Sunday, June 3, 2007

Aug 2006: My Soul cryeth out... restore me again

There are moments that seem so perfect in an imperfect circumstance...

One such perfect moment is when time stands still and you watch in awe the wonder of the universe.... as I write this article my heart is impatient and my soul needs space to breathe.... I don't know the reason.... all I know is that the EGO is getting the better of the soul... and my soul is longing to be centred and focused.

There are more reasons to let go than to hold on..... There are more reasons to let the EGO consume the moment... but there is a cry for peace and solace... there is a need to centre the souls journey... to look deep within for the answer.

In less than a day I see my thoughts finding its realisation in the moment and I am hoping that it creates a reason for more positive energy to be drawn.... but has my soul really given up the fight and taken flight? Does my EGO take up so much of my being....? Is there a reason to truly hold on to the memory or should I simply let go and let my soul dictate the journey ahead....
Maybe.... I am missing out on the reason why this turbulence is happening... what is the greater reason for this moment?

What is the message that this moment is bringing to me? Why the impatience? What is it that my soul is looking for but cannot find an answer for?

There is someone praying that I may realise the value of this moment but, what is it that the noise is making me miss out on?

I see him present in every memory and I know that there is more to us meeting than a mere coincidence.... there is a higher calling to this union.... but the circumstances are such that there seems to be no reason for a tomorrow....

Why is letting go coming so easily to me....Why don't I fear being lonely....? How does my soul define lonely and why can't my soul help me figure out what really is.....???

When the soul chose to let go of the grieviances and choose the miracles.... Did it not know that the EGO would fight for its place back in our minds for the simple reason that it has been so incharge of everything that letting go is not so easy.

Maybe it is time to say Goodbye once again to all the fond memories of US. Should that be the answer.... then why is the soul still crying for a voice... to be heard and to be felt....

Quieten thy voice my EGO for my SOUL would like to communicate through me.... I understand that there is a great learning in this moment.

(original post is on

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