Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Awestruck Tourist : “ING” words!!

Here’s another blinder… we’ve missed in our vocabulary… ING words.

The Awestruck Tourist… finds proof in the fact that “Common Sense isn’t COMMON after all Winking smile … So, busy going through the MOTIONS of a HIGH PRESSURE life… missing out on the fascinating clues… all around… waiting to be ALLOWED & ACCEPTED… that they may MANIFEST in their TRUE… GLORY… through you!!

It’s so much fun “Reading Between the Alphabet” there’s a fascinating world of Gratitude… the “unsung hero” of the vibrational WOW. The Awestruck Tourist’s discoveries, that make it simpler to see ALL THAT IS just as it IS by CREATION… PERFECT.

We are all called to live in the PRESENT moment… Continuously… RIGHT!! And yet the present continuous… must have a foundation (the word) … In … NOW that sustains it!!

Ing… when added to any word makes it PRESENT CONTINUOUS… let’s see

Talk-Ing : In the NOW of TALK… present and continuous.

Be-Ing: In the NOW of BE… present and continuous.

Teach-Ing: In the now of TEACH… present and continuous.

Shatter-Ing: In the now of shatter… present and continuous too!!

Love-ing: Love when it is PRESENT and CONTINUOUS… is beautiful.

There must be something about ING that makes it special… something that gives the SUBJECT a sense of continuum…

…. What if… we were to read between the alphabet ING… look for a deeper meaning that can change the very essence of our awareness of it’s “Present Continuous” and silent yet extremely powerful vibration.

Born from INNER GRATITUDE or IN Gratitude or Invoke.Now.Gratitude… three possible ways to look at it… yet ONE vibration holds it together… that can change the very tone in which we use ING words… forever!!!

The Awestruck Tourist discovered…

… staying in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS can be triggered by being aware of the ING words in our VOCABULARY!!

… Talk-ING … is a REMINDER… Talk-In-Gratitude

… Stay-ing Positive … means to Stay-In-Gratitude keeps you positive.

… Manifest-Ing… Manifest – In- Gratitude.

… BE-InG : Remain in Graitude

… You may have many things that you do right now… may things you may feel right now… check the ING words in your speech and you will begin to understand that IN-Gratitude… is a state in which the PRESENT MOMENT finds continuum through YOU.

… There will always be emotions that may draw you to a PRESENT CONTINUOUS state of CHAOS or CONFLICT… celebrate it… for if you’re using … ING to express it… you can turn your AWARENESS to the ING Winking smile and RE-MEMBER…

Re-Member with Graittude … no matter how distant you may feel from peace… at the end if there’s an ING… you can always break the pattern with a little Gratitude.

For IN—Gratitude… even a very powerful vibrational word like HATE… dissolves in-Gratitude… finds a new path/thought forward…

for the SOURCE we are is Gratitude and to Gratitude we shall return NOW!!

PrayInG, PreachInG , PracticInG, ParticipatInG, ExperiencInG!!!

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!


Awestruck Tourist: Conflict

Had to take time out… when “Have To” lists become baggage and life is at a crossroad… the Awestruck Tourist creates a picture that makes it all SIMPLE Winking smile

Conflict, is a state in which, our KNOWING does not match our CHECKLIST Winking smile because we’ve chosen to stand in the shadow of expectations of a chequered checklist.

The Awestruck Tourist, is amused with how the conflict trap works… so silently. It’s as simple as YOU WANT … you don’t GET… you BLAME… you fret… you panic… you are anxious… you take action on impulse… you hurt… you hurt others… THAT IS CONFLICT!!!

Somewhere at the very beginning, you FORGOT to RE-MEMBER with the truth of YOU!! Nothing more nothing less… For when we speak of ONE GOD, ONE SOURCE that created ALL THAT IS!! Then, how did, one simple NOT GETTING create series of emotions… that happened to you… by sheer force of the FIRST ACT…. of not remembering the TRUTH of who you are!! When ALL THAT IS has been created for YOU. Why then must ONE single thing, not going your way… make you turn your back on Gratitude!

You learn along the way… that sometimes, it is more fun to stand still enough and let nothing happen… than JUMP to A CONCLUSION and LAND in (proverbial) SHIT!!

You learn that CONFLICT began with a THOUGHT you chose to ignore and it relentlessly kept repeating itself… through the many messengers it could find… for as long as you couldn’t find a reason to be GRATEFUL for the thought… your actions were being dictated to CONCLUDE… to a result YOU DID NOT WANT… to begin with!!

Conflict only arises when your influences are outside of you, dictating your direction, demanding action, pushing for a reaction … concluding that in someway, everyone is inferior than you… the Awestruck Tourist KNOWS

… That ALL THAT IS has a purpose and is created by the same source!

… CONFLICT has a purpose too!! To make you understand that there are shades of LOVE and LIGHT waiting in the wings to tell you their perspective.

… that sand storms, will only move you to WAIT… try your patience… hold you back from taking trip to NOWHERE Winking smile Yet, there will be a moment… when all roads are clear for you to WALK …. KNOWING!!

… That each day will bring to your notice a new conflict… to remind you that your CREATOR has planned a special banquet for you… if only you’re willing to LET GO of your CHECKLIST and take one step at a time… ALLOWING GRATITUDE to lead you forward… to a destiny designed UNIQUELY for you

… That YOU are the most special person in your own destiny, ALL THAT IS is planned to get you to EVER AFTER… AWESTRUCK by the journey… ALLOWING one CONFLICT after the other to DISSOLVE into a path… less tread!!

… YOUR CONFLICT is YOU… standing in the way of EVER AFTER… because you have CHOSEN to ASK to be GUIDED by GRATITUDE… and yet… you trust not your STEP!!

… YOUR CONFLICT is a myth… you can choose to see the rain as SPOILING your VIEW… or beckoning you to stay long enough to see a rainbow… when the sun speaks to but a drop in synchronicity… Just for you!!

The Awestruck Tourist… sees CONFLICT through the KNOWING of Gratitude from which it is created… waiting for you!! Conflict but asks to be recognised… as it IS… and loved… as it IS… that it may refine you!! That you may, henceforth, find in CONFLICT an ALERT …

….. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD… for I come from the same source as you… and my purpose is but to remind you to return to SOURCE and SEEK again… ASK again… that you may RECEIVE again!!

That I may KNOW my work is DONE…




Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Awestruck Tourist :F . R . E . E

F.R.E.E when set in vibration and before it became about “things” was a reminder, just a reminder :


When thoughts are stifled and the road less travelled is filled with boulders to cross, take time to RE-MEMBER… that the priceless, insatiable, infinite… is F.R.E.E!!

Free is a term we often use to express “no strings attached” then again… the marketing genius over the years changed that too!! YOU purchase ONE and get the second FREE Winking smile 

Then FREE changed the way we consumed food… 98% Fat Free Winking smile

Then with every bride you get the family FREE Open-mouthed smile 

… and FREE became a “what’s the catch” FREE!!!

Then again… as I walk the F.R.E.E talk… I found a new F.R.E.E that removed old shackles and liberated. 

Come to think of it… We are provided for in accordance to our need to stay alive…

The air we breathe is F.R.E.E

Life itself is F.R.E.E

We are F.R.E.E by the choices we make

Our ability to LEARN is F.R.E.E

Our ability to THINK is F.R.E.E

Our ability to LOVE is F.R.E.E

Our Smiles are F.R.E.E

Nature is F.R.E.E… and so bountiful in it’s expression

Sunlight is F.R.E.E

The waves in the ocean are F.R.E.E

The Horizon is F.R.E.E

… and many more can be added to this unlimited that keeps us F.R.E.E.


we’re enslaved by a need for shackles… that we believe keep us grounded… till we truly KNOW that being GROUNDED is a myth…  Winking smile 

Yet, these shackles… are of thought, word, deed… born of our social need to conform…

Then again… HISTORY is witness… that those who broke free from con-form-ing are the con-firm-ing proof that THINK-ING F.R.E.E is a GIFT!! When we can EXPRESS our GRATITUDE for that which is F.R.E.E we are able to G.I.V.E F.R.E.E Winking smile

Get inspired…

Jesus, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, Osho… A child on the street… a single mother… a bird… Trees… Flowers… the waves… just a few pointers Winking smile the rest… I leave to your powerful F.R.E.E inspired vision Winking smile

Happy Manifesting.. UN-Shackling and con-firm-ing your own special F.R.E.E!!






Ignorance IS Bliss : The Awestruck Tourist

For all the years that I’ve used these words, I had misunderstood what it truly expressed!!

and then… I found out… Awestruck… that IGNORANCE is, a positive, most personally Winking smile That the truth is… What I don’t KNOW does not have the power to affect me Winking smile and by the time I do KNOW… it has manifested into the NOW of my BEING.

The Awestruck Tourist’s “Ignorance IS Bliss” for it takes away the weighing down of TIME and invites a PERSONAL perspective… that RE-DISCOVERS the creative energy and enthusiasm of LIFE as it was CREATED!! All else is a FIGMENT of SOCIAL TUTORIALS Winking smile 

You don’t need to know where you’re heading… sometimes, when you ACCEPT that you’re heading… YOU reach where you always wanted to be anyway!!

Ignorance… is a helper really Smile 

…It takes care of RISKS Winking smile Ignorance doesn’t understand the risk… it only understands, that an action taken… means you’re one step closer.

…It prevents OVER CONFIDENCE Open-mouthed smile Ignorance knows there’s much to learn… and so, will seek knowledge from every source, willing to impart and still follow it’s own advice Winking smile 

… It guards against COMPARISON Smile Ignorance, is aware of it’s own quest for its moment in the sun. It looks not at the shadows being cast upon the ground. It looks at the sun, blinded by it’s glory… seeking an infilling of power.

… It understands the HYPOCRACY of time Winking smile Ignorance, does not work by a projected timeline, it creates it’s own path… at it’s own pace. Maybe, Ignorance is where the higher consciousness finds it easier to transfer, purpose and knowledge to.

… It acknowledges the ONEness in all Winking smile Ignorance, has a deeper appreciation for life as it is. Unadulterated by social, economical or financial pressure!! It continues to see as COMPLETE… all that IS!! Its Gratitude knows no LACK!!

Personally, as I look back and express my Gratitude… the IGNORANCE of the HOW… of each achievement… is the BLISS of the NOW of their manifestation!!

Here’s wishing you “Ignorance IS bliss”… where the KNOW. ALLOW.ACCEPT…. Manifests Winking smile 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dream a Little Dream of Me!!!

The most beautiful way to celebrate “Woman’s Day” is to find the pride within… to set F.R.E.E and accept the MASTER’s PIECE within YOU!!

So, with the blessed intent to inspire YOU I am taking the big risk of opening the BIG BUBBLY that I KNOW to be ME!!

Dream a Little Dream of Me (Cover) Click it!! Enjoy it!! I know I did… while recording it!!

I have been told often… that I am talented… yet… I have kept my talent undercover for reasons only my “FEARS” knew best to this day!!

While growing up… my greatest competition has been with me!! It isn’t always fun to be “the limelight” it comes with the pressure of always “bettering your last effort” and that is an unrelenting pressure, phew!!

So, this year… as a special gift of ACCEPTING myself and all that I would like to be… I have decided to set F.R.E.E. the talents I know exist!!

The first talent I ever explored… Singing!! Sang in school, sang in church, sang at parties… even tried singing at a club!! Got applauded… for the talent… got battered for the visual (fat) girl who could never “Make it large” Winking smile Then again… my voice has been my greatest gift ever… for when I sing… I live a full life through the song… I love myself more… I accept myself more… Music has been my form of EXPRESSION… and every song I have ever sung… has taught me to G.I.V.E my all to it!

So, here’s my song… my first recording… and I took this big step of actually fighting my recoding fears for a very special person in my life… my younger sister… Prema Evelyn D’Cruz who has been my “GO FOR IT, LIVE YOUR DREAM” energy. Another person, whom life wouldn’t be complete without Ashok Singh my best friend of over 24 years.

I don’t know what I am nervous about… judgment or rejection… yet… I am so grateful though… for the talent of singing I am blessed with…

In claiming my place as the LUCKIEST WOMAN IN THE UNIVERSE!! The other day… I began to see… the LUCKIEST WOMAN’s point of view… of herself… and NOW I am not afraid anymore to ACCEPT the WHY of it Winking smile

I am setting my favourite talent F.R.E.E (For.Receiving.Everlasting.Enthusiasm) that I may ACCEPT that to “G.I.V.E (Gratitude.Inspired.Vision.Exchange) to KNOW.ALLOW.ACCEPT.MANIFEST!!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

‎ An Awestruck Tourist : Ego & Obligation

The Awestruck Tourist… is a metaphoric of discovering why the tainted must exist… for the TAINTED too has a purpose to serve. Can we not, recognize the purpose… FIRST… instead of


EGO… the safety cover:

The EGO, when understood from the powerful source of Gratitude… must’ve been discovered… by an AWESTRUCK TOURIST himself. The purpose… simple… not to allow SOCIAL PRESSURES to completely REIGN over the individual. The EGO has fearlessly defended the HUMAN SPIRIT from CONFORMING to SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES… keeping part of the INDIVIDUAL… UNIQUE in THOUGHT, WORD and DEED!!

I am Grateful for my EGO I am… it has shaped the INDIVIDUAL I’ve turned out to be!! Irrespective of the SOCIAL EVIDENCE of failure… to CONFORM. My EGO has inspired the many RISKS… for my EGO knew more about my purpose of BEING than SOCIETY ever did Winking smile

I NOW ask of you to ASK your EGO to reveal to you… that which it has taught you to SUSTAIN of YOU!! A simple revealing question:


OBLIGATION: the action sustainer

A very powerful word… that draws us to taking SUB CONSCIOUS responsibility and keeps us GROUNDED!! There are many “chores” that we’re trained by default to conform to and confirm with actions that support the cause!

Then again… now that OBLIGATION has played out it’s need is reflected in the many triumphant WOW moments of achievement. As I look back and wonder HOW… I realise, back then, I felt like I was obligated to the many people to looked up to me. I knew that ONE wrong move… and I’d have tails wagging. ha ha

I almost LOST it all before finding my feet and standing tall… it’s a repeated event… and I’m now a pro Winking smile


…sees what’s wrong and finds what’s right about it.

…understands, that ALL THAT IS… serves a purpose… and the revealing of the purpose comes only with a lot of Gratitude!

… makes time… to smile through pain… knowing that there HAS to be something really good… waiting to be found!!


I found a way to LOVE what my EGO does for me… without judging it!! I learnt to LET GO of the OBLIGATION to TRAVEL TO A DESTINATION… GOAL… BLESSED to KNOW that I remain AWESTRUCK by GRATITUDE in Gratitude for Gratitude!!

Awestruck… and travelling again… a new day… a new emotion… a new healing!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

An Awestruck Tourist: If God is FOR us WHO can be AGAINST ;)

The Awestruck Tourist, is a journey of the mind and how we interpret almost everything too soon Winking smile 

On Friday, in the middle of a rather hectic morning, a challenge arrived at my door… a pretty obvious distraction from what I should be doing… the gravitational pull… a lot of things I had on my mind were being answered Winking smile ((I was listening to exactly what I wanted to hear… ha ha ha))

In listening to him… the many YES’ to his READINGS ….reflected some of my thought questions! Each justified the NOW of where I am… in comparison to where I could be… had these SO CALLED FORCES not been against me Winking smile

Yes… I know I am a loud mouth… more often than not… I tend to tell the world… excitedly… that which is conspiring in my life. Long before it has actually happened… more often than not… I’ve allowed the “OPINIONS” of other’s to become my own… and kinda blocked the good from happening Winking smile Somewhere, down the line… I’ve allowed the spirit of the external to overshadow my inner knowing… my fault really!! Then again… here was an external source… reading my mind… magnetising and creating a feeling of “Oh! The world is my enemy and I am a victim… and this person… has been sent to make things right”.

If you’re smiling… you’ve just seen… in your mind’s eye… a similar sounding person in your life.

As part of our conversation… I fell… THOUGHT, WORD and INdeed Winking smile for the sugar coated “Aapka Bhala ho, sabka bhala ho” line… till it came to giving him Rs. 1100/- he had me by CURIOSITY and kept me listening… only till I remembered the powerful name of “Jesus”, quite literally!!

…. The Awestruck Tourist…

The fear of the UNKNOWN enemy is a concept we all fall prey to… when all we really need to do is take RESPONSIBILITY. When we’re all created from ONE SOURCE… then we must KNOW that we all have but ONE PURPOSE too… to CREATE!!

Thoughts are energy, without saying a WORD, they can be transferred… and reflect back to you. People can read your FEAR first… why allow them the CONTROL??

We, sometimes unknowingly, invite CORRECTION into our lives… when we DOUBT our own ability to ACCEPT, that our life’s reality is made up of our decisions… influenced by the outside. If we’ve already won the “Survival of the fittest” race, by being born… what then are we competing NOW???

When we’re unsure… we THINK… when we THINK… we radiate… and then… we receive that which CONFIRMS our THOUGHTS!!

When things aren’t RIGHT, we feel OBLIGATED to CORRECT them… why must we CORRECT… why not LEARN and implement a new PATTERN of responding?

If you have enemies… celebrate them… if you LOOK BACK… they’re the ones who made to STAND UP and STAND OUT!!

People USE the power of reading your FEARS/QUERIES and use it, skillfully!! KNOW, that when GOD guides, you are bound to have periodic tests… Winking smile ASK of him to always keep you aligned to HIS WILL, HIS PLAN… stay aligned in the midst of confusion, so that you may find a new space to be completely… TUNED to the best you have to offer.

Don’t read too much into a momentary LAPSE… it is blessed… to help you understand… that your FEAR just got the better of you. You forgot a very SIMPLE TRUTH!!

“If GOD is FOR US… WHO CAN BE AGAINST??” Romans 8:31

Only an AWESTRUCK TOURIST… KNOWS… that every experience is a LESSON to stay in GRATITUDE!!




For Gratitude… leads… ONE!!