Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Miracles... Galore

It is just overwhelming to see the streaming flow of miracles in my life... It is a beautiful to see how life is shaping up... it is awesomeness really to see how all is coming together to perfection. I can feel the vibes of a strong force of loving energies surround my world... angels abound in letting me know that all is well... I know from the core of my being that this is just what I had ordered... and as I receive it... there has to be a commanding risk of letting go of things as I know them... In breaking down the puzzle to the last piece... I can see the picture coming together... It is a rainbow... where all is beautiful and in perfect sync with the divine energies that have guided my path, for 10 years now.

I can feel the joy of a new sunrise... a new beginning and I know that all is swell in my world. There is nothing that is happening at this moment that isn't inspired by a thought of love, harmony, acceptance of my greatest strength... I know I am placed to perfection in the celestial realm.

What is amazing though... is the fact that... in knowing all of this ... my awareness has grown by leaps and bounds... I can feel the richness of the moment that is upon me... I know that this experience is the richest of it all. It is surprising, to learn how effective the mind is ... I intended for my inner intelligence to guide every step... now it has... and it is beautiful... the human mind is a mix of a million things and the most important is "need for approval" the soul however, knows its abundance... it knows its place in the larger picture... and the soul... knows the experience it is intended to explore in this lifetime... in learning to truly align oneself to one's highest potential... it is a must to be able to reconstruct often... truly guided by the deepest instincts of our divine intelligence.

Miracles galore... All I can do is accept with gratitude every moment... for every moment brings upon me a new miracle... Blessed to be in the NOW!!

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