Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I fast… We Feast: Learning of the day about LACK!!


It is beautiful to keep learning with each day I continue to be a good RECEIVER!! I understand at a deeper level, that there is an INNER HEALING that is first brought to the surface through things I experience, during my day!! And as the healing is complete… the learning is revealed!!

Looks like, this journey is destined to do special things in my life… and the lives that IT CHOOSES to DRAW unto itself!! It is moving that every word, that is drawn into the initiative, is channeled with a purpose, far greater than just the word!! A new revealing about the ACTIVE reason why I feel LACK… and through GRATITUDE in the feasting, A new celebration of the variation of vibration and meaning, which I guess is the REASON why each of our experiences with the text draws our own UNIQUE experiences!!

Just feel the gratitude of the HINTS in status messages… that have TRIED to draw my attention at an earlier time!!! A deeper quest was on… that has brought me to this absolutely astounding MOMENT in time… as I write this… I am also listening to the EMPOWERING HYMN of SURRENDER to GOD’s divine abundance in my life “In His Time

I was scrolling down my profile… to find the status message… and here’s what all I found… yay!!

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So true for today!! While I wanted to FEAST in the ABUNDANT by birth, it came wrapped in feelings and situations WHERE LACK OF really stood taller than my feeling of ABUNDANCE!!!

Then again, I felt HURT, betrayed, sad, upset … CRAVING to WANT to FEEL GOOD!! I realised for once, the SOURCES for my feeling bad were PEOPLE, external SOURCES. WOW!! What an INSIGHT!!! Left me smiling, as I put the KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT MANIFEST into ACTION!! I ALLOWED all sources of LACK, ACCEPTED all sources of LACK!!

The MANIFESTED truth… that over the last couple of weeks, SOURCE has been guiding me, preparing me for this new lesson… and TODAY finally it is REVEALED, that GRATITUDE had drawn my attention to ABUNDANCE, but for me to really LIVE IT… I needed to KNOW the WHY IT WASN’T in Effect HAPPENING… RIGHT NOW… as I complete this post… I KNOW I AM HEALED OF MY LACK!! I have ALLOWED GOD’s LOVE to SHOW ME WHY… I have ACCEPTED the LESSON and released the BLOCKS!! All set to MANIFEST a new NOW for myself and ALL THAT IS!!

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I KNOW the WHY OF PEOPLE!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!! Gratitude Angels 32

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I ALLOW a new awareness a new direction!! Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

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I ACCEPT a new THOUGHT a New HEALING a New REVEALTION to fill my KNOWING!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

And CELEBRATE the HEALING as the MANIFESTED joy of my life!!

Here’s wishing you a brilliant new experience of your own with I Fast… We Feast!! To a more Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive Life!!!

Always in deep Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Write us your story if you have one of the I Fast… We Feast experience!! We’d love to feature it on the blog as well as on the page!! You can write to us on info@deepositive.com!!

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