Monday, February 15, 2010

Weigh the question!!

I've been doing a lot of thinking on where this blog should go... came across an interesting application on which to promote my blog and for some reason I stepped back, took a long look at my blog... changed my mind and saved the application for later.

How many times have you stood back and not taken the first step of totally trusting your instincts?

As I write this short note... with not much of an achievement to share, I guess my purpose of the experience was to possibly ask myself this question... and in putting it out to you, I am asking myself again!!

How many times have we stood back from opening a plethora of new experiences, only and only because STOPPED before taking an affirmative decision on the way forward. 

I started this blog to share my thoughts, unedited, uncontrolled and unmatched... when did it all change?

An important part of the learning comes from the understanding the perspective of the human mind. The thoughts in my mind affects the action I take, the actions I don't take are the questions I carry... the questions weigh me down... low enough to bury me.

Well... it would be awesome to know that you too are nodding your head and smiling... need to post this quickly, have the application to register this blog on... this time... in gratitude for the direction shown... the perspective cleared and for the pure joy of letting more people read this blog.

Happy to have taken a decision and laid one more question to rest!!

Miles of Smiles!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

media the medium

In these times it is essential for all of us to dip into the internal power represented by our sub conscious mind. Did you think that all that is happening in the world spells DOOM... well... not really... it is the beginning of a paradigm shift in the thought processes. When we turn inward to find the answers instead of looking at the emerging media as the source.

Media needs to be given due credit for this phenomenal change in the very mindset of the world at large. They have actually helped us start creating exceptionally special time for ourselves. While we often stay glued to sensational news on the channels, which is why there is a super demand for these news items to be aired, its for the masses to tune in more. Years of violence later, the masses are looking for feel good news... feel good movies... feel good innovations. Hmmm... we'd rather indulge in understanding the politics of living together for months on Big Boss than tune into The Big Fight to watch people carefully measure their words so as to make their point without really making a point. Some of the programmes are stage managed or duly edited to give you the impression they seek to ensure you buy into.

Across the globe people are turning to spiritual leaders, change professionals, leadership programmes, goal setting modules... I wondered why? I wonderded for long enough, then when I did have the thought in place, I was wondering if it made a lot of sense to share it? It is only my thought, I guess not long before I publish this article on my blog, there will be world wide REALISATION that this thought is true.

We are all waiting for the physical representation of God!!! We are in for a surprise... a BBIG surprise. Just as it was in the case of the turn of calender definition when Jesus was born so will it be in the next turn of events. The powerful process of internalisation will bring the human race to a new understanding of their personal power. The revolutionary thought of being the "creator" empowered by the dedication to radiate the personal power of each thought.

The world as we know it will come to an end... YES. There is always an alert asking all citizens to be more aware..YES. One word added to each of these sentences will not only change the present perspective it will also lend itself to a brilliant future trend.

The PERSPECTIVE world as we know it will come to an end... YES.
There is always an alert asking all citizens to be more SPRITUALLY aware..YES.

When we change the PERSPECTIVE new directions find their way into our minds, these directions give us the new paths, once followed will create a new world HISTORY.

When we turn to prayer, we are spiritually aware and guided to let go or follow through, a life filled with passion is often blessed with more awareness, you are able to intuitively know which way to head and more importantly, there is a guide line, given in the scriptures of the way ahead.

Most of the religious problems we face not only in our country but in the world at large are PERSPECTIVES of a few, made true by design to a larger group of people. Can we blame them? I think we need to focus our energies on the right place. A new interpretation of scripture that gives us the understanding of the present day.

We need to understand that the universal law is LOVE and love cannot hurt. The interpretation of a few really influencial people have led us to believe that the bad that is happening is a must in order that the word may come to pass. Do we realise that we are collectively manifesting all the pain we see around us... Do we realise how important it is to interpret the PERSPECTIVE instead of literal interpretation of the words of the Holy books to suit our own mindset.

The only greatest law in any scripture is LOVE. What have we done? We've interpreted and restrained to use the word LOVE with LUST when it comes to the love between two people. We've brought ourselves to this point and only we can break the pattern. The question really is ARE YOU WILLING?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lifeward Bound: Breakthrough II

Another day... another discovery and I gladly turned to my blog quite quickly to share it.

Words are the most power packed way of presenting our situations to ourselves and the perspective of the present moment determines the decision and direction we take. Some words in our daily vocabulary are rather disempowering... words like Depression, Lonliness, failure, hurt, pain, anguish, hate, anger... to name a few... some words conjure up images that either cause us pain or fear or a little bit of both... and changes our brainwave patterns.

In using disempowering words ... we create disempowering belief's... In keeping them long enough they convert into pain bodies that start to fester and cause us more pain... the fact... we need to identify them ... and consciously DELETE them from our everyday vocabulary.

As an active member of "Rhonda Byrne's The Secret" on Orkut. I started using a very powerful set of words, Happy Manifesting... I used it almost all over the place on the community... later it became a part of my chatter on facebook... These two words have given a number of thoughts power to manifest. It has done the same for a lot of people who have also adopted these two words and increased the power of their own manifestations, phenomenal.

Its funny though... that I have also happily manifested some truly challenging belief's... which have... happily manifested... by the power of repeated suggestion, the brain only hears a command and goes out to manifest it... it does not understand positive and negative... it only understands the commands. So, when I thought I was depressed... all I did was... well... manifest more of it... sometimes so much more than I had bargained for...

In changing a few words and phrases a lot more changed... Today ask yourself one question... WHAT ARE THE WORDS THAT I AM USING OFTEN? The answer will amaze you... Change one WORD and watch your world changing...

Happy Manifesting!!

Breaking it down

It isn't too difficult to make all the changes you want in your life, really. It is imperative to simply COMMIT yourself to your dreams and all else falls in place.
Oft times we are given directions, please note that the habit of getting directives does not come from your everyday experiences, its a habit formed from your early childhood. Parents have directed us, then teachers, then peer groups, then family again, then society and do you know what it has done to your intuitive side of being... well... you will always look for direction. You will always need someone to tell you what to do and where to go and who to speak to and how to work... the list will only get longer.
If only I could see you right now... well... you'l be nodding your head just like I am :) ... that is so me most of the time.
So, we've defined a pattern. What has this really done to us?
We're living our lives according to our potential as defined by other people. I know I did that for the last 10 years of my life. I can promise you that it still has been a pretty enterprising decade for me.
Just when I thought I was all sorted, there comes a deeper call, I needed to take a RISK... The thoughts in my head were so loud... I needed to take it seriously.
One decision has brought me to a new direction... to create a space of my own in the realm of life as I've known it. My learnings, well, I always knew deep within what I most wanted to do and there were enough reasons that presented themselves for me to take a million steps back from where I began thinking.
Here I am though... standing tall against a wall of old patterns, just the belief, that I can break it down, just the commitment to taking the risk of breaking it down has brought into my being a new vision.
A vision so clear, that the wall has started becoming transparent. I can now see beyond the wall... I love the magical vision... Just a few more days... and all the faces I see in the transparency of the wall will fade away... my focus lies beyond... into the far open spaces of unlimited potential... and loving it!
To you who have a dream... BELIEVE in your dream... ONLY you can see it clearly... the rest of the world is facing you... ONLY YOU are facing the dream :)

Introducing Dee2010

In a recent bit of internal work I've done internally I have realised the power of the thoughts I've manifested in the last 8 months, I remember not being able to take the decision to come to Mumbai...

I didn't want to come to Mumbai... In the first 3 weeks... all else followed suit... I had more reasons to say Goodbye to the city than I can imagine... was it futile... NO... I look back and realise, that is exactly how I thought it would be... I wasn't expecting instant joy and so, I never got it!!!

21 days later, I focused on what I wanted to achieve... I thought it... I felt it... and you guessed it absolutely right... I manifested it... every iota of it...personally... I wanted to make a success of my move to Mumbai and I manifested it... all in a matter of 7 days of making up my mind.

Success... well... each one will have their own definition and I have mine... here are a couple of thoughts:
  • I attracted that which I resisted most... Activations... now that the resistance is broken... I am free of it.
  • I manifested setting up my own home in Mumbai... My home has been blessed by every member of my family... now isn't that fantastic... even my Father visited and lived in my home here in Mumbai
  • I came here to empower my Group Managers and when I bid Goodbye... they have more control than I do. Phenomenal.
  • I claimed myself back... I can see my dreams clearly... all is well... that is SUCCESS. I am following my dream... I am living my dream... I am loving it... that is success!!
Before I get into anymore of that... Here's a thought I 'd like to leave you with, while the content for my next blog post makes its way through the clutter!!

When was the last time you actually noticed the GOOD in a seemingly BAD situation?? Write your story in the comments would love to write a piece on that :)

2010 in my thoughts is a very precious year... a year of new horizons and new visions... new perspectives on old situations and new directions born of roads less travelled yet often mapped to perfection in the mind.

La La... La La La La... La La... La La La La

... Teaching a child is the simplest joy in the world. Especially when they're hugging you tight, slightly bored of the repetition and yet, all knowing that you're not going to give up till they repeat what you're saying. 

Quite an insightful experience... I tell you... and even while writing this... I feel like cuddling Veer and making him sing the song again... 

"la la... La la la la... La la ... La la la la... Papa he loves Momma, Momma, she loves Papa la la... La la la la... La la ... La la la la..." 

Am wondering if I would love doing this all my life... lotsa little kids... lotsa little songs, maybe a video library of little kids singing their first songs... a blog with a million children singing... wow... my thoughts are running away with me. Wondering if I need to get a couple of lessons in how not to bore your followers while blogging :) 

Commited to nothing yet... Commited to all

Click Thoughts!!

The more awareness I pour into my thoughts... the more I see signs of a new hobby knocking at the class windows of my soul  asking to be introduced.

Last year, a yearning for a new camera led me to Croma in Mumbai, the salesmen there, well all praises for the Samsung 12.5mp camera, they literally converted by search for the Kodak camera to the purchase of the Samsung fellow :) Having bought the camera... my fascination for photography took a new twist. My favourite place to focus was the view of South Mumbai from my window at home. 

We painted a wall in my house, painting a new hobby, maybe, the funnest part though was clicking pictures of this wall, am I a photographer, NO, I just spent time getting a picture that truly described how I saw the wall... from the eyes of the creator of the wall :)

Then came the part in which the experiments began, with angles and dangles, I actually lay on the floor, I guess must've been in ONE of those super angular moods to click some more pics... the bestest part... some really cool pictures found their place on my facebook albums. Still wondering if the pics with Dino should make their way back to stardom :)

And in the last couple of weeks... well... have noticed a number of upcoming photographers unleashing their prowess on the web on different albums on facebook. The pictures are truly brilliant, have so much character and tell a story of their own, also, have noticed that I am quite fascinated by pictures in sepia tones, they're just so beautiful... I feel connected to them.

To top it all... the latest thought in my head is a long drive, armed with camera's, pit stops at places we fancy would be great to go click click click... :) Can't wait to get behind the wheel... and click away!

There is a magical feeling that comes with Click Thoughts... I'll end this here... the visuals are getting stronger... I need to click again!!