Monday, November 28, 2011

Ho Ho Ho… Santa Workshop!!

On our happy first… at DeePositive Intertainment we’d like to introduce you to another happy first…

Our First IPR at DeePositive “Santa Workshop”


…And OUR first expansion into creating a more Gratitude filled DeePositive experience DeePositive Foundation!!

365 days of being DeePositive is a reason to celebrate Gratitude in a grand way!! A thought born in 2009, became what we now know as DeePositive Intertainment in 2010!!

We needed to make this day special… and so, we’re choosing this day to ANNOUNCE… “Santa Workshop” a DeePositive initiative to spread the joy of RECEIVING!!

Our intention is to, RECEIVE 1,00,000 gifts from the people who can GIVE to 1,00,000 people around Delhi NCR who will be SURPRISED to RECEIVE a GIFT this Christmas!

A Diwali experiment confirmed our resolve, this year on diwali we took a drive around parts of South Delhi distributing crackers to street children and it brought us such immeasurable joy! We truly wished we have done this for many more, irrespective of age!! The expressions on their faces, were inspired and grateful for to them a BOX of crackers meant more than left over sweets! To a child, the excitement of crackers is what symbolizes the celebration of Diwali!!

So our gift to many children this year for Christmas… is a present from Santa… the Santa within us to the Santa they have only seen on billboards and in newspaper pictures! Santa Workshop is an idea, a tiny nudge in the direction of reviving the understanding that GIVING is RECEIVING!! J A ripple of Gratitude!!

A noble cause… YES!! With a memory that makes it even more special… a story of our own! As children brought up by a single parent, our childhood years were filled with longing to receive presents. The presents we ever wanted were simple… A packet of colours on Holi, for Diwali it was crackers and for Christmas… we would hope that Santa would leave us a present under our scrawny tree! I guess, just someone, a stranger… with a special PRESENT just for us… with our names on it! Now, 27 years later, as a brand, DeePositive has chosen this as our first STEP forward in our TERRIFIC TWO’s to being Dedicated to doing our bit to make it possible for others to RECEIVE a token of surprise on a day about RECEIVING!!

We feel that Christmas Giving needn’t be restricted to children… for at any age… there is a CHILD within who loves to get a present… so, we made a list of people who we’d like to share a token of appreciation and a surprise with…

Street Children, Orphans, Metro Station Staff working the Christmas Shift, Bus Drivers and Conductors on Santa’s City Route, Shelters for the homeless, People sweeping our streets, they do a thankless job!, Police personnel on the Santa’s City Route, Children of construction workers, Slum areas on Santa’s City Route, Old Age homes, Centres for the terminally ill… these we’ll confirm as we continue to build the list… and update you too!!

The Idea feels fantastic; we KNOW we would like to include anyone and everyone who extends an arm… to GIVE to be a part of a LARGE community of GIVERS!! We’re asking for little gifts that will make a large impact, when given TOGETHER!!

To make them feel warm: Gloves, Scarves, Shawls, Blankets, Caps

To make them smile: Toffees, Chocolates, Biscuits, Lollipops

To make them feel special: Just be a part of Santa Workshop! J

Here’s how we see Santa’s Workshop Unfold!

1st December to 18th December: Santa’s Elves on the job

18th December to 24th December: Gift Wrapping at Santa Workshop

25th December: Santa’s Day Out! Followed by an Elves lunch at Santa’s Workshop!

There are a infinite opportunities to expand and extend Santa Workshop to include you, your brand, your product and your team!! In making a difference in 2,00,000 lives in Delhi/NCR this year!

We look forward to you being part of the TERRIFIC TWO of being DeePositive

Love and Light!!

Deepanjali Rao/Evelyn D’Cruz


Team DeePositive

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I fast… We Feast: Learning of the day about LACK!!


It is beautiful to keep learning with each day I continue to be a good RECEIVER!! I understand at a deeper level, that there is an INNER HEALING that is first brought to the surface through things I experience, during my day!! And as the healing is complete… the learning is revealed!!

Looks like, this journey is destined to do special things in my life… and the lives that IT CHOOSES to DRAW unto itself!! It is moving that every word, that is drawn into the initiative, is channeled with a purpose, far greater than just the word!! A new revealing about the ACTIVE reason why I feel LACK… and through GRATITUDE in the feasting, A new celebration of the variation of vibration and meaning, which I guess is the REASON why each of our experiences with the text draws our own UNIQUE experiences!!

Just feel the gratitude of the HINTS in status messages… that have TRIED to draw my attention at an earlier time!!! A deeper quest was on… that has brought me to this absolutely astounding MOMENT in time… as I write this… I am also listening to the EMPOWERING HYMN of SURRENDER to GOD’s divine abundance in my life “In His Time

I was scrolling down my profile… to find the status message… and here’s what all I found… yay!!

Gratitude Angels 34

So true for today!! While I wanted to FEAST in the ABUNDANT by birth, it came wrapped in feelings and situations WHERE LACK OF really stood taller than my feeling of ABUNDANCE!!!

Then again, I felt HURT, betrayed, sad, upset … CRAVING to WANT to FEEL GOOD!! I realised for once, the SOURCES for my feeling bad were PEOPLE, external SOURCES. WOW!! What an INSIGHT!!! Left me smiling, as I put the KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT MANIFEST into ACTION!! I ALLOWED all sources of LACK, ACCEPTED all sources of LACK!!

The MANIFESTED truth… that over the last couple of weeks, SOURCE has been guiding me, preparing me for this new lesson… and TODAY finally it is REVEALED, that GRATITUDE had drawn my attention to ABUNDANCE, but for me to really LIVE IT… I needed to KNOW the WHY IT WASN’T in Effect HAPPENING… RIGHT NOW… as I complete this post… I KNOW I AM HEALED OF MY LACK!! I have ALLOWED GOD’s LOVE to SHOW ME WHY… I have ACCEPTED the LESSON and released the BLOCKS!! All set to MANIFEST a new NOW for myself and ALL THAT IS!!

Gratitude Angels 30

I KNOW the WHY OF PEOPLE!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!! Gratitude Angels 32

Gratitude Angels 33

I ALLOW a new awareness a new direction!! Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Gratitude Angels 31

Gratitude Angels 35

I ACCEPT a new THOUGHT a New HEALING a New REVEALTION to fill my KNOWING!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

And CELEBRATE the HEALING as the MANIFESTED joy of my life!!

Here’s wishing you a brilliant new experience of your own with I Fast… We Feast!! To a more Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive Life!!!

Always in deep Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Write us your story if you have one of the I Fast… We Feast experience!! We’d love to feature it on the blog as well as on the page!! You can write to us on!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today I learnt: I Fast from Greed… I Feast in ABUNDANCE!!

Today as I affirm India, I choose to consciously ABSTAIN from GREED in all it's forms... I Feast in the KNOWING that GRATITUDE and ABUNDANCE is MINE by RIGHT!!#I fast... We Feast :DeePositive


I Fast... We Feast: Learning of the day!!

As I personally tried practicing abstinence from Greed today... I learnt a new lesson, to share!! Greed reared it's ugly head in the form of IMPATIENCE today!!

Greed rears it's UGLY head with IMPATIENCE… in my life!! When what I WANT becomes the CORE FOCUS of my attention… I move from the vibration of ABUNDANCE to a vibration of LACK!! And LACK my darlings, ONLY ATTRACTS more awareness of LACK!! It is like a VOID that get’s larger and larger and begins to take us away from our INNER KNOWING!!

Something to THINK about and ask ourselves!!

HOW DOES GREED feature in my life?? How DOES GRATITUDE and ABUNDANCE feature in my life today??

For me… here’s what it was like… I am sharing with an intention to SHARE THIS AWARENESS that I HAVE DRAWN… that I may EMPTY myself enough, that GRATITUDE may work on FILLING MY VOID with a NEW LEARNING TOMORROW!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

I wanted more attention/Ate beyond my hunger/felt out of alignment/experienced jealousy/Experienced insecurity/ Kept looking for ASSURANE/ Kept looking BACK for MISTAKES, said some mean things, I would never have said, felt taken for granted, compared my life with that of others, MY AWARENESS was FOCUSED on LACK and my vision blurred, and it all started with ONE EXPECTATION, ONE DESIRE… ONE FOCUS in an EXTERNAL CRAVING for ATTENTION and AFFIRMED ACTION… Pendulum, I tell you Winking smile.

As I write this right now... My vibration moved to GRATITUDE AND ABUNDANCE in the KNOWING, that my experiences were meant to bring my GREED FORMS into my awareness!! Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

As I draw myself to the power of abundance in my life, I see my ANGELS of GRATITUDE smile back at me!!! People who filled my day with a deeper sense of GRATITUDE IN ACTION and I KNOW that my EXPERIENCE is COMPLETE in the KNOWING that Gratitude is FLOWING!! The Fact that the first words that begun my day were meant to GUIDE it… fills me with a DEEPER sense of GRATITUDE!! My understanding tells me… that all THOSE who were CHALLENGING me today… BRINGING OUT THE WORST IN ME… were infact my BLESSING’s in DISGUISE, for if it weren’t for them… I wouldn’t have EXPERIENCED this WOW moment!! When I see the day from GRATITUDE, I learnt something NEW… so beautiful, so profound, that I KNOW NOW that even my status is a reflective of my CONSCIOUS choice, even if the reason was EXTERNAL, I chose this morning (unconsciously) to begin my day with a powerful learning to CHOOSE my POWER PATH of the day!! just a few hints on how Gratitude and abundance unfolded today, I am sharing with you some of it… in the forms they arrived and how they made me smile!!! In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS, for each one of you are ANGELS, sent by GOD to remind me and keep me in his presence!!!


Gratitude Angels

Gratitude Angels 1 

Power of Gratitude

Gratitude Angels 11

Gratitude Angel 9

Gratitude Angels 8

Gratitude Angels 10

Gratitude Angels 6

Gratitude Angels 3

Gratitude Angels 7

Gratitude Angels 5

Gratitude Angels 12

Draws so much more of my alignment to a new wave of Gratitude… a New Learning… A new Awareness!!! These are just to mention a very few… there is so much more I’d like to share… some tiny riddles Winking smile ALL FROM SOURCE, OF SOURCE, FOR SOURCE!!

What a blissful day it’s been DEEPER IN MY KNOWING and even DEEPER in GRATITUDE to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Now, I am INSPIRED, day III and I FAST… WE FEAST is becoming a PATH of INNER HEALING and GREATER Gratitude!! A new understanding of HOW

when I FAST with AWARENESS as the core intent … I Feast in GRATITUDE of of a much GREATER CONTENT!! I Celebrate I ..  I Empower WE!!!

Here is wishing you an I Fast… We Feast Experience of your own!!!

When you share an experience, you create a ripple… and when it’s from the SOUL the effects of it quite triple Winking smile 

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day II: “I Fast… We Feast”


Even though we live in a state of uncertainty, I truly and deeply accept my role and responsibility as a citizen... and I promise to uphold the dignity and pride of my nation though my conduct through this day!!

#I Fast... We Feast

Well another 4 am call for action and sleep walks it’s way out of my head, draws me to the computer!! It is like there is a force guiding each step and all I am left to do is express my Gratitude and ALLOW these thoughts to find expression in words. ACCEPT that my only contribution is to ACCEPT the GUIDANCE I receive and take ONE STEP at a time!! It fills my being with Dedication, Enthusiasm, Empowered Action and Positive flow of energy to receive a communication so powerful that it leaves me humbled… In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Logo Final

I Fast… We Feast the logo!!

it’s a call to every Indian… nationally and globally, to express themselves INDIVIDUALLY!! Which is why we’ve chosen the flag wave!!

Would be awesome if you created your own perspective of the flag if you begin to understand the colour energy it gives you!! It’s relation with the chakras!! All I understood while creating the logo, is the need for CLARITY OF PERSONAL EXPRESSION is the balance between The Orange (Sacral Chakra) the Green (Heart Chakra) that is balanced in the centre by white with the CHAKRA in blue (Throat Chakra) in the Centre… which could possibly also mean, that we are called to centre our COMMUNICATION and expression in PURITY(White)

Walking the Talk

While we are aware of the larger picture of corruption how often have we, at a personal level, been corrupt?? Is a good question to ask ourselves Smile 

When I asked myself this question I found more fault with myself than anywhere else in this entire country!! When GOD created me in ABUNDANCE, why then did I succumb to LACK? When I was created with a FREE WILL to EXPRESS myself… Why then did I choose to give CIRCUMSTANCES more power than my personal BELIEF!!

And so is born an initiative, that takes us one day at a time to a new realisation, that UNKNOWINGLY and KNOWINGLY, I am as CORRUPT as the person I am pointing a finger at!!! I have allowed myself to be LED!! I choose now, through this initiative to take ONE DAY at a TIME to UNLEARN HISTORY and CREATE my own personal INDENT, by taking a more difficult root of CHANGING my own HABIT’s that promote CORRUPTION one day at a time, and doing my part in creating a new AWARE and more VIBRANT INDIA!!

We aspire to take up more issues as we continue to build the INITIATIVE and it would be an HONOUR to have you walk the path of I Fast… We Feast with us!!! You have the free will to be exactly who you want to be… CHANGE the ME and ENERGISE the WE!!

Have a DeePositive day!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Fast … We Feast !!! Many I's make WE!! :))


This idea was born when 25 Indians EXPRESSED A COMMON need and the UNIVERSE responded with a THOUGHT… which over 4 days has ONLY JUST BEGUN to BECOME A THING!!

This time a series of comments… and one in particular gave me an idea… just to let you have fun with the lead up!! The Place Facebook… the date 16th August 2011


Ravi SaidVeer SaidRishi SaidVaishali Said

Veer’s comment was the most THOUGHT provoking, you could feel the pulse of INDIA in his comment!! What really got my attention… all of it!! Open-mouthed smile Was the part of his comment when he says…

“...and before you say fasting is blackmailing....suggest a non violent way that can be adopted to make the Govt. (who is neck deep into corruption) inact a powerful law to stop corruption.”

…. and that got me THINKING!!! The vibration of the conversation had left alignment with our strong spiritual knowing and living and had moved to a place called the EGO Winking smile In a flash of inspiration… I held on to Veer’s comment and surrendered it to Gratitude… I felt the vibrational change from pure gratitude within myself to READ BETWEEN that sentence!! EVERY INDIAN wants an END to CORRUPTION and any medium/law/Lead would be welcomed with a SIGH of relief!! At the PINNACLE of frustration, ANNA HAZARE is the first CITIZEN to STAND AND SPEAK and INITIATE!! The COMMON EMOTION IS STIRRED and the COMBINED THOUGHT has become a step in that direction!!

Then again, the effectiveness of any measure, is only as effective as the DETAIL of the DEPTH it affects!

To the THINKING MIND, history is repeating itself!!

Gandhi fought for freedom, got it!! Brilliant and effective campaign… YES!! Well thought of and executed… YES!!! Vision Planning… HELL NO!!!

Anna Hazare fights for the LOKPAL BILL, get’s it!!! Brilliant and Effective campaign… YES!! Well thought of and executed… YES!! Vision Planning… well, you don’t expect ANNA HAZARE to execute the law… NOR WILL HE!! For his PASSION is in the PASSING of the BILL… beyond that… The “COMMITTEE will take over and corrupt it by convenience!! Ha ha Ha!!

As Indian’s we’re too large a population to be monitored effectively enough to LIVE BY THE LAW!! We’ll need to invite the POPULATION OF CHINA to monitor us to ensure that we don’t cut corners!! Winking smile Come to think of it… every lawyer in this country is aware of the LOOP HOLES in the law and have used it to win cases that were quite OPEN and SHUT!! The very essence of the working of the LAW and the loop holes can be seen quite evidently in Kasab’s case!! Then who are we fooling??? Or WHY ARE WE GETTING FOOLED!!

And yet… there has to be a new way to infiltrate the conscious mind, the sub conscious mind to a NEW AWAKENING a new WAY of LIFE!! A life that begins when every citizen takes it upon themselves, to MONITOR CONSCIOUSLY their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in helping the future generation to inherit a CONSCIOUSLY AWARE DEMOCATIC REPULIC OF INDIA!!

… and then…. a thought came to me…

29 comments later

This thought, attracted many LIKES and a meaningful conversation with a Priest I have much regard for as a human being… Fr. Jose!! It gave me more direction… more reason to continue to THINK, what I could do as an INDIAN!!!

29 comments later comments

and after thinking of it to no end for the last 4 days!! Especially while I am praying, I woke up from an almost sleep state to a NEW AWAKENING!!! to a new VIBRATIONAL WOW in the making!!

God said… where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name… “I AM THERE”…. When I FAST… WE FEAST… is going to be one day of raising the INDIAN VIBRATION to the VIBRATION OF ABUNDANCE… when the HAVE’s FAST to affirm their PERSONAL commitment to SELF MONTIORING their ANTI CORRUPTION COMMITMENT… and the HAVE NOT’s FEAST in the KNOWING that they don’t have to be CORRUPTED to survive another day!!!

What a brilliant feeling of KNOWING that I will spend ONE day, not cheating and fasting with the deep intent of ERRADICATING CORRUPTION BEGINNING WITH ME!! And those I feed, will bless my intent with the pure joy, for they will have a meal!!

Keep a WATCH for more details on our page DeePositive Intertainment for more details… we’re working on the HOW’s of it as I post this!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And finally… Presenting K.A.A.M!!

Since I began writing my first book last year in April, I kept looking for the RIGHT editor, the RIGHT time, the RIGHT campaign, the RIGHT million other things!

Then this morning when I woke up, all I was hearing in my head is “Make an E-Book and release it!!” and so, like the many times in my life, that I have acted on prompt alone, I present to you MY FIRST book, K.A.A.M the power manifesting tool, that is a book presented through me, yet comes from the SOURCE of WHO I AM!! A book that in fact has only been written by me. The content, the energy of this book is governed by the ALL KNOWING and I feel blessed to have been chosen to share it!!

May the vibration of the book draw you to a deeper understanding of WHO YOU ARE and WHERE YOU CAN CHOOSE to be by PAYING ATTENTION to YOURSELF!!

Have a Happy Manifesting journey of your personal experiences through the content!!

My Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS … the source of WHO I AM… for the blessing of the manifesting of the first step of being an author!!

I feel like a child now, a little nervous in the person and very excited in spirit!!

K.A.A.M click to begin your personal journey of Know Allow Accept Manifest!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

DeePositive Newsletter!!!

It is fascinating, that being down with a cold can actually move me to writing!! Considering, that sleep is a GIFT I would like to give myself!!! I find that wanting to get a million things done is more likely where my mind is working at, right now!!

We’ve finally launched our first merchandise… and might I add, that it has had a fantastic effect on me for sure!! We decided to go first with Gratitude Bands!! A simple way to remember that we need to be grateful every minute of the day and everything we are able to find gratitude in… will always lead us to more similar experiences… of Gratitude!! We’re also using this as our first push into the market to generate funds for the “Santa Workshop” we’re launching soon!! This is the core of why we launched brand DeePositive and so, you can imagine we’re super excited about this whole first step!! So, encourage us, buy bands for yourself and yes, gift a few bands too!!! It is a fantastic way to begin to get into the groove of Gratitude!!!


In Delhi : Call Evelyn on +917838199929

In Mumbai: Call Ashok on +919324856294

and if you’re anywhere else in India or overseas feel free to write to us at and we’ll be glad to find a way to get the band to you!!

Just remembered that I had promised a certain Ms. Kerry Plant that I would add her quest to my blog!!  So, here’s the note she sent me… and now I am doing my bit by sharing it with you!!!


Inspirational Indian Family

Do you believe in instilling good old-fashioned values, discipline and boundaries in your children? Can you give two British teenagers the chance to have some much-needed structure in their lives?

The British Broadcasting Corporation are looking for inspirational families to take part in our long running series on parenting.

In each one-hour programme, two British teenagers will be sent to live with a family abroad, to experience life in their country under their rules.

In the last series, the BBC sent mismanaged teenagers from the UK to live with families all over the world, from Jamaica to Alabama to South Africa.

In this series we want to send two British teenagers to India to sample a disciplined, yet loving upbringing.

We are looking to represent an inspirational Indian family (with their own teenagers) who are proud of their strong parenting and family values and who would be willing to accommodate two British teenagers for one week and instil in them the values and morality they demand of their own children.

The British teens will be expected to attend school, complete homework, help with household chores – whatever is normal for the host family; they will not be guests in the house but new members of the family.

If you are proud of your strong parenting and values and interested in this project, please get in touch with us for more information about the series.

Email a brief description of your family and your contact information to or call Kerry on 0 11 44 207 424 7741 and I will call back at your convenience.


Ha ha ha… when I read the series of last year, which was filmed on a family in Pune!! I realised it would be a lot of fun for a completely traditional Indian family, who needed a reality check Winking smile. Not that I know any… really Open-mouthed smile

We’re shifting into our new office in the month of July!!! There’s a little wait… but well worth it!! Our deep gratitude and lots of affection to Christopher Pacheco and Meghna Elvira Gomes Pacheco for letting us have an office close enough to home to walk it Winking smile ha ha ha… some form of physical exercise Winking smile

Positive Vibes!!!  follow the link to join the community on facebook!!  It is only just the beginning of a very powerful movement inwards!!

We’re planning when the second meet takes place!! 27th March still feels like yesterday!! Can switch into that moment and live the smiles… still such a powerful memory!!! The first newsletter is due soon with Vikas and Namrata working diligently on the content!! A new beginning and may I add a wonderful new meaning to Positive Vibes!!

Got to go!! Cold calling… wanting me to give it all all the attention it can get before it says bye bye!! Lots of DeePositive love to all of you and here’s hoping that we’ll always have enough news to continue posting a DeePositive News!! Lots more in the pipeline… be sure to keep following!!

Facebook: DeePositive Intertainment!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


We're looking for a store manager for a luxury brand for their store in Mumbai!! As per protocol, we cannot reveal the brand as of now!!! If you know of anyone who is in Mumbai or willing to move to Mumbai with this assignment please mail your resume's to:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Verbatim… Thought Flow

It was always going to be a fabulous idea to get to write more regularly… Just that the moment I open the page and actually sit down to write… my sight has found something new that needs my attention Winking smile or my taste buds have made a brand new demand for food… like just now Winking smile I have begun the process of writing… and TWO FRIED EGGS with toast have made their appearance on the video screen of my mind, beckoning me to leave this for a while and cater to the new want Winking smile

Nothing feels more perfect than to sit at the computer and allow myself the silence of writing what I observe without speaking a word Smile

Yesterday, on the metro from Delhi to Gurgaon, I spent some quality time reading and observing. There were so many people with  so many thoughts, each one racing to a destination with an agenda… of getting there!! It was also quite a laugh to see men sitting in the ladies compartment, exactly in front of the sign which says LADIES ONLY!! Not to forget the child wanting to climb every pole on the metro, quite enjoyable to watch… yet annoying.

Sip of Chai toh bantaa hai Winking smile

Must’ve been a joke… for the first time since I started using the metro to travel to Gurgaon… it took 90 minutes to get there!!! Felt like the trains were now tired and wished they too got some rest… the energy of the metro felt like it needed a lot of appreciation, I guess too many people, too many trips makes the metro a little tired… no appreciation!! Ha ah ha… Can you imagine, the stories that the metro would tell you… only if it spoke!! Wrote a quick text to my client… that the metro is acting up… and that I would be there as soon as I could… and rested back into reading my book… realised that I was thirsty… called my sister and asked her to get water along… and rested back into reading again… I am not telling you this to chronicle my trip to Gurgaon!!! It  is just a sample of how, when we go with the flow of silence… our actions, our observations almost intuitively follow a format of looking within and following through on the outside!!

It is brilliant to stay so silent that you can here “ba khuda tumhi ho” , on the headphones of the lady sitting next to you. And the conversation of a girl with her boyfriend sitting opposite you… while she imagines she’s really soft… she’s letting most of us know, that she is in control of a relationship. giving him instructions while on her way back about what he CAN and SHOULD NOT do Winking smile 

The alarm on my phone has just created another break… the alarm says… “Cleanse Heal Sculpt Reveal” !!!  Silence is broken by thought!! I just remembered that a certain Mr. Ashutosh had to call me YESTERDAY!!!  ooops!! I had to call back a certain UMA RAI yesterday  too!!

The Picture of the EGGS and TOAST is getting vivid… I can almost taste it RIGHT NOW… Proof that our senses can be quite pushy Winking smile when they’ve zeroed in on what they want Winking smile most of the time, they’re spoiled for choice… and that results in binging… the phone rings again… and yet I don’t want to leave the computer till I feel that this piece is finished… Talking about the computer… you ought to check out my “Verse of the Day” and “Message from God”  today… both brilliant!!! Sometime, I feel that the application knows my thoughts and reveals to me in words, that which I know God really wants me to focus on!!

Blank… Blank… Blank

No words to type… just a bold TYPE FACE on the screen saying “Dee will ya work on the concept note already. You have promised the client they’ll get it tomorrow” … Oh yes, I must… yet… I am enjoying this note… and so don’t really want to stop… minus an edit… I wonder if someone out there is actually going to read this piece… and want to move themselves to a similar experience of the INNER VOICE OBSERVATION process… SEE SEE SEE… this is the next concept, we could put into the KNOWING , born of DeePositive TIMEOUT in silence… ha ha ha … for the amount I’ve written… silence is JOKE… yet I know I am happy that I was able to transcribe the flow of thought in verbatim…

I must read this back… to check for errors… and then … something tells me… this isn’t a conscious piece of work… this is a piece that comes from flow, therefore, any correction would mean… not allowing the flow to flow… reading it back will move me to edit… which is like correcting thoughts… thoughts that have flowed out from the sub conscious to the virtual, through the sense of TOUCH the keypad Winking smile

Ha ha ah ah… just realise it is 1133 on my computer… wonder what Veer Suklecha would say about the occurrence of these numbers Winking smile One sec… Let me google it Winking smile

131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path.

See… how the signs speak for themselves and allow us the pleasure of their company… in the silence of our thoughts… allowing our innerworld the freedom to bridge the gap between where we are… and where we’re meant to be!!!

What an awesome experience to get into my mind… finding a meaning of 1133 somehow, broke into the flow of thought… created an up moment and the inner voice is suddenly silence by the conscious flow of INFORMATION gathered from the NET…

At a PHYSICAL LEVEL… I connected information to process… at the SUB CONSCIOUS level… I just silenced my INNER VOICE for OUTER PROOF!!!

Here’s something NEW to ponder upon!!

How often to I silence my inner voice for outer proof?? When was the last time I allowed flow to flow into my conscious knowing without trying to VALIDATE my communication with me!!