It is just overwhelming to see the streaming flow of miracles in my life... It is a beautiful to see how life is shaping up... it is awesomeness really to see how all is coming together to perfection. I can feel the vibes of a strong force of loving energies surround my world... angels abound in letting me know that all is well... I know from the core of my being that this is just what I had ordered... and as I receive it... there has to be a commanding risk of letting go of things as I know them... In breaking down the puzzle to the last piece... I can see the picture coming together... It is a rainbow... where all is beautiful and in perfect sync with the divine energies that have guided my path, for 10 years now.
I can feel the joy of a new sunrise... a new beginning and I know that all is swell in my world. There is nothing that is happening at this moment that isn't inspired by a thought of love, harmony, acceptance of my greatest strength... I know I am placed to perfection in the celestial realm.
What is amazing though... is the fact that... in knowing all of this ... my awareness has grown by leaps and bounds... I can feel the richness of the moment that is upon me... I know that this experience is the richest of it all. It is surprising, to learn how effective the mind is ... I intended for my inner intelligence to guide every step... now it has... and it is beautiful... the human mind is a mix of a million things and the most important is "need for approval" the soul however, knows its abundance... it knows its place in the larger picture... and the soul... knows the experience it is intended to explore in this lifetime... in learning to truly align oneself to one's highest potential... it is a must to be able to reconstruct often... truly guided by the deepest instincts of our divine intelligence.
Miracles galore... All I can do is accept with gratitude every moment... for every moment brings upon me a new miracle... Blessed to be in the NOW!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Give me dope...
ok... no getting stunned at the headlines... and even if you do... well... you ought to read through this blog to truly know, what, where and who!!
The other evening a new trend of thought took over my basic writing skills... found it difficult to take the laptop and type in some truly inspired thrills
I thought long... thought hard... thought of bloody every freaking birthday card... a
And then it dawned ... dawned so clear... I needed more dope... I needed more cheer!
So I decided that day ... I needed to type... and use the words to create the hype.
There will be thoughts that are trending... and thoughts just depending. Or maybe just thoughts that have no real ending...
I looked through my journal to find some dope... should I write about me... or well.. the pope. I tossed every word... not knowing where to head... I need to write... or I'll feel like I'm dead.
I looked through my documents for thoughts I'd want to post... I found some literature over tea and toast.
As I write with a freemind... on this post that you read...Good God... I am thinking... for more dope must I plead.
I get down to reading it all over again... and I happily smile...I haven't written something so spontaneous... for quite a while.
its a mixture of all things I love to do... write poetry and bitch about what I'd like to do
i know it ain't easy... to be a reporting bard..., but its super exciting that people may think I'm a retard... (ha ha h a)
Then again I say... I need some dope... or I'll write this way forever and inspire the Pope!!
Dear Mommy,
Thank you for the wonderful women we've turned out to be... You are so precious... each one of us is a reflection of your selfless love...
Love you ma... Dee
Roopa, Daddy, Deepa, Prema...
... blessed to have each other...
Thank you for the wonderful women we've turned out to be... You are so precious... each one of us is a reflection of your selfless love...
Love you ma... Dee
Roopa, Daddy, Deepa, Prema...
... blessed to have each other...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gene kya bole!!
2 content people... 1 sofa... 09th November 2009... One thought...
"I'm going to kentucky... I'm going to the fair, to see the senorita with flowers in her hair... hey shaky shaky shaky...
...the song waits to reach its finale... when a father and daughter, walk down memory lane... he looks at this little girl... and holds her close.
... all else can wait... this is OUR MOMENT
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Presence
Catching up with the thoughts in my head is getting a little easier now...
Just yesterday, I had this fantastic idea of wanting to take a flight to Delhi and get away for the weekend, went online looked for tickets for Goa there something insanely wrong.... nah... 2 weeks to Goa and I am still wondering if I really really want to go.
This year Christmas is going to be different... I am starting a new year of my life with a completely new experience, should I be excited... well... I guess YES!! what is missing is the familiarity of my Christmas in Delhi.
Midnight mass at Cathedral with the regulars... well ... most of us meet twice a year... Easter Mass and Christmas mass... what is so beautiful... are the warmest hugs and the wonderful conversation... there is a sense of completeness. Its mighty cold in Delhi on the 24th night...
The first sound you hear while entering the cathedral compound is the strains of the choir... and for the fact that it was once all of us singing in the cold, we've changed and so has the choir... and whoever said we are good sports is wrong... we find fault in almost every song, its either too shrill or too loud or too something or the other, the truth is... at Christmas is when we most miss being in the choir... its such an uplifting experience... memories are witness of the fantastic time we've spent singing... getting our vocal chords trained and letting every word hold its own. Gasper & Fr. Paul... brilliant!!! The mass format has changed, certain parts seem commercial, the sermons are politically correct, the love is genuine... and the most special part... well... "Peace be with you"... atleast that is my favouritest part of the mass... it is simply uplifting to turn to just about anyone you can see and wish them the same.
Midnight mass ends with a huge hug to the family, ensuring that they are the first ones you wish... that is before the cellphone begs to be wished too and noticed. Then comes the social networking time... often conversations focus on the freezing temperature and the number of people diminishing for midnight mass... and well... phone numbers are exchanged over coffee and cake... and promises to keep in touch... are made... smiled at... and then we figure... well... we'll meet for Easter midnight mass :)
While we're busy doing our chatting bit, we all also want to get home soon. There's a tree surrounded with Christmas presents waiting to be opened... there is cake waiting to be cut ... and we're hoping we didn't forget to ensure that there is enough milk for all of us. The drive home, is all about the goss we'd just been a part of, the conversations with long lost church pals and the sermon of course, which every year has something really special or spooky.
This year may not be the same... this year... there isn't cake being made... or a tree being decorated back home... this year has been a year of many changes... I changed city... changed profession... changed focus... and in the flurry of change... well I guess I forgot to check and see what else is changing. So, it looks like I am going to Goa for Christmas... and I so believe its going to be really special.
There is a new experience waiting to unfold... Goa... here I come :D
Sunday, December 6, 2009
MAHIfesting Part I
Its time to start writing again… ha ha … ya right… all the other stuff that has been on this blog is inspired by the moments they were written in… now comes a piece that is truly about an inspired moment in my life… 2 years later… it’s still as fresh and significant as it was on the first day… what is prompting me to write this… well… I am ready to get into the next phase of manifesting my dreams... and this one... really set the tone for manifestations galore... these manifestations were significant enough to convince me that I lived my life from confidence within... I have always been guided my my intuition to take the decisions I have so far... and my entire life shall unfold from the power of my sub conscious which simply lets me know "All's Swell in my world :) "
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