Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lifeward Bound

"Lifeward bound... for the rest of my days. I've kept the promise to bring a smile on your face even when it has meant tears to me. I've let you down a million times to let others feel free. I am so sorry that I couldn't see your love for me so strong... I am letting all else be... I am Lifeward Bound."

Most of us often take decisions on the basis of "I should"be doing this or that... or be here or there or have this or that. The truth is... I should lands us up in places we never thought we'd be... till there comes a time when we start exercising a whole new phenomenon... "If I wanted to I could"... in coming to this point, all that we've held true fades away and we find ourselves in the middle of the biggest decisions of our lives. 

Where to from here
If I wanted to, I could go back home.... take a break... focus on what I love most and head in that direction... YES!!! That is when the newest journey of my life begins... and it is empowering. I am the creator of my own reality, I have the power to change this reality and recreate my world just the way I have envisioned it and that is the greatest gift of all. 

In an instant I knew where I needed to be, where I would get nourished and strengthened and live this full life... I needed to go inward... to the Divine Intelligence within that sustains and creates the reality... I needed to go back to my first INSTINCT about this moment and follow it quite blindly, really.

The results are almost magical... I learnt an important lesson, I was trying to live my life from the vision of my boss... I tried to live my life from the vision my mother... I was trying to live my life on the basis of being able to deliver what each of these people expected of me. I was always looking for ways to please them... and what did I do... I chose to resist my own deeper instincts and trust their word for the truth... till my body decided to revolt... my body told me something isn't right... what did I do... fight back... my body took me places where I was free to think... I didn't get the message really... I continued to fall into line... till it dawned on me... so clearly one day and I knew I needed to take action immediately... I was a victim of my own pride... I FEARED FAILURE!!  I had conditioned myself to BELIEVE someone else's truth.

Who am I?
I am a child of grace with the soul purpose to radiate the loving energies of my inner child into the universe of people I meet. I need to share all this love I have freely and unconditionally to all those around me. I need to creatively energise my inner child... Her dreams her ambitions. I am not my job, I am not my number, I am not the things I've associated myself with... I am a smile that must spread around the world... I am dedicated to being COMPLETE in everyway. I am empowered to love more to live more... I am a student of Divine Intelligence that created me and sustains me.

The path suddenly became crystal clear... I needed to get back to myself... I needed to nurture my deepest instincts and live every moment of my life... guided by my deeper instinct and that has been my strength... I needn't  worry about anything else... all is well in my world if my inner world is well... That is when I took my decision... from the point of dedication, enthusiasm and empowered positivism... I knew this phase was a lesson. I chose to accept the lesson and take a decision to move on... a new life path... A decision that is Lifeward Bound.

When I took the decision to go Lifeward Bound, I knew it wasn't going to be the easiest thing to do and yet there is a certainty that I must! I need to nourish the inner child and let her be free to raise her vibrations enough to create a whole new world of energy that comes from confidence. The flip of this is the fear of letting go of thing I've been conditioned to believe matter. I can almost see clearly, the future, it is vibrant and confident all in waiting for me to claim it. One action and I shall be free. 

There is nothing more important that tuning into your divine wisdom, for the innermost part of you knows best what you must do and which direction you must head. Follow your instincts and freedom is yours, fear your decisions and that is what you get, more fear. 

I am sharing this with you so that you may know that if there is a moment like this in your life, when you know all that separates you from the rest of your life is just ONE action to seal your decision, simply take it!

In the quest to stay positively aligned to my highest good... I am Lifeward Bound

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