Saturday, December 6, 2008

Be Positive

For over a couple of months, I had been toying around with 2 words... BE POSITIVE!!!! The first note I made on the concept... well... was kind of SHOT down... hmmm... but I knew there was something so special about the concept thought... and it possibly was filtered down into my soul for a reason...

There is a feeling that this concept has been created for a reason far greater reason than meets the soul... I must look within for the answer. My instincts tell me there is a reason in the near future that shall in fact present itself for BE POSITIVE to find action. I know my soul does define the path it shall take and the vision... once seen must materialise.

I can see clearly, the dimensions of the vision in its brilliance and I know the path to get there will not be as simple as the concept presentation makes it sound... For there are many who will not share the vision... for they cannot see it as clearly... YET.

Be Positive is more about creating a new wave of thinking. It challenges the very thoughts that have brought us to this space in time when we are overshadowed by thinks we may WANT but assume that a critical mass may not approve of the way things really are. I am an optimist... I believe... I receive.

I know it is not going to be easy... to make a special place for a project that seems to stand alone... in the crowd... for, Be Positive... is about creating a new path... of what I would like to call ... INFORMED TOLERENCE... for, to change, we need to introduce a new thought... a new direction.

26th of November... Mumbai terror strike takes place... for the next 72hours we are all glued to the television and following every iota of news...well... most of which was so dramatic... that we felt like we were in Mumbai... every sound of the bullet frightened our existence here in Delhi... for the next target could be us...

Through the next 72hours that the seige on Mumbai continued and the polticians became the front runners to be shot down... if not by the terrorists... well then definitely by the people of India... the words continued to grow stronger... and that is when it struck me... creating BE POSITIVE is part of a much greater plan.
A humble beginning... is where I have started. As the project gets shared... on social networks... the vision becomes that of a larger community.
Be Positive... India for India... a reminder... that, TOGETHER we can make it!!!

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