For the last three whole years I’ve learnt to GO WITH GRATITUDE & GROW WITH GRATITUDE in a more practice makes perfect life accepting way. The results are absolutely phenomenal, even to the naked eye ;)
OneNess is a gift, a product of Gratitude in Action and Reaction really, it’s the pause that reveals WHY a particular event or occurrence takes place. The thrill of Gratitude is in the KNOWING of this simple truth. It is true for my experiences, that Gratitude for the KNOWING has triggered a series of events that have in fact brought all of life together and helped me focus on growth.
There was a time, when I would notice updates from other event managers and feel anxious, that my brand is growing pretty slowly. Gratitude for their work, moved me to introspect and these brilliant moments of introspection led to new ideas on what I really wanted to do and these ideas have found shape in building relationships today that are part of my brand growth of tomorrow.
As an entrepreneur, it is essential to keep focused on the vision and make provision for it to grow large enough to accommodate personal growth, brand growth and social growth of the brand and all those associated with it. Assume plays a vital role…. to assume is to make a practiced path forward towards a specific result. More often than not… ASSUME is CONSUMED with “Make Believe” taken literally. The connotation is the essence and you get to CHOOSE and your CHOICE is the path forward to a specific result.
My many assumes are the reason why I have reached where I am. I assumed the roles of my thoughts and have grown. I have learnt to say YES to experiments and experience the results as I have assumed them to play out, keeping a single minded focus on the COMPLETION, as ASSUMED. As I look forward I am reminded how powerful moments of ASSUMPTIONS with GRATITUDE have in fact co-inspired my present learning and knowing.
Often, as an event manager you are called to CONCEPTUALISE an event OUTCOME and all that you do have, to begin with, is ASSUMPTIONS. YOU assume your role in the project as the creator of the final outcome and the plan works out backwards, in every row, is an assumption worked backwards from the result and served to the client. Every detail is assumed.
We assume roles in our lives… we live out many roles in the ACT OF LIVING. We assume the role, then we play it according to the rules of the role as defined by those who’ve ASSUMED the roles before us. Now and again, we make a new CHOICE and with this new choice, we begin a new series of roles and rules. We don’t question the roles or the rules of the role, for when we assume what exists we learn to adjust to the frameWORK put in by history, passed on through the ASSUMES of lineage and we make a tradition of it.
I look at the assumes that have created my life ….
I assumed the role of a responsible elder sister, when my mom made the statement “because you are the eldest you have to be an example to your sisters”
I assumed the role of a student when I began school and to this day I remain learning and reminding myself, that I only need to assume as per my dreams and I am confident that I will fit into the role.
I assumed as a child that “ because Jesus wants it”, then came “everyone is born with a purpose”, “I was not created to so small things”, “Jesus
I assumed the role of a teenager when I turned 13, then I grew to an adult at 18, then I joined the workforce at 19, then an entrepreneur at 33 and now at 36 I am readying my self to assume a new role… wife… and with it comes a whole new plethora of experiences and assumes that will pave the way to the finale when I prep myself to assume the role of a soul in celebration of the completion of the journey we know as LIFE.
I assumed the role of a singer when someone, first helped me recognise I had a brilliant voice, then my first choir experience, then my first solo in school when I came second, then my first choir solo in church, then my first public performance at rashtrapati bhavan, then my first prize for singing in school, then my representing my school at the state level as a singer, my first studio recording for an ad, then my first club singing assignment, then many other experiences of singing… recording my song for the first time and sharing it with my social world and now a new role beckons as a lead singer of a band…
I assumed the role of a writer when I wrote my first poem in school, then my first play, then my first journal, then my first blog post, my first response to a thread of a community, then I learnt to write from my responses, then my first book in which I compiled and shared the simple truth I learnt from our sharing and now a book about experiments and experiences I’ve practiced
I assumed the role of an entrepreneur when we first got together as a group of kids to earn, then with my jobs to learn and now my own brand to practice what I learnt and create my own experiences, which I now share… each time I get an opportunity to speak… each time I speak a new idea is born and with it begins a brand new level of being an entrepreneur.
I assumed my roles as I met them and along the way in accepting these new roles, which my great assumption was, that it will lead me to running my own brand led global corporation on one day!! Today I smile upon the excitement that with an agency and a foundation that a couple of steps have already been taken and the new ones will reveal themselves as I continue to make choices and assume new futures in thought and assume new roles in action. It is this thrilling experience of ASSUMING that leads to innovation and growth. We are blessed to make choices in the knowing that we are a GLOBAL CORPORATION in the making… and this shall be made possible through the many different ASSUMES I will meet on my own path to completion of the grand vision of my soul journey on the earth NOW and then when I am back in the formlessNess of OneNess, through the many who will choose their ASSUME and evolve in creating from another CHOICE a NEW ASSUME for the Future!!
I assume that in sharing this with you, I am sharing the powerful assumes that I am so grateful for and in this recognising… I also accept the many assumes I haven’t written about but sure am thinking about… Assuming with a Grateful heart creates a rainbow of reasons to celebrate life. It is amazing when you look at the world of assume… and how it has played out in your life, you recognise, that the process of assume is the divine driver of all that is part of the visual process. Assume is SILENT GROWTH, without expecting, without demanding… it simply moves you to RECOGNISE the silence of “MYSTERIOUS WAYS OF GRATITUDE” delivering your PURPOSE TO YOU through ASSUMPTION.
Assume is a beautiful word and creates a beautiful world… when we look back and see how Life is a series of ASSUMES…evolving with every choice!!!
Here’s wishing you a journey to ASSUME the YOU, you were created to BE!!