We're looking for a store manager for a luxury brand for their store in Mumbai!! As per protocol, we cannot reveal the brand as of now!!! If you know of anyone who is in Mumbai or willing to move to Mumbai with this assignment please mail your resume's to: info@deepositive.com
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Verbatim… Thought Flow
It was always going to be a fabulous idea to get to write more regularly… Just that the moment I open the page and actually sit down to write… my sight has found something new that needs my attention or my taste buds have made a brand new demand for food… like just now
I have begun the process of writing… and TWO FRIED EGGS with toast have made their appearance on the video screen of my mind, beckoning me to leave this for a while and cater to the new want
Nothing feels more perfect than to sit at the computer and allow myself the silence of writing what I observe without speaking a word
Yesterday, on the metro from Delhi to Gurgaon, I spent some quality time reading and observing. There were so many people with so many thoughts, each one racing to a destination with an agenda… of getting there!! It was also quite a laugh to see men sitting in the ladies compartment, exactly in front of the sign which says LADIES ONLY!! Not to forget the child wanting to climb every pole on the metro, quite enjoyable to watch… yet annoying.
Sip of Chai toh bantaa hai
Must’ve been a joke… for the first time since I started using the metro to travel to Gurgaon… it took 90 minutes to get there!!! Felt like the trains were now tired and wished they too got some rest… the energy of the metro felt like it needed a lot of appreciation, I guess too many people, too many trips makes the metro a little tired… no appreciation!! Ha ah ha… Can you imagine, the stories that the metro would tell you… only if it spoke!! Wrote a quick text to my client… that the metro is acting up… and that I would be there as soon as I could… and rested back into reading my book… realised that I was thirsty… called my sister and asked her to get water along… and rested back into reading again… I am not telling you this to chronicle my trip to Gurgaon!!! It is just a sample of how, when we go with the flow of silence… our actions, our observations almost intuitively follow a format of looking within and following through on the outside!!
It is brilliant to stay so silent that you can here “ba khuda tumhi ho” , on the headphones of the lady sitting next to you. And the conversation of a girl with her boyfriend sitting opposite you… while she imagines she’s really soft… she’s letting most of us know, that she is in control of a relationship. giving him instructions while on her way back about what he CAN and SHOULD NOT do
The alarm on my phone has just created another break… the alarm says… “Cleanse Heal Sculpt Reveal” !!! Silence is broken by thought!! I just remembered that a certain Mr. Ashutosh had to call me YESTERDAY!!! ooops!! I had to call back a certain UMA RAI yesterday too!!
The Picture of the EGGS and TOAST is getting vivid… I can almost taste it RIGHT NOW… Proof that our senses can be quite pushy when they’ve zeroed in on what they want
most of the time, they’re spoiled for choice… and that results in binging… the phone rings again… and yet I don’t want to leave the computer till I feel that this piece is finished… Talking about the computer… you ought to check out my “Verse of the Day” and “Message from God” today… both brilliant!!! Sometime, I feel that the application knows my thoughts and reveals to me in words, that which I know God really wants me to focus on!!
Blank… Blank… Blank
No words to type… just a bold TYPE FACE on the screen saying “Dee will ya work on the concept note already. You have promised the client they’ll get it tomorrow” … Oh yes, I must… yet… I am enjoying this note… and so don’t really want to stop… minus an edit… I wonder if someone out there is actually going to read this piece… and want to move themselves to a similar experience of the INNER VOICE OBSERVATION process… SEE SEE SEE… this is the next concept, we could put into the KNOWING , born of DeePositive TIMEOUT in silence… ha ha ha … for the amount I’ve written… silence is JOKE… yet I know I am happy that I was able to transcribe the flow of thought in verbatim…
I must read this back… to check for errors… and then … something tells me… this isn’t a conscious piece of work… this is a piece that comes from flow, therefore, any correction would mean… not allowing the flow to flow… reading it back will move me to edit… which is like correcting thoughts… thoughts that have flowed out from the sub conscious to the virtual, through the sense of TOUCH the keypad
Ha ha ah ah… just realise it is 1133 on my computer… wonder what Veer Suklecha would say about the occurrence of these numbers One sec… Let me google it
131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path.
See… how the signs speak for themselves and allow us the pleasure of their company… in the silence of our thoughts… allowing our innerworld the freedom to bridge the gap between where we are… and where we’re meant to be!!!
What an awesome experience to get into my mind… finding a meaning of 1133 somehow, broke into the flow of thought… created an up moment and the inner voice is suddenly silence by the conscious flow of INFORMATION gathered from the NET…
At a PHYSICAL LEVEL… I connected information to process… at the SUB CONSCIOUS level… I just silenced my INNER VOICE for OUTER PROOF!!!
Here’s something NEW to ponder upon!!
How often to I silence my inner voice for outer proof?? When was the last time I allowed flow to flow into my conscious knowing without trying to VALIDATE my communication with me!!
Friday, April 15, 2011
1.21 billion efforts each day CAN eradicate CORRUPTION!!
Corruption is part of our up bringing… insane as this insinuation may sound… it is TRUE. The innocent child learns early, that IF I do THIS… I get THAT. So, when we grow up… the deal remains… the means of completing the deal changes!! So, if we are to RID our society of CORRUPTION, we must first begin the change in pattern of bringing up our children for us to take care of the greater HARM that corruption brings.
Most often, we move to paying a bribe… not because… IT HAS TO BE PAID!!! We bribe to save time and cover up the time we’re wasting when we are in the wrong or still worse, when circumstances seem to stack up against us… we’re moved to play the give game!!
Bribery and Corruption sadly begins in our growing years and is an inherent part of our upbringing… for crying out loud, we even bribe our pets!!! Now, if the foundation of the process of bribery is as deep rooted as our childhood… then WHY do we expect that our behaviour as we grow up is going to reflect anything different.
I’ve watched many children being bribed by their parents with THINGS in return for eating their food, not crying, taking their medicine, going to school!!
2 weeks ago, when I was trying to get my passport renewed and had spent two long days standing in separate lines, at times actually wanting to give up Indian citizenship and wanting a global stamp on BEING. I will be honest in telling you, that the experience of standing in long lines, no proper information and no commitment on WHEN I would get my Passport, moved me to seek the help of the many TOUTS waiting to help for a fee!! The frustration was having to wait in long lines, crossed somewhere between the slow moving queues, people cutting the queue for some silly questions and wondering, “If I reach the counter, will the person just find YET another fault and have me come back for the 4th time”. As I walked outside, waiting for my token number to reflect, for me to present my papers, I noticed a number of people most willing to help… at a fee 4 times that of the original… and promising my passport the same evening or a day later!! I can promise you, at the time, I would’ve done ANYTHING to get out of the claustrophobia… Yet… the habit of gratitude moved me to wait for my token… then using the power of GRATITUDE… made the intention of smooth flow of documents and paperwork… to finally pay the fee and get a slip with a date for when to expect my passport!!
I know HOW MUCH gratitude I felt… after realizing that the 4 hour wait… left me feeling soooooo good about not having to bribing my way to renewing my passport for the next 10 years!!
To BE or NOT to BE… is a personal decision… taken at the level of an individual that will and can have a ripple effect on society on the whole!!
We should at this point express our Gratitude to Anna Hazare for moving us to thinking about eradicating corruption. We must also remember, that all change begins at “I”. We cannot DEPEND on a BILL to create the CHANGE that MUST come from US!! The BILL may CREATE a MOMENTARY IMPACT… yet the only force that will be able to sustain any change is 1.2 billion Indians choosing to change their personal perspective!!
Ask yourself… CAN I MAKE A PROMISE TO THE GENERATIONS TO COME, THAT I WILL NOT BE CORRUPT?? If each Indian, irrespective of caste, creed or credentials can choose to stay clean at a personal level, CORRUPTION will find no givers… and the result will be NO TAKERS!!
THINK… even the smallest effort made by each Indian means over 1.2 billion steps in the right direction, each day!!!
Is ONE effort a day too much to ask for???