Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Every thought drives to just one conclusion!!

Life is taking a whole new turn and what is interesting is the fact that I have attracted so many wonderful people to reinforce a decision I've been tossing around for the last 5 years now. 

From the very day that the thought popped from my soul I knew it was the purpose I must not only follow with all focus and give it every iota of my energy, it has in a way become my driving force. The conviction to live my life according to the standard I've set for myself. 

In postponing this decision for the last 5 years, I've chosen to let go of my deepest instincts and follow the herd... and rightly so, have manifested some not so exciting results, as per the benchmark set by other people, hmmm... interesting right!

wow... right now if you could just hear the clutter of voices in my head, wanting to be shared on this post, you'd be pleasantly surprised. Its a USP I haven't delved into much in the recent past. 

A conversation with a friend last evening had 2 very important shout points, Candle Meditation and Nurturing Psychic ability... both of which have been on my agenda for the last 6 years... block thoughts later... I realise it  is a message from my angels through another angel friend I know... often guiding me to things I must do... or potent I must recognise of my self.

Spooky that Swati told me that I will be coming back to Delhi in January and that day... I laughed it off... with a resounding... NO... not yet... this conversation happened 3 months ago... funny that I should be planning exactly that right now... What I want most is to be back in Delhi!! Manifesting my dream :D

Which brings me back to a surprise sms 2 weeks ago from my AOL teacher, on visiting the Ashram in Bangalore while Guruji is there, he says it is something we must set up soon... in a way its time for me to meet Sri Sri... well... I've intended it... and so it shall come to pass!

Well... if I start sharing more signs that I have been getting, well, you may want to kick me hard for not following through on it... I shall stop right here... The signs of the times are the times of decision and now that the decision is taken... must I wait.. NO... I just need to follow where my instinct most leads me.

In the book "awakening the giant within" by Tony Robbins. He talks of taking decisions more often, today I took a decision to blog this... tomorrow...I shall take a new decision again... and follow through... getting back into the habit of focused follow through... will set the standards for the manifesting Dee's destiny. Will end this post right here with a message from my angels... 

Every thought drives to just one conclusion... 
"Dee follow your deepest instincts, let go of all that you know to be true and explore life just the way you've always envisioned it... Free... to simply be. On the path you will find so many wonderful surprises only if you open yourself to accepting this phase... there will be blocks... none so significant that will paralyse you... just know that these are pauses, just pauses for you to stop for a bit... refuel and forge ahead."

Happily Manifesting!!!

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