Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Manifesting Way of Life

Idle thoughts maketh for great writing.

In my thoughts, there is a resurgent belief, EVERYTHING does happen for a reason… and the reason doesn’t always present itself in the present. Its like a surprise waiting to be discovered. A quick retrospect and I realise the power of idle thoughts, each of them have had the pleasure of manifesting in different degrees. These are the ones I’ve noticed.

The power of manifesting is when you have a thought, don’t follow through and then you hear the words ‘I TOLD YOU SO” so loud in your head that you are able to remember the specific moment, nothing and the one prompt you got, turned a deaf ear and then FORGOT!!

I had a moment like that this morning, am so excited about the learning. 2 days ago, I found my ipod connector on mum’s rack, super happy, though I was in the middle of looking for someone else, I kept it back somewhere there. I heard prompt, “keep it safely or you won’t be able to find it when you need”. Busy Dee that I am, I brushed away the thought to focus on what I was looking for then. For the last couple of hours I’ve been searching for the freaking connector and you guessed it… for the love of all the memory in the universe, this one eludes me. Now, all that is doing the rounds of my head… “I TOLD YOU SO!!!”

This is one of the smaller incidents, maybe its meant to be shared, a brilliant example of how we should follow the prompts!! Maybe an even greater learning, that I have a connect with guides at every moment of my day, just that more often than not, I turn a deaf ear to their constant chatter.

In meditation one day, I wrote the entire script of a conversation that came true 2 months later and changed the course of my life. The trill of manifestations, especially the ones you remember are a clear sign of the power of the mind in creating the reality you live.

Are there times that this process is scary… well YES!!! There are times when you receive messages that aren’t too exciting or you manage to say something you didn’t mean and the fear of manifestation brings it into reality. Its funny though, a couple of weeks back, I sensed a friend getting too overbearing, I didn’t seem to enjoy their company, it hurt to tell them to scoot off, at the same time, I knew something wasn’t right at all. It was the vibrations I picked up in their presence which seemed to weigh down on my energies. While I didn’t want them around, there wasn’t a nice way to say it. There is NEVER a nice way to say oUTA HERE!! In the week that followed, they stopped calling or asking if they could come over, its like they eased out, wanted their space. While, first finding out that they were infact behaving like SHIT, did hurt, then the voice within said, “Happy Manifesting”. Like a flash, the thoughts of their last visit flashed and I knew the source. Amazing isn’t it! without saying a word a lot simply happened and YES it was a manifestation of my thought… without any provocation from me, the hurt feelings don’t exist, for there is no memory to trigger it! Loving the manifesting!!!

The power of BEING AWARE OF MANIFESTATIONS also brings with it, huge responsibility. There is an immediate need to EDIT thoughts before the set into motion. It is an auto move to say the right things, feel the right emotions, take control of immediate thoughts. Is it easy to always stay tuned… NO… Each time you pin point the exact moment of the shift and breathe yourself back into the awareness of the present moment, you conquer another realm of learning to lean how to manifest. Another very important part in manifesting, is to be AWARE of emotions all around you, especially the emotions that come from people whom you truly truly trust. They have the power to influence your awareness. These challenges apart, manifesting is a cake walk.

Just as I decided to end this note, another thought comes my way… “Had you found the connector, you wouldn’t have been blogging”… the voice fades out… time for me find the connector and I can promise you, it will find me… and I shall feel silly, for some thought would’ve prompted me to go there… before this :))

Happy Manifesting!!


  1. amazing and motivating...thanks for sharing the same ;)

  2. Thanks Hormaz :) it is always nice to get feedback on posts... especially when it comes from a dear friend like you. God Bless Ya always!!
    Happy Manifesting :D
