I am unhappy today... my world has been shattered by the very discussions that are meant to calm my nerves and give me a sense of being safe.
I am sitting in front of the television and wondering what I should do next... 6 days back... at this hour I was driving back home from a movie... happy and smiling... the roads may have had less traffic... but I felt safe... today... I am afraid... that there is a sniper around the corner wielding an AK 47 at me... telling me... loud and clear... that no one is looking out for me.
A 21 year old is motivated enough to walk through the city and shoot at sight. He talks of a PLOT to mar the very essence of the city... 9 others have been killed, motivated by their cause... and here I am still too frightened to take a step and yet so angry... knowing that the time for action is NOW and yet wondering if I will be able to take a decision beyond my own safety to extend a hand to change the path we're headed on.
The comments on blogs have so much hate filled in them... a community has come under the scanner and will bear the brunt of the activities of a few... who in the name of JIHAD have maimed a city... a people... the very spirit of a nation.
There is a conspiracy in the back door of the hotel I once fondly visited... I now look at the pictures of what remains of it and ask myself... when an ICON has been marred... where do I stand in the scheme of things... I am an insignificant part of the larger picture... a mere dot on the canvas of India.
I want to make my stand clear... I want to stand up for what I believe in... and in this little note that I write I am sharing my thought... a thought I know I must work upon... I know I must use the positive energy that I have deep within... to create a new thought... I cannot change the world... but I know that I can change the way I see the world... and know that there are more people like me... somewhere around me... who know that they too must walk this narrow path at the risk of being rebuked... but sow the seeds of a new and resurgent India... where the youth come to the fore and take a stand on what they want to see and ensure that what they see is really what they get.
Every person who has risen beyond the moment of grief... have come to the conclusion that we as a people need to stand up and take responsibility.. to open our eyes and keep a vigil on the goings on around us. To know that every reaction, every ARK... Act of Random Kindness will be the first ripple of creating a larger consciousness in our country.
I hear voices scream out and fling the responsibility on Pakistan and Politicians... I agree with them... but the next thought that comes to demand my attention!!!!
Is this really the need of the hour?
We have dramatised versions of every BREAKING NEWS... you hear the heroic stories on TV and hear of the rather cowardly reactions from those on the ground... people of Mumbai... atleast the ones I have spoken with... have a different story to tell. For the people who's life has come to an eerie standstill... well... there thoughts are reflected in muted silence at the mention of the words... "What's the latest?"
Simple walks in their own compounds have become a thing to contemplate... they do not feel safe in the compounds where they've spent long hours justs walking around. Mumbai is the most crowded city I have been to, often, in my conversations I keep talking about the vibrant energies of the city of Mumbai. Today... I hear stories of deserted roads... people are not sure whether to be brave and walk out of their home... or to sit inside the confines of their homes and hope that terror does not come close to where they stay.
Is this the MUMBAI we know??? For those of you who have had the chance to sample the energy of Mumbai... this is eerie. A colleague of mine tells me... that there is an eerie silence on the roads... the drive from Juhu to Chembur... a happy 40 minutes only... for the streets are so deserted... and the fear factor so high... that a simple cracker will bring back the sound of fear. The fear that the person that walks into the space we are in with a rucksack... could possibly be a terrorist.... damn... as I write this I can feel the chill down my spine... I cannot begin to imagine... what it is like for the people who have actually been through the trauma.
This, in my opinion... is the wake up call... for a BILLION people to take a stand... and work together... beyond the confines of caste and creed... lets come together a nation by design... a design generated by the coming together of the youth... to take over the legacy we owe the generations to come...
This is but a seed... a thought that will find expression in the coming together of every Indian youth... to come forward and claim their rightful place in planning the future of India. This is a turning point... and we have the right to choose the direction in which we turn.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Questions I ask... ME.... an INDIAN

Over the last couple of days I have been following the happenings in Mumbai. Through the pain, the grief, the loss, the destruction and the badgering of the human spirit, here are some of the thoughts that come to my mind.
if someone comes into my space and challenges every belief... I can choose 2 paths... to mock curse and hate them more... and in turn create more hatred OR I can choose to love, communicate and strengthen my bond within me and make a personal change for the better.The internet and communication alike today is all about spreading FEAR, HATRED more communal violence and internal trauma.We need to unite as a people and stand up as the YOUTH of this country. The future of the country belongs to us... the future will be written on the basis of a collective decision that we take today.
every thought that follows ... will be the beginning of the next chapter of the history of India.
Terrorism has no religion. It belongs to NO ONE. It is but a movement of frustrated minds to create panic and negativity in the national conscious of this magnificent country. You and I can take a personal decision to STAND UP for every citizen of this brilliant NATION ... to say... "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"
Are you ready to walk the narrow path and protect and promote the concept of a safe INDIA????
Are you going to spend precious positive energy in letting the negative vibes from this terror get to you?
As horrible as it may sound... we need to take a management lesson or two from the people who spread violence... they have used their intelligence to spread their message of TERROR... the planning... meticulous and their COMMITMENT... 100% to their mission.We may mock them... but we need to learn from them... to commit ourselves to what we BELIEVE we would like the future to be. We keep talking about wanting to MANIFEST a million wishes... we are lost in WISHING for things that add to our personal conscious... when was the last time you committed to something that is part of the larger consciousness?????THe time is NOW
To commit yourself to positively influence the future by joining hands with like minded people and creating a positive flood of awareness
To commit yourself to endless speculation and people bashing and be influenced by the rage of negativity against your fellow indians
Its time for you to take an internal call and LEARN a new lesson. As the youth of this country, we are at a crossroad, every decision we take in the now... will determine the future of this NATION
Dee Positive

There was a national presence in Mumbai... A diverse people came together to bring the terror to an end. A united India fought a common enemy... TERROR.That is something to be positive about
A lot of people who came out to help ... battled their own fears but chose instead to be there for a larger cause... to save those who could be saved.We can be positive about the fact that as a people we are UNITED even in the face of being divided by political parties... each gunning for their own glory... in the gory situation that we found ourselves.India is not made up of just political parties... India is a national community of over 1 billion people... you and I are one of them.Lets face the fear together.... join hands... stand strong... and challenge the very essence of negative energy that is rapidly spreading across the country.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Law of Attraction... hmmm

Here's a story that I am making up as I type... I believe, there is someone out there just waiting to read this... maybe the content is a little haphazard... maybe the sentences don't make sense... but hey... who says that I want to make sense... I am just following the flow of every sense... right now... its the quest of the relationship of the brain with the keyboard, that is getting truly tested.... what I write may not even make sense to me... but the one who reads it will walk away with the answer he seeks... for in a way... this piece will have its own special meaning for each person who reads it.
I looked at life for as long as I know from a pair of rose tinted "spectaculars" for everything I looked at... is spectacular... failures, success, phases, learning, unlearning, earnings and yes last but not the least.... a long list of yearnings. Oops!!! this is becoming quite poetic ain't it.
Here is my deduction... every door that has closed on my face... has been the beginning of a new phase... not for me to think I have failed... but to let me know I have bigger dreams to achieve... somehow... all my life the universe has conspired to let me know... that I have not been created for small victories. It has always been a low point that opened vistas for a greater learning and catapulted me to where I am today.
Have I forgotten everyone who contributed to ME... hell... NO... each one of them has a special place in my thoughts... for they have been the key to my success... often these forces are not the ones I banked on... but YES they are the ones that finally counted.
Here comes another gush... of thoughts... oops... this is getting more extempore than I thought it would... does it make sense to you??? Have you been through one of these phases.. you are thinking on one track and your mind diverts it yet again... just as you continue typing... words form sentences that make no sense and yet a few sentences later... there is a sense that you have communicated something really important to yourself... and maybe others!!!!!
It shows that the minds eye is much faster in processing information than the ability of the fingers to type this information ... for the thoughts that come on paper... should be edited for the sake of the reader... for every writer tries so hard to make sense of the non sense that comes so naturally when you sit down to write.
My mind has a message to give and I guess here it is ... if I were to sit in the silence of my soul I would receive a million life changing thoughts... but by the time I question and process it... well another thought has created a newer dimension. So, the moral of the story... STOP!!!!
Stop!!! when you have a thought... and without questioning it... write it down let it flow and let the wisdom of the ages find expression... you have been created with a special cause and the cause is far more important than what you perceive it to be... for it is the higher purpose of your soul that it meets.
I look into the future and I see a brilliant ray of light... there is pure love all around... nothing is amiss... there is a rainbow... and I know it is there specially for me. Nothing can take this moment away from me... for this is a moment that I see so clearly in my minds eye. Are you listening to the strains of your favourite track as you read this... close your eyes for a moment and you will see your canvas... and you... in a place where you have only dreamed you could be... often... you don't as much as remember... the moment you first saw the vision... and yet the vision is so strong... I know I have lived mine forever. In the moments I have spent with this vision... I have met my soul and I know that we are headed in the same directed... its the LAW OF ATTRACTION of the soul.
Have you ever thought of going deeper into the realm of the LAW OF ATTRACTION... well... here is my take on it. We wish for something... we forget... for another thought has taken its place... we subconsciously… move towards realising the first thought... and like a miracle... the thought comes true... AND ... yes!! We then start the process of planning the next stage of manifestation and apply so many conditions to it... and then comes the moment of OOOPS!!! It Ain't happening as I planned... and we break into a sorry dance... we are hurt by the results we get... and go into a depression... now... we are giving in to back tracing the steps... for the EXPECTATIONS take precedence over the joy of receiving... We ANTICIPATE... we wait... we wait more... and we meet the enemy ... FEAR.
I looked at life for as long as I know from a pair of rose tinted "spectaculars" for everything I looked at... is spectacular... failures, success, phases, learning, unlearning, earnings and yes last but not the least.... a long list of yearnings. Oops!!! this is becoming quite poetic ain't it.
Here is my deduction... every door that has closed on my face... has been the beginning of a new phase... not for me to think I have failed... but to let me know I have bigger dreams to achieve... somehow... all my life the universe has conspired to let me know... that I have not been created for small victories. It has always been a low point that opened vistas for a greater learning and catapulted me to where I am today.
Have I forgotten everyone who contributed to ME... hell... NO... each one of them has a special place in my thoughts... for they have been the key to my success... often these forces are not the ones I banked on... but YES they are the ones that finally counted.
Here comes another gush... of thoughts... oops... this is getting more extempore than I thought it would... does it make sense to you??? Have you been through one of these phases.. you are thinking on one track and your mind diverts it yet again... just as you continue typing... words form sentences that make no sense and yet a few sentences later... there is a sense that you have communicated something really important to yourself... and maybe others!!!!!
It shows that the minds eye is much faster in processing information than the ability of the fingers to type this information ... for the thoughts that come on paper... should be edited for the sake of the reader... for every writer tries so hard to make sense of the non sense that comes so naturally when you sit down to write.
My mind has a message to give and I guess here it is ... if I were to sit in the silence of my soul I would receive a million life changing thoughts... but by the time I question and process it... well another thought has created a newer dimension. So, the moral of the story... STOP!!!!
Stop!!! when you have a thought... and without questioning it... write it down let it flow and let the wisdom of the ages find expression... you have been created with a special cause and the cause is far more important than what you perceive it to be... for it is the higher purpose of your soul that it meets.
I look into the future and I see a brilliant ray of light... there is pure love all around... nothing is amiss... there is a rainbow... and I know it is there specially for me. Nothing can take this moment away from me... for this is a moment that I see so clearly in my minds eye. Are you listening to the strains of your favourite track as you read this... close your eyes for a moment and you will see your canvas... and you... in a place where you have only dreamed you could be... often... you don't as much as remember... the moment you first saw the vision... and yet the vision is so strong... I know I have lived mine forever. In the moments I have spent with this vision... I have met my soul and I know that we are headed in the same directed... its the LAW OF ATTRACTION of the soul.
Have you ever thought of going deeper into the realm of the LAW OF ATTRACTION... well... here is my take on it. We wish for something... we forget... for another thought has taken its place... we subconsciously… move towards realising the first thought... and like a miracle... the thought comes true... AND ... yes!! We then start the process of planning the next stage of manifestation and apply so many conditions to it... and then comes the moment of OOOPS!!! It Ain't happening as I planned... and we break into a sorry dance... we are hurt by the results we get... and go into a depression... now... we are giving in to back tracing the steps... for the EXPECTATIONS take precedence over the joy of receiving... We ANTICIPATE... we wait... we wait more... and we meet the enemy ... FEAR.
Could I look at FEAR from a new perspective... YES!!!!
Could the perspective change my perception of FEAR... YES!!!!
STOP!!!! this is getting into another dimension... my questioning fingers just broke the flow of thoughts... and brought in the questions again... I must stop NOW... for I may create a newer more engaging form of FEAR and all the relative thoughts that go with it... and trust me... FEAR has many more relatives than the human mind can fathom....
hmmm... Everyday in every way I am getting better and bettter... for I can choose when to PAUSE and probe a new thought... a more positive thought... a more positive direction... here is the KEY... when your conversation with your self comes to questioning... simply STOP!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
She reflected where she stood inflicted by a wound from a stab on her back, still smiling, still strong, still loving, still rejoicing.
"Teacher, don't you know that you have a bleeding back from the hurt inflicted upon you... and yet you stand here smiling and talking to me and telling me to see life's pain positively" said the student.
And the teacher replied, "it is by these wounds and the guidance therefrom, that I have learned, what I have learned must be shared, for in sharing what I have learned, gives you, the wisdom you need to choose a different lesson to learn. I can choose to reflect on the pain, but in the awareness of my breath... I choose to reflect on the gain."
Choose to reflect on that which brings your soul to a new learning... for every dark cloud has a silver lining and there is much to learn from both. For the dark cloud is a promise of light on the horizon... and the silver lining a reminder... that all is not lost.
You are the creator of your own truth.... affirm your truth... and know that it shall be done.
"Teacher, don't you know that you have a bleeding back from the hurt inflicted upon you... and yet you stand here smiling and talking to me and telling me to see life's pain positively" said the student.
And the teacher replied, "it is by these wounds and the guidance therefrom, that I have learned, what I have learned must be shared, for in sharing what I have learned, gives you, the wisdom you need to choose a different lesson to learn. I can choose to reflect on the pain, but in the awareness of my breath... I choose to reflect on the gain."
Choose to reflect on that which brings your soul to a new learning... for every dark cloud has a silver lining and there is much to learn from both. For the dark cloud is a promise of light on the horizon... and the silver lining a reminder... that all is not lost.
You are the creator of your own truth.... affirm your truth... and know that it shall be done.
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