Oh yes, been a while since the Entrepreneur spoke and this post is going to be pretty real. In the journey of an Entrepreneur, there are many ‘Blessings in Disguise” situations and people you learn from. Some of them are “Pure Positive Experiences” yet others are “Pure Positive Lessons”, all meant to grow into their own reality, to exponentially reflect the truth! None, should be dismissed as a goner… till you’ve learnt what they’re meant to teach.
When you work from an intent to GROW WITH GRATITUDE, the obstacles are “thought processes” not people. People only reflect and radiate the “thought processes” of the “collective” and as you continue to accept them as they come, you personally learn, that there are social challenges far greater than “Poverty, Illiteracy, Hunger, Mal Nutrition and jobs” that need to be met.
In my recent and phenomenal conversations with people, wanting to know more about Intern to Entrepreneur” this is what I have come to learn and these learning's, really, are the solid affirmation that I have to continue what I am doing, irrespective of “response”. I have begun a new journey and that is to inspire and empower “Entrepreneurs” with their first big step and to take this first big step, they’ve got to want it, they’ve got to choose it and they’ve got to live from a more inspired and empowered place in their minds first… that the reality of their thoughts may show UP in their lives. It is not about me, it is NOW about them.
Entrepreneurs Create in the Image and likeness of God and not the image and likeness of God: Sometimes, we choose, to play GOD, creating GOD in our own image and likeness, which is the folly of an entrepreneurial journey, the truth is that we as entrepreneurs learn from our ventures how to ALLOW growth, both for ourselves and those that come in connect with us. We unlearn all the “management jargon” to ACCEPT that our ventures must continue to create, ripples within us, to keep us “creating”. We first choose the outcome, then figure out, through experiment and experience “how” to reach that outcome. We don’t always have the PHYSICAL ANSWERS yet, we derive them from our experiences, we learn all the time, we innovate to sustain and grow. These aren’t tangible “things”, these are infinite in-tangible, born of a “growth mindset” not “grow mindset”.
Entrepreneurs, take the RISK of CONFIDENCE in their VISION: Every Entrepreneur, has a beginning, that is filled with “circumstantial evidence of growth” possibilities. Once they take the plunge and are on the other side of the fence, the initial dilemma is “that the grass is greener” on the employee side of life, where cheques walk in to your bank account and money is around at regular intervals. It is the Entrepreneurs confidence in the SELF and in the AD-VENTURE, that is the “power backup” of the un-learning process, getting out of the employee mindset, takes atleast 6 months. if not more to adjust to! It is often “fear” of “”no money in the bank” and “bills to be paid” that breaks the vision.
As a survivor, I learnt that practically. It wasn’t easy yet it was fun, I took 3 detours in the process : 1) Everytime I felt “poor” I’d take a pen and paper and write what it felt like to create a brand 2) I wrote a book K.A.A.M guided spiritually to a new Know.Allow.Accept.Manifest the idea, the brand, the waiting and the divine timing. I found, that Gratitude, that has been present all my life, was leading me to be able to THINK BIG, before I began what I now call my DeePositive Journey. 3) fallouts, drawbacks, depression, poverty all knocked at my thoughts, wanting to drown my “vision”, as I look back, my fears, my deepest fears were surfacing and I had the CHOICE to treat them as real or accept them and let them heal. My greatest gift, well, accepting that these “fears” were deep within me, being brought into my awareness for the simple purpose, letting me know, that they existed, then when I saw them with gratitude, they unfolded into “healing my fears” making me MIND READY to grow the vision. I learnt that my VISION was far greater than my fears, each time a fear cropped up and I can promise you they did, lots of them, those who know me closely, know that I have had my share of tears, fears and tantrums, I felt so alone so obsolete that I wanted to go back to my comfort zone, being an employee! Thank God for Gratitude, thank God for a deeper understanding, Thank God for Angels… I took a leap of Gratitude in 2010, today I am co-creating at the speed of Gratitude and I love it! Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive my anchor and vision.
Entrepreneurs, are take Responsibility or Response Ability of their CHOICES:,Growing with Gratitude is a gift to every human being, based on their CHOICES. Entrepreneurs live through it, to tell a success story or fade away. An Entrepreneur makes new choices everyday, born from their inner vision. One of the key attributes of an Entrepreneur and a wonderful way to KNOW the difference between and entrepreneur and a businessman/woman is the ability to be “inclusive” in success and “exclusive” in failure. An Entrepreneur, takes failure as a lesson, a personal lesson, it is a gift really. Failure, in the KNOW of an Entrepreneur, is the gap between Vision and Execution, a personal learning. Where as Success is a bridge built between vision and execution. The Entrepreneur HOLDS the vision before all that is, always and in ALL WAYS! It is important therefore, to KNOW, that the RESPONSE- ABILITY comes from a deeper understanding of the vision. If the actions in thought word and deed don’t match the vision, the VISION, ceases to INSPIRE AND EMPOWER growth, the brand, doesn’t need NEW PEOPLE, it simply needs a new vision. As an Entrepreneur, you embody the vision, you are the vision, that every team member draws from, so, you should actually be the perfect example of what your company stands for. If your CHOICE comes from VISION, you will automatically create an “inclusive growth” environment. When the VISION is OUTSIDE of YOU or you see INSPIRATION and EMPOWERMENT of your team as an OBSTACLE, you begin to desire “exclusive growth”, this cramps your ability to respond with vision. Looking for “scape goats”!
Blessings in “this guise” , assist the inner growth of the Entrepreneur Mindset, this is another perspective, merely another perspective to meet the entrepreneur within you. In my learning, the odds have produced more results that the expected. I still choose, the VISION, for the vision is the guide to tomorrow I may not live to see, yet, that will I leave as a memory, shall grow, for GROWTH is Intentional, it is Infinite, it is Invisible, Omnipresent and Omnipotent… all of out choice and all in “this guise”.
How you perceive it is how you receive it!: Dee