I need to exhale… to smile free… and yet, the thoughts and people that occupy my mind… and PRIME time on television, have crept into my mind space and filled it with… ENTERTAINMENT… that is CONFUSING… COCKtales and MOCKtales, that distract us from the IMMEDIATE need of our time!!
News channels are giving the GEC’s a run for their viewership… and our politicians… well would all be BRILLIANT for BOLLYWOOD!! Creatively Speaking… we should have BIGG BOSS in the PARLIAMENT… and personally I’d still like SALMAN to ANCHOR… a ONE WEEK … edited version for GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT!! Stand Up and Shout COMEDY at its WORST!! Nothing makes sense and everyone wants to be proved right!!
Our politicians and anti-politicians are both WALKING and TALKING “ATTACK”, when will they ever have the time to deal with the NEEDS of the CITIZEN! Could it be that we CITIZENS need to get up stand up and run this country like a “co-operative”? Lets all come together on a common platform… and simply do what needs to get done… I guess, it will distract us from having to spend QUALITY time… worry about ALL THAT IS NOT BEING DONE!!
Children speak “adult” and we think it is “acceptable”… are we too spineless as adults to speak up for ourselves and break the mould of cowardice… it is far easier to TALK the TALK… we all know and have heard. Then again, have we ever thought through? The most powerful CHANGE AGENTS are really experiences… and so, we need to talk more about OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. We are filled with EMOTIONS and WORDS and JUDGMENTS passed ON!!
I’ve been watching Sidhu on BIGG BOSS… it doesn’t take long to fall from GRACE… it is very important that your actions affirm your preaching. Just imagine, had the great religious figures, we follow, every lived contradictory lives? Would we consider them? It is an important part of life to AFFIRM with experiment and practice of the results. I so, wish, someone could whisper in his ears… and tell him… that he is changing his image… with his words and his actions… he’s promoting
DON’T LISTEN: if it is about you. YOU are always right
DON’T LOOK: at your own actions, keep a tab on others
DON’T SAY: anything that “compromises” your dignity… yet, it is OKAY to allow others to feel inferior
Oh Dear Mr. Kejriwal, I am impressed by your CLEAN INDIA drive… YOU must remember, that you cannot clean up by throwing garbage… you will not get India’s vote, just because you dig graves for others… remember… when you dig holes… you are likely to slip right into them sometime. It is important to “get out of the box” in your methodology and find more “co-dependent” ways to deal with the same issues. I am not sure, if the DIGGING graves is the best way… you have a whole bunch of Indians who support you… it is imperative that you CHOOSE your MO wisely… train more people… to STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!! Fill the empty spaces with more empowered YOUTH.
We keep RUNNING the invisible race… filled with PEOPLE ahead of us and we prep ourselves by looking back at WHO we are ahead of… in the long RUN… which spans over many life times ahead… does anyone truly finish the RACE? The effects of HOW we conduct our lives… is the FOUNDATION of what many generations are YET to even SAMPLE. Are we OKAY with what we’re going to PASS ON? It is time to STOP long enough to THINK about the generations to come… and what we would like them to KNOW about OUR TIMES, OUR CULTURE, OUR TRIUMPHS… it is time to stop RUNNING… and start BUILDING the FUTURE… we ARE THE FOUNDATION on which the FUTURE IS BUILT!
Life is simple… why complicate it!