Hugs n snacks and quechers ... Sonali Geetanjali Ruchita and Me.
Call a couple of friends ... Devika who didn't pick up the phone all afternoon... Uma who just couldn't make it to where we were... Radhika, our success story... she not only said yes... she reached Ruchita's place in 25 mins... How very very cool of her. Heena, who was in Italy when I finally did reach her. Sheetal, was in Noida. Niki did not pick up the phone. Rajeshwari ko bhi try kiya. Kavita Chawla toh didn't pick up the call only
Giggle'n'Gossip... we were now 5... lunch at 5... finally Devika picked up the phone... and we decided we had to meet... The mommy chicks rushed... while we spinsters decided to catch up with 2 more Mommy chicks that evening
Malcha Marg Chalo... Ruchita Sonali and I went to pick up Dev, got invited in for some yum chocolate cake... couldn't meet her two little hunks, mommy put them to sleep so she could go out with us.
Uma ke Ghar pe kiya prahaar... it was almost 2200hrs when we reached Uma's place... what a feeling... meeting the little star... Jiah!!! wow... 5 we were again!!!
Q Ba... was the final destination... we decided to go vegetarian for the final part of the evening... I guess Sonali was totally pooped... 3many for the day me thinks!!! Ruchita dropped me home... and I was still smiling... it was past midnight when she dropped me off... another 20 mins to get back to her home.
All I wanted really was for this day not to end.... I meet Sheetal on Sunday... just by chance at the Amar Colony market... hmmmm... I wanted to meet with her on this trip... and yes I was granted my wish!!
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