Sunday, October 25, 2009

"tum ho toh"

today is "tum ho toh" day. Listen to the track from the movie Rock On... Close your eyes... Its a fantastic gratitude track... think, thank all our mentors, teachers, coaches for their incredible contribution to our lives... Personal and p...rofessional! I just did it... I could make a documentary! I want to write names now :-)

This song is really special... It really brings me to a point of resolution between the thoughts in my head and the reality of life... while listening to this track... I can so clearly see the million faces I owe my decisions to. Strangely, some of the people who truly disliked me have been the source of major triumph in my life. For by talking about me... they gave me the popularity I needed to fly higher. In this song, I've even had the fantastic experience of seeing the most painful memories of my life in the brilliant light of... THANK GOD they happened :D

"Appreicate & Applaud"

Here's a thought "Appreicate & Applaud"day... Make it personal. Look for opportunities beyond your own immediate thoughts. Look at appreciating your parents, your spouse, your kids, your maid, your driver, your car, your home, your bills, your stresses, your problems, your friends and yourself. Thank you... Mommy, Roopa, Evelyn for being my life force, I love and appreciate you.

Just yesterday we finished with a three day leadership programme... in which I learnt that my mind works on intuition first, then people, then I loo for logic and I know the results will come in ... hmmm... quite contrary to the brand I work with... their first preferance is results, logic, people and finally intuition. I appreciated my uniqueness... I appreicate all the people, who over the years have brilliantly let me grow and develop into the person I am.

I dedicate...

"I dedicate..."day. Dedicate yourself to feeling special, to getting pampered, to planning a special occasion, to loving more, to living more, to learning more... Happy Manifesting!

I dedicate each day to do something really special... and right through my day... I choose to look for people, causes, reasons to dedicate myself. I dedicate myself to 30 minutes of power reading... I dedicate 3o minutes to affirming... I dedicate 30 minutes to blessing all my challenges, I dedicate 3o minutes to thanking God for the wonder of my life. It is a brilliant way to begin your day... Empowered!!!

I am not a number...

"I am not a NUMBER" day. This is a special for every sales person... there is life beyond your numbers... Today take out time to appreciate and live your life beyond work. Hitesh... this one is InSpIrEd by you :) Happy Manifesting!!!

Often, we gauge what we are worth by the number tags... Targets. If I don't reach this target, I am a failure or If I don't make that grade I am a failure... In a very simple sentence, Hitesh said it all... YOU ARE NOT YOUR NUMBER!!! and I smiled. It makes for a brilliant thought... to start your day :D I know it kick started a lot for me :D

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

trust your instincts

Today is "trust your instincts" day. May the light guide you inward to the deepest part of your soul from where all light and love radiate. Use this auspicious day... to meditate on the light shining brightly through your being... Happy Manifesting Diwali!!!

Echo your thoughts

Today is "Echo your thoughts" day. Take a simple happy thought... and repeat it at different decibels... try "I love you sooo much"... smile... try it in different voices... "I luuuuvvv you", I lub u, I L O V E Y O U"... radiate love... manifest love.

"Live every breath"

"Live every breath" day. Everytime you breath today... say Thank you... let the power of gratitude manifest abundance.

Empower & Inspire

"Empower & Inspire" day. Follow your deepest instincts, share your thoughts, empower them, Inspire 1 more person to live life to the fullest. Remember, Instincts become Thoughts become Things. Happy Manifesting!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mumbai... You Rock!!

A night of longing later... it dawned upon me... light a bolt out of the dark. We miss the 'bigger picture" often in the quest of immediate returns.

I look back at my first few weeks in mumbai and I realise... I've manifest a long sought dream... of indepence in the truest sense... it is magical... so magical... that as I write about it... i can feel the very instinctive moments of the journey so far. When I came here... I had one strong hold... one reason to be super confident... and now... 6 months later... I have found a new reason to live out this dream.

It has made me realise the power of independence and the art of preparing the self for greater things to come... well.. don't be surprised... I do have my... "I want to go back home" moments quite regularly... I lay my weeping eyes to sleep ... when I wake up the next morning, life takes over... and I am ready to lead a brand new day.

I've had the chance to read some brilliant books, write some phenomenal stuff and plan my first book! It is so rewarding to be able to sit in silence... and watch the city scape invite you to explore it! Its brilliant to plan a quite evening by the sea... loving every piece of inspiration that brings you to a point of ecstasy about the journey.

Everyday, literally everyday, I manfest magic... I've been able to heal not only my life... but lives of others who have chosen to want to share their lives with me... bringing healing upon themselves. Mumbai has helped me discover my true purpose in life... stunning!!

I have learnt to slow down and smell the coffee... take each day and treat it in the most special way... I have learnt to truly trust my instincts... not be a slave of circumstances... but create the circumstances I may require to reach where I must. This city has a wild vibration.., there seem to be signs everywhere, if you just slow down... enough... to notice them. It is fantastic to notice the "bigger picture" this city is where it is all beginning to dawn... the paradigm shift in consciousness is evident in the eyes of every Mumbaikar... everyone is like a fearless warrior challenging life to throw at them what it must... yet... in the wake of the moment, each citizen stands up and claims this city as their own.

There is such a fantastic air of positivity... its so precious. beyond the rush of everyday life... this city has taught me... most of all ... to simply be confident even when circumstances around done seem to want the same of me... the spirit of Mumbai is in the air... you breathe special... you live special... you can manifest just about anything... in all the humdrum... there is love so pure.

Mumbai you rock!!

Happee DeeWali

I just wanted to wish everyone a happee DeeWali...

DeeSigned and Destined for success, this is a festival to let the light from within shine bright beyond.

I sit by the window and look at the city so beautifully lit up... I know there is something special for each one of us!! So special is this moment that I am eternally grateful for all the love I see around me... home lit up... lives lit up... its a beautiful way to celebrate life.

The sound of the crackers deafens the ears... enough to shut out all bad thoughts... and reasons to sulk.

The lights in the city... a reminder... that no matter what the circumstance...we're abundantly blessed with the light of love and prosperity.

Here's a perspective.... look at all the dark places in your memory... spend a thought... lighten up the spaces... radiate love and peace and joy.

Know that you are a radiant being... filled with light and love and peace and joy.

Everyday in everyway you are getting better and better at loving yourself just the way you are.

How could someone miss the brightest moment of life... by living in darkness of not knowing the love that emanates from the deepest part of your being... Your soul magnifies the radiance of love... live each moment of this day... lighting up your life in a super special way!!

Happy Manifesting!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I've walked this way before... I know I have... for there is a sense of belonging in every step. I see the truth of who I am... I meet me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for I see the wonder of me in every reflection, the knowingness that surrounds me is ME.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every tree seems to know me... they get all ruffled as I pass them by... the leaves seem to recongnise me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every reason to be loved vibrates in this open space... it vibrates of love for me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for the fragrance in the air is familiar... I know it... it is distincly me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... the echo resounds my name... for me to hear... its the echo of me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every stone I've almost tripped over brings back a memory of me

I've walked this way before... I know I have... for my life is this landscape... this landscape is me.

I've walked this way before... I know I have... when every being who passes me by smiles at me... its like they know me.

Me... I am a memory... I am abundance... I am the creator of my own reality... I am blessed to be Me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I will love you forever and a day...

If this be the last I spend with him… I want this memory to last forever, for I will never walk this memory again… I will have moved on, but the memory will continue to make me smile. For this has been the most unconditional relationship I’ve been blessed with… I know I am blessed for sure, for this memory is witness of it

I am going to spend an evening with him… its been 10 years since I last visited his house. Looking back at the years gone by… well… I am still smiling…. I remember that day… that moment… that afternoon that I spent in his room… his mom and I spoke at length about the man… and we bonded… it was beautiful.

We left home that evening… and as we got to the station… I remember… the moon shining bright as we made our way into the railway station… he held my hand and said, “I feel like I am already married to you” and we looked at each other and smiled… later that night… we kissed… and all that I wanted really… was for that kiss to never end.

Many years and many relationships later… here we are… its almost like we’re going back to where we started… this is the time for closure…

Our lives went different ways… we met other people … had other relationships… we moved on, both in different directions. Each with a memory that only makes for a perfect love story… of love at first sight.

I walk into a home transformed by his creativity and I look with amazement of how beautifully he has now done up his home… it looks stunning… I love it… its just the way I had always thought my home would look like. I feel at home… all is so beautiful… but this man isn’t mine in the worldly way… at all. But in the spiritual realm, well, there’s nothing that separates us.

Somewhere deep within, I had willed this. Knowingly, I gave up my want to be loved so completely by him… its beautiful, there is not a moment I don’t remember him with a smile on my face. I remember always feeling like a princess whenever I was around him… I still holds true. It’s a royal feeling to be so loved by another human being. What has kept this relationship so wonderful is the fact that there are no expectations.

I look in awe around the world when I am around him… I pray that everyone could have something as special, as beautiful as we do… we always smile when we look at each other… and I know that nothing can these moments away from us.

I look at him… and I see the man who changed my perspective on the species, till this day… he makes me want to have it all. He inspired me 10 years ago… here I am today.

I know that life is going to be a special series of events that will lead to DeeHeaven, the place where I shall rest this earthly body and join with my angels. This is just one of them… this is precious. You are precious Buboo you really are!!!

A Dialogue with Dee

I am sharing this journal entry I had written a couple of months ago... a lot of thoughts kept rushing... today I read this which much pride... I know the path of victory. I faced my greatest fear... failure... I changed the perspective and WON.

I am looking to create my own space in a crowded world… I am born free and that is the decision I still need to take. I move from job to job in the hope of all things working out just the way they should and still … I am in a rut to make ends meet. Is this my calling???

I took this plunge and moved to Mumbai… interesting city that gives me the freedom I need to be… a brilliant job opportunity that makes me feel on the top of the world… my question to me.. well is this what you really want??? Is all this fame and money that comes with it truly going to fulfill your deepest desires? Is being locked in the chains of a million reports really going to fly with you???

And there is a need to suddenly run far away from all of this… running away may not always be the answer … my soul tells me and I stop again… wanting more answers trying to understand the deepest thoughts that come from the soul of being the person I was created to be.

This is a time for inner healing and getting back my mojo. I know that this phase isn’t truly easy… but it is the most important phase of my life… it’s the place where every decision I take will influence my entire life in the most profound manner. I know exactly what to do… but I seem to be blocking myself from doing anything… which is the most sad part of getting through this phase.

I’ve blocked the sales aspect of my life and I know that I am brilliant at it… what so totally does not suit me is to have a large shadow of LOOM hovering about me all the time… that makes me sick… in the body and in the mind… and that shall never do too much good for me at all.

I am going to let the sun shine brightly on my thoughts… and fill me with a sense of awe… I am looking forward to the very essence I know as life… for everyday shall bring into my life a new surprise… and I shall smile… bright and beaming… for love so awesome shall continue to fill in the blank spaces I have left untouched by adventure. I am a go getter… and I get whatever I go for.