For all the years that I’ve used these words, I had misunderstood what it truly expressed!!
and then… I found out… Awestruck… that IGNORANCE is, a positive, most personally That the truth is… What I don’t KNOW does not have the power to affect me
and by the time I do KNOW… it has manifested into the NOW of my BEING.
The Awestruck Tourist’s “Ignorance IS Bliss” for it takes away the weighing down of TIME and invites a PERSONAL perspective… that RE-DISCOVERS the creative energy and enthusiasm of LIFE as it was CREATED!! All else is a FIGMENT of SOCIAL TUTORIALS
You don’t need to know where you’re heading… sometimes, when you ACCEPT that you’re heading… YOU reach where you always wanted to be anyway!!
Ignorance… is a helper really
…It takes care of RISKS Ignorance doesn’t understand the risk… it only understands, that an action taken… means you’re one step closer.
…It prevents OVER CONFIDENCE Ignorance knows there’s much to learn… and so, will seek knowledge from every source, willing to impart and still follow it’s own advice
… It guards against COMPARISON Ignorance, is aware of it’s own quest for its moment in the sun. It looks not at the shadows being cast upon the ground. It looks at the sun, blinded by it’s glory… seeking an infilling of power.
… It understands the HYPOCRACY of time Ignorance, does not work by a projected timeline, it creates it’s own path… at it’s own pace. Maybe, Ignorance is where the higher consciousness finds it easier to transfer, purpose and knowledge to.
… It acknowledges the ONEness in all Ignorance, has a deeper appreciation for life as it is. Unadulterated by social, economical or financial pressure!! It continues to see as COMPLETE… all that IS!! Its Gratitude knows no LACK!!
Personally, as I look back and express my Gratitude… the IGNORANCE of the HOW… of each achievement… is the BLISS of the NOW of their manifestation!!
Here’s wishing you “Ignorance IS bliss”… where the KNOW. ALLOW.ACCEPT…. Manifests
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