Wednesday, February 10, 2010

media the medium

In these times it is essential for all of us to dip into the internal power represented by our sub conscious mind. Did you think that all that is happening in the world spells DOOM... well... not really... it is the beginning of a paradigm shift in the thought processes. When we turn inward to find the answers instead of looking at the emerging media as the source.

Media needs to be given due credit for this phenomenal change in the very mindset of the world at large. They have actually helped us start creating exceptionally special time for ourselves. While we often stay glued to sensational news on the channels, which is why there is a super demand for these news items to be aired, its for the masses to tune in more. Years of violence later, the masses are looking for feel good news... feel good movies... feel good innovations. Hmmm... we'd rather indulge in understanding the politics of living together for months on Big Boss than tune into The Big Fight to watch people carefully measure their words so as to make their point without really making a point. Some of the programmes are stage managed or duly edited to give you the impression they seek to ensure you buy into.

Across the globe people are turning to spiritual leaders, change professionals, leadership programmes, goal setting modules... I wondered why? I wonderded for long enough, then when I did have the thought in place, I was wondering if it made a lot of sense to share it? It is only my thought, I guess not long before I publish this article on my blog, there will be world wide REALISATION that this thought is true.

We are all waiting for the physical representation of God!!! We are in for a surprise... a BBIG surprise. Just as it was in the case of the turn of calender definition when Jesus was born so will it be in the next turn of events. The powerful process of internalisation will bring the human race to a new understanding of their personal power. The revolutionary thought of being the "creator" empowered by the dedication to radiate the personal power of each thought.

The world as we know it will come to an end... YES. There is always an alert asking all citizens to be more aware..YES. One word added to each of these sentences will not only change the present perspective it will also lend itself to a brilliant future trend.

The PERSPECTIVE world as we know it will come to an end... YES.
There is always an alert asking all citizens to be more SPRITUALLY aware..YES.

When we change the PERSPECTIVE new directions find their way into our minds, these directions give us the new paths, once followed will create a new world HISTORY.

When we turn to prayer, we are spiritually aware and guided to let go or follow through, a life filled with passion is often blessed with more awareness, you are able to intuitively know which way to head and more importantly, there is a guide line, given in the scriptures of the way ahead.

Most of the religious problems we face not only in our country but in the world at large are PERSPECTIVES of a few, made true by design to a larger group of people. Can we blame them? I think we need to focus our energies on the right place. A new interpretation of scripture that gives us the understanding of the present day.

We need to understand that the universal law is LOVE and love cannot hurt. The interpretation of a few really influencial people have led us to believe that the bad that is happening is a must in order that the word may come to pass. Do we realise that we are collectively manifesting all the pain we see around us... Do we realise how important it is to interpret the PERSPECTIVE instead of literal interpretation of the words of the Holy books to suit our own mindset.

The only greatest law in any scripture is LOVE. What have we done? We've interpreted and restrained to use the word LOVE with LUST when it comes to the love between two people. We've brought ourselves to this point and only we can break the pattern. The question really is ARE YOU WILLING?

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