Here’s another blinder… we’ve missed in our vocabulary… ING words.
The Awestruck Tourist… finds proof in the fact that “Common Sense isn’t COMMON after all … So, busy going through the MOTIONS of a HIGH PRESSURE life… missing out on the fascinating clues… all around… waiting to be ALLOWED & ACCEPTED… that they may MANIFEST in their TRUE… GLORY… through you!!
It’s so much fun “Reading Between the Alphabet” there’s a fascinating world of Gratitude… the “unsung hero” of the vibrational WOW. The Awestruck Tourist’s discoveries, that make it simpler to see ALL THAT IS just as it IS by CREATION… PERFECT.
We are all called to live in the PRESENT moment… Continuously… RIGHT!! And yet the present continuous… must have a foundation (the word) … In … NOW that sustains it!!
Ing… when added to any word makes it PRESENT CONTINUOUS… let’s see
Talk-Ing : In the NOW of TALK… present and continuous.
Be-Ing: In the NOW of BE… present and continuous.
Teach-Ing: In the now of TEACH… present and continuous.
Shatter-Ing: In the now of shatter… present and continuous too!!
Love-ing: Love when it is PRESENT and CONTINUOUS… is beautiful.
There must be something about ING that makes it special… something that gives the SUBJECT a sense of continuum…
…. What if… we were to read between the alphabet ING… look for a deeper meaning that can change the very essence of our awareness of it’s “Present Continuous” and silent yet extremely powerful vibration.
Born from INNER GRATITUDE or IN Gratitude or Invoke.Now.Gratitude… three possible ways to look at it… yet ONE vibration holds it together… that can change the very tone in which we use ING words… forever!!!
The Awestruck Tourist discovered…
… staying in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS can be triggered by being aware of the ING words in our VOCABULARY!!
… Talk-ING … is a REMINDER… Talk-In-Gratitude
… Stay-ing Positive … means to Stay-In-Gratitude keeps you positive.
… Manifest-Ing… Manifest – In- Gratitude.
… BE-InG : Remain in Graitude
… You may have many things that you do right now… may things you may feel right now… check the ING words in your speech and you will begin to understand that IN-Gratitude… is a state in which the PRESENT MOMENT finds continuum through YOU.
… There will always be emotions that may draw you to a PRESENT CONTINUOUS state of CHAOS or CONFLICT… celebrate it… for if you’re using … ING to express it… you can turn your AWARENESS to the ING and RE-MEMBER…
Re-Member with Graittude … no matter how distant you may feel from peace… at the end if there’s an ING… you can always break the pattern with a little Gratitude.
For IN—Gratitude… even a very powerful vibrational word like HATE… dissolves in-Gratitude… finds a new path/thought forward…
for the SOURCE we are is Gratitude and to Gratitude we shall return NOW!!
PrayInG, PreachInG , PracticInG, ParticipatInG, ExperiencInG!!!
In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!