Wednesday, February 3, 2010

La La... La La La La... La La... La La La La

... Teaching a child is the simplest joy in the world. Especially when they're hugging you tight, slightly bored of the repetition and yet, all knowing that you're not going to give up till they repeat what you're saying. 

Quite an insightful experience... I tell you... and even while writing this... I feel like cuddling Veer and making him sing the song again... 

"la la... La la la la... La la ... La la la la... Papa he loves Momma, Momma, she loves Papa la la... La la la la... La la ... La la la la..." 

Am wondering if I would love doing this all my life... lotsa little kids... lotsa little songs, maybe a video library of little kids singing their first songs... a blog with a million children singing... wow... my thoughts are running away with me. Wondering if I need to get a couple of lessons in how not to bore your followers while blogging :) 

Commited to nothing yet... Commited to all

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