The name of the day in the normal flow of life is pretty misleading. Good Friday isn’t a day of jubilant celebration in is a day of spiritual celebration. This is the day in the Christian calendar that marks the end of life as we all know it and the beginning of a greater life.
While I’ve given you a link on my favourite information site on the subject of Good Friday. I’d like to share with you my own personal agenda for this day. For me, this year a new thought has given this day a whole new twist and a bright new meaning. I am hoping that a lot of new see this new perspective of Good Friday as a step forward in your quest for a new understanding of your own motivations in life.
Jesus, was a simple man, his belief made him extra ordinary and that is what he wants as an experience of him for each one of us. Its easy to be an ordinary person, with ordinary belief, live an ordinary life and die an ordinary death. He wants for us to take a closer look at how his life changed when he took an extra ordinary step. To believe most in the power of his thought, of course, the route isn’t easy, the The Stations of the Cross is like his walk down memory lane of the 33 years he walked the earth, his belief, that he was so special to the Creator that, in remembrance of his death and resurrection each one of us will lead more inspired lives. 
Jesus, underwent all of this to let us know, that we are equally special, that our problems, no matter how big in our minds, is pale in front of that which he was put through, that we must derive strength to take on our little problems HEAD ON. How many times do we allow our problems to weigh on our enthusiasm, love and health? If we could take one quick look at Jesus’ problems, would not our problems pale? Would we then, not be moved to saying Thank you Jesus? We are motivated to hurt and grieve by problems created by us. Jesus, allowed the most cruel infliction upon himself, only for us to understand just that… what a power sacrifice… what a brilliant example of an extra ordinary life, made extra ordinary and life changing by vision.
Jesus, lived a simple life with an extra ordinary belief in humanity. He reached out by choice not by compulsion. He was moved by his deep belief in God’s creation, a human being. As he continued his sharing and healing, Jesus wanted us to know something very simple, when you share of yourself with another human being, you lift his spirit to share and thus is created a ripple of goodness. How many times, are we truly able to reach out and create special moments for people other than ourselves? Don’t we first want to know HOW we benefit? How many times, have we taken life in our stride and truly believed that everything does happen for the best!!
My experiences with Jesus began when I was all of 2-3 years. My Dadima repeats this story each time, she needs to tell a story of me. Its most beautiful when she tells it. I am going to shorten, really shorted the version for the essence of it.
Dadima: “Deepa, you don’t ask me any questions. Kittu, asks so many! Where does the sun go in the night? Where do the stars go in the day?”. Deepa looks back at her Dadima, most amused, that she should be making such a statement or questioning her knowledge skills and replies, “That is because I know it.” Dadima is even more curious to know what her little grandchild is so confident in knowing and asks, “then, you tell Dadima!”. Deepa smiles and says “Because Jesus wants it!!!”
To this day, this holds true for me. Jesus has been telling me what to do, where to go? How to tackle everyday. How to face the pain? How to share the pain? How to live my life in his guidance… each day is a miracle I live in trusting his design for my life. He in turn, is so generous with giving me more reasons to live in gratitude. Thank you Jesus. Today, through this new understanding of his motivation to be crucified, comes a greater humility to follow his footprint. He isn’t counting the steps, nor is he asking me to keep the pace in the world set to race. He has just let me know once again, that he does have every answer, if and only if I am ready to listen and follow.
Here my friends is what Jesus wants us to know this Good Friday and as I write this, I believe, with all my heart, that I receive this just as the 3 year old received this 30 years ago, with faith and pure innocence. I know not what you will derive from it, or what you will hold on to… all I know is that I must share it!
Jesus didn’t do this for a particular community or religion. He did this for every creation of God, he took the path less tread that we may know it and release our own burden.
Jesus, healed, you can heal too. Just know that you were created with a free will. Free will to be an extra ordinary human being with special powers, each power is waiting for you to claim it.
Jesus, prayed for long hours, not to save himself, he did it so as to be able to hear the voice of the creator so clearly, that no matter what the reality projected into his conscious mind, he just KNEW. Spend time in silence, silence is a prayer. Silence is the is the door that opens you up to a life greater than expected or accepted.
Jesus, spoke and shared his thoughts. He did this for memories to live on. He spoke, that we might repeat it. We must find time to quieten our minds each day, to receive divine guidance and pump in every iota of faith into these words of wisdom, that we might continue to be blessed and bless each breath with gratitude, for the only time we most fear the loss of a breath, is when we feel we may never breath again..
Remember, to live each day cheerfully following your deepest instinct, there is nothing more rewarding than truly believing. Create a memory each day, these are the stories that will live beyond your living years.
I am so grateful for the joy of receiving this, for sharing it and for a new perspective on living it. 
Before I sign off this post, here is a simple way to make the breakthrough of life you’ve always been WAITING for! This Sunday is Easter, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Let this be a day marked to give yourself a brand new perspective on life. Buy an Easter Egg, the symbol of new life, for from an egg a chicken is born! In cracking it open, believe, that you have triggered a new beginning for the rest of your life. The more fun you create around the ceremony of cracking open the egg. The more significant a memory you’ll create of the day you decided to chance your very perspective.
Good Friday, you are the gift Jesus gave me. Thank you for being my guide and wisdom.