There is a very special reason why we’re created the way we are! And when we CONNECT the circuit we realise that every reality is born from a deeper INTENT to be RIGHT. The CONNECTORS are various little incidents that take place in our everyday lives
For a large part of my life I’ve lived in the shadow of being told that I’m quite SELF obsessed by some and SELFLESS by others. Till I realised, that knowingly or unknowingly I had created that perspective on the basis of a mental division between those who I SOUGHT from and those I felt I OUGHT to give!! From both sources jointly I realise that I am a CELEBRITY in my own world and that is fantastic… for only when I am happy being with I, ME and MYSELF can I extend my thoughts and emotions to being with YOU when you need me. I connected the joy of being PART I to the GREATER JOY of BEING PART II and the multiplied joy of knowing that ;)
I wonder why we are so scared of being our own favourite people in the world… I can tell you… for me personally, it WAS about being accepted and so… to each person I’d be their PERFECT friend, family or foe… they got to choose… I just played along… One would make me feel guilty about falling short and the other would get worked up about me lying prostrate and the third… well… they wondered What a PAIN IN THE ASS!!! What is the most fascinating part of the whole understanding… is that UNKNOWINGLY I had set barriers and boundaries! Breaking them down… wow… fabulous… I can see clearly now
You will be surprised, when you observe your own life with all honesty. The greatest decisions you’ve made have been MOTIVATED by an INSTINCT to follow through from a thought that comes strongly to you. The weakest decisions are MOTIVATED by your eagerness to please anyone other than yourself.
When I look forward, now, I can see clearly that in being MY FAVOURITE person. I take decisions that make ME feel important in my own life and in taking care of ME it is easier to look into the eyes of another and see the reality of the INTENT instead of the REALITY they INTEND to sell me. I look at the reasons why things aren’t the way I want them to be is not because they aren’t ready to manifest, I’ve created INTENT blocks in the free flow of thought and word that have become my imaginary hurdles in the process.
I’ve also have the power to understand that the PERSPECTIVE in any given situation will hold true ONLY if the foundation is YOU. That all else, books, people, conversations, relationships, things, basically ALL THAT IS… are only reference points. None of them have the UNIQUE ability to be YOU.
Sometimes, we know more that we give ourselves credit for, we are also influenced beyond doubt by people we TRUST… the truth though, has nothing to do with them, it has to do with our own ability to UNDERSTAND our GREATEST STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES… One of the most profound discoveries I made… Is to understand that
my personal strengths and weaknesses were founded in my own thoughts before they became the reality of NOW
We’ve become so CONDITIONED to NOT BE OUR OWN FAVOURITE PERSON… not by the INTENT that WE don’t want to BE… It is by the INTENT of WHAT WE DON’T WANT OTHERS TO REJECT!! Give it a thought!!