICE… to stay and LISTEN or PACK UP and Leave the NOW .

I listened to my heart… my heart wanted to stay and in retrospect… I am so glad I did…

“You, are at a threshold of a NEW BEGINNING… ALLOW me to give you a glimpse today into the bigger picture of your life. It isn’t a co-incidence that you are attracted to the ocean… the ocean is the holder of your vision that must now begin to be revealed to you. Be the OCEAN you are… allow the infinite wisdom of the ages to radiate to you and through you. Create ripples … of that which YOU ARE. You are the HORIZON the mystery from where CREATION begins… Take your place NOW as the OCEAN… deep breathe and ACCEPT yourself… NOW as the OCEAN”

for the next 30 minutes… there was a stillness… I could hear my breathing… and the waves danced their way to the shores… a sort of SPIRITUAL welcome celebration to invite my OCEAN life experience.

I came back from GOA yearning to feel complete again… still trying to absorb the intensity of the most important conversation ever… I’m still absorbing… still trying to find the connecting words for the rest of that which I was told… some of it… still finds me … in flashes… through… Doreen Virtue’s updates… through Oprah Winfrey… through my community… still putting the pieces together… and loving the CLARITY with which… I can NOW hear myself more clearly… and yet… so far.  I still need to stand up and CLAIM the fullness of who I am NOW… I know the words will find me soon… till then… I’ll stare at the PICTURE… the BIG PICTURE of WHO I REALLY AM…

… In Gratitude I will find my way… or better still… ALLOW  GRATITUDE to show me the way…

… In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Living Co-Inspired : 1

It is truly amazing how life’s answers come to you when you least seek them, often, it is a NEWS STORY or a NEW STORY that challenges a new thought and creates a brand new direction. A new truth revealed is on the path to be healed, I strongly KNOW that!!

One of the amazing techniques I learned early in life, has been to make an example of my greatest weakness and turn that into my strength.

I remember way back in class VI, I stood up in front of the whole class and admitted that my Father didn’t live with my mother and that is why they haven’t ever seen him in school. I was so done at the time with the lies, that I ALLOWED the truth to set me free, since then, I didn’t have to tell a story that was UNTRUE and I guess, that is also when I came to terms that my “childhood fantasy” of my Father returning home someday was just that… a fantasy!! I look back and now KNOW that, that one truth was my first BREAKTHROUGH in taking a tough decision of TAKING RESPONSIBILITY of the TRUTH of my family situation and making peace with it. I didn’t have to tell a series of lies each report card day to my friends. The most important learning of that moment, was, that I stopped being ashamed or afraid of losing my friends to a lie or being named a liar for numerous stories I had to tell till then…

I understood in 1999 that my greatest strength was my relationship with Jesus, who has firmly guided my life since I was conceived, each decision has been guided by an internal prompting, that keeps hounding me, till I took the RISK. Lucky me, each risk has enabled me to be the person I am today.

And now, I stand at the leading edge of another breakthrough, as I write this, my life is standing at another visual spectacular in waiting, waiting for me to admit, that I am at peace KNOWING that this isn’t a challenging phase out of the BLUE, it is ORCHESTRATED for me to expand my VIEW!

This post from Doreen Virtue, has moved me to ACCEPT a new weakness… to begin the healing process and converting it into a SUCCESS healing… the most difficult is using a platform like a BLOG to ADMIT it.

If a new story upsets you, this may be a sign that this issue is part of your life purpose. The news story may be triggering and awakening your soul's memory of agreeing to help with that issue. Ask for divine guidance as to how you can contribute healing help to any troubling situation. One individual can make a positive difference, and heaven will guide, support, and protect you all along the way.: Doreen Virtue

On the heel of this posting… on Monday Morning… Came another surprise in the form my post from Messages from God:

On this day, God wants you to know

... that today is a big day for you. Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.

Today is the Chinese New Year… About new beginnings… Winking smile and here’s the page that let me into the essence of the vibration of the year … Year of the Dragon

The Grand Finale of the day… well… watching part II of Barkha Dutt interviewing Oprah Winfrey… and it all came together… like  a seamless stream of FLOW!!

The part that sums it all up for me… and is my joy is a similar quote with a vast difference…

Oprah: “…and I used to believe that God is my daddy, because I didn't have a daddy. I always believed in my personal relationship with God.”

My Favourite line in the last 6 months has been… “I KNOW my God is my Dad. I understand NOW why I my Dad did what he did. My Father in heaven created me so special that he wanted me to grow up to RE-MEMBER my very special relationship with him. To reconnect and live out my greater purpose. But my FIRST relationship… and the longest relationship I’ve ever had has been with Jesus, through whom my relationship with my Father stands revealed and unrivaled” what is even more astounding… that the clue lies in the fact that my Biological father’s name… is VISHWANATH Winking smile 

Oprah, triggered this KNOWING I had already ALLOWED into my conscious living, to breathe into it’s own… I ACCEPT that I KNOW THAT GOD IS MY DADDY and my life is BLESSED abundantly!! I realised, that I have KNOWN this all along… and YESTERDAY the BIG GRAFITTI on the TELEVSION screen… : Oprah: “I believed God was my Daddy” as I LISTENED… was “My Baby… Winking smile YOU KNOW I AM YOUR DADDY, now LIVE from that KNOWING… I LOVE YOU”

This moment is a special moment, for it calls for RE-DEE-FINDING and CLAIMING … My RIGHTFUL PLACE as a CHILD OF GOD… who KNOWS that SHE IS!! In CLAIMING this GIFT, I NOW OPEN THE FLOODGATES of POTENTIAL to BE who I really AM in the KNOWING of my Daddy.

YOU can do that too… Life is CO-INSPIRED all you need is a lot of Gratitude… to connect the dots of the sub-conscious and the conscious… to see ALL THAT IS… like ALL THAT IS!!

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!