Well well… another girly post… now I guess, I am beginning to see a little different side to romance, than I have romanced all my life!! The power of romancing my dreams to reality so long, that romancing in any other format, is but a brief flight of fantasy. A short walk on the side line of a perfectly power manifested life .
My idea of Prince Charming, well, has kept changing shape and density, with each prospect I met. As I look back with Gratitude… I can understand how wonderful each of them are… each bringing me closer to understanding what I truly do want from a relationship… and I realise… the reason for my inability to hold on… hold strong and take any relationship to the AISLE conclusion has nothing to do with the individuals… my decisions were never about them to start off with…
Well, that calls for a round of applause… for each of you, who tolerated me… spoilt me rotten… gave my dreams priority, still loved me enough to let me be me and last but not the least… married your perfect soul mate… that I may never look back with regret! My today is so beautiful because of YOU!! Thank You!!
Much to the grievance of my kid sisters ranting over the years… that I needed to mellow down a little… as they put it… “Dee, you are so intimidating, you need to mellow down. No man will tolerate your tantrums beyond a point. You need to take care of yourself, lose weight and learn to be more woman like” Trust me… I did try… ha ha ah… with comical results… I suddenly became a damsel in distress… looking out for boyfriend dearest to come up with solutions… so he’d feel good about taking care of things for me… DISTRESS SIGNAL… all his solutions… well.. turned out to be “Ignore it Raja, you don’t have to worry about things that don’t have anything to do with you”… well, that meant… stopping being the natural “Free Consultant” to manifesting love and excitement in the many lives I work with… to disconnect with them… I felt disconnected with the ME, who loves… connecting with people and learning.
oops!! and may I add… this is how… we (my happy ex-boyfriend and I) began to get to know each other and like each other too… . When he found my profile on Orkut… the free advice… by the post… built his curiosity enough to send me a friend request
Some of us, are geared for life by understanding that the greatest source of our joy and happiness comes from within us… waiting to exhale and BE!! More often than not, therefore, we come across as
SELF ABSORBED (which we are), we’ve managed to learn a lot about ourselves first… our pluses, minuses, weaknesses, strengths, positives and negatives…
INTIMIDATING (which we seem to do quite unintentionally),
ARROGANT (maybe, but we’ve spent a quality part of our lives, depending on ourselves).
RIGID (we know what we want, it’s sad that you see it a bad thing),
JUDGEMENTAL (We may sound like that… we have learned to defend ourselves enough to take responsibility for our own actions and lethargy… we don’t blame you for it… do we? We’re pretty aware of our weaknesses, we’ve chosen to embrace them… and work on them pretty conveniently).
LONERS well yes… only on Valentine’s Day though… when the whole world is walking in two’s!! For the rest of the year… well… we have so many dreams working themselves into our reality… that more often, we NEED our own space to allow ourselves the pleasure of being absorbed in making them realities… trust me… with a vision in your mind… there is very little time to be lonely… so many thoughts keep racing through our minds… waiting to CONVERT into something more concrete!
FLIRTS… well WE ARE!! We flirt around with the idea of being in love… all the time. Often finding someone who doesn’t fit the bill… to confirm for ourselves the relevance of why they don’t (just being mean
) We FLIRT around with finding solutions to life’s problems… Just like, life flirt’s around with our single status to remind us of what LIFE WOULD LIKE US TO HAVE! We constantly flirt around with the status “COMMITTED” to test our threshold.
IMPATIENT we ARE!! We take a lot of impulsive decisions and watch them evolve!! We find it difficult to understand, why people take forever to take the next step… sometimes, we realise, they’re still looking for “LOOPHOLE” to fix before they take the BIG RISK!! That means they’re not confident of themselves… it rarely ever has anything to do with us! We don’t understand how people can hold on to a story long enough for it to be cancerous… life is too short to WAIT for the RIGHT MOMENT… NOW is the ONLY TIME you have… every decision we make is in the NOW, then why make us WAIT… Do you think we’ve got nothing better to do… than WAIT… for you to FIX the UNBROKEN, till you actually land up breaking it… to FIX IT!!
Ha ha ha… I could go on with this list… and love every word that it represents… YET today… the purpose is to lay to rest… the JEST and let you in to the secret of Prince Charming that I NOW hold in my vision… He is, somewhere, looking to find ME… then again… He is meant to RECEIVE the COMPLETE ME!! The PACKAGE DEAL of madness… dreams… and absolute confidence… that LIFE is COMPLETE as it IS!
I don’t know HOW… but I KNOW he’ll find me… and when he does… I’ll KNOW it!! For in all that I am… HE already IS… waiting to evolve again… with me… into WE!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL OF YOU!! May you be complete in who you are before you BEGIN to EVOLVE again… with more love than your heart can imagine…YET!!
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