Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Miracles... Galore
I can feel the joy of a new sunrise... a new beginning and I know that all is swell in my world. There is nothing that is happening at this moment that isn't inspired by a thought of love, harmony, acceptance of my greatest strength... I know I am placed to perfection in the celestial realm.
What is amazing though... is the fact that... in knowing all of this ... my awareness has grown by leaps and bounds... I can feel the richness of the moment that is upon me... I know that this experience is the richest of it all. It is surprising, to learn how effective the mind is ... I intended for my inner intelligence to guide every step... now it has... and it is beautiful... the human mind is a mix of a million things and the most important is "need for approval" the soul however, knows its abundance... it knows its place in the larger picture... and the soul... knows the experience it is intended to explore in this lifetime... in learning to truly align oneself to one's highest potential... it is a must to be able to reconstruct often... truly guided by the deepest instincts of our divine intelligence.
Miracles galore... All I can do is accept with gratitude every moment... for every moment brings upon me a new miracle... Blessed to be in the NOW!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Give me dope...
Thank you for the wonderful women we've turned out to be... You are so precious... each one of us is a reflection of your selfless love...
Love you ma... Dee
Roopa, Daddy, Deepa, Prema...
... blessed to have each other...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gene kya bole!!
2 content people... 1 sofa... 09th November 2009... One thought...
"I'm going to kentucky... I'm going to the fair, to see the senorita with flowers in her hair... hey shaky shaky shaky...
...the song waits to reach its finale... when a father and daughter, walk down memory lane... he looks at this little girl... and holds her close.
... all else can wait... this is OUR MOMENT
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Presence
Catching up with the thoughts in my head is getting a little easier now...
Just yesterday, I had this fantastic idea of wanting to take a flight to Delhi and get away for the weekend, went online looked for tickets for Goa there something insanely wrong.... nah... 2 weeks to Goa and I am still wondering if I really really want to go.
This year Christmas is going to be different... I am starting a new year of my life with a completely new experience, should I be excited... well... I guess YES!! what is missing is the familiarity of my Christmas in Delhi.
Midnight mass at Cathedral with the regulars... well ... most of us meet twice a year... Easter Mass and Christmas mass... what is so beautiful... are the warmest hugs and the wonderful conversation... there is a sense of completeness. Its mighty cold in Delhi on the 24th night...
The first sound you hear while entering the cathedral compound is the strains of the choir... and for the fact that it was once all of us singing in the cold, we've changed and so has the choir... and whoever said we are good sports is wrong... we find fault in almost every song, its either too shrill or too loud or too something or the other, the truth is... at Christmas is when we most miss being in the choir... its such an uplifting experience... memories are witness of the fantastic time we've spent singing... getting our vocal chords trained and letting every word hold its own. Gasper & Fr. Paul... brilliant!!! The mass format has changed, certain parts seem commercial, the sermons are politically correct, the love is genuine... and the most special part... well... "Peace be with you"... atleast that is my favouritest part of the mass... it is simply uplifting to turn to just about anyone you can see and wish them the same.
Midnight mass ends with a huge hug to the family, ensuring that they are the first ones you wish... that is before the cellphone begs to be wished too and noticed. Then comes the social networking time... often conversations focus on the freezing temperature and the number of people diminishing for midnight mass... and well... phone numbers are exchanged over coffee and cake... and promises to keep in touch... are made... smiled at... and then we figure... well... we'll meet for Easter midnight mass :)
While we're busy doing our chatting bit, we all also want to get home soon. There's a tree surrounded with Christmas presents waiting to be opened... there is cake waiting to be cut ... and we're hoping we didn't forget to ensure that there is enough milk for all of us. The drive home, is all about the goss we'd just been a part of, the conversations with long lost church pals and the sermon of course, which every year has something really special or spooky.
This year may not be the same... this year... there isn't cake being made... or a tree being decorated back home... this year has been a year of many changes... I changed city... changed profession... changed focus... and in the flurry of change... well I guess I forgot to check and see what else is changing. So, it looks like I am going to Goa for Christmas... and I so believe its going to be really special.
There is a new experience waiting to unfold... Goa... here I come :D
Sunday, December 6, 2009
MAHIfesting Part I
Sunday, October 25, 2009
"tum ho toh"
This song is really special... It really brings me to a point of resolution between the thoughts in my head and the reality of life... while listening to this track... I can so clearly see the million faces I owe my decisions to. Strangely, some of the people who truly disliked me have been the source of major triumph in my life. For by talking about me... they gave me the popularity I needed to fly higher. In this song, I've even had the fantastic experience of seeing the most painful memories of my life in the brilliant light of... THANK GOD they happened :D
"Appreicate & Applaud"
Just yesterday we finished with a three day leadership programme... in which I learnt that my mind works on intuition first, then people, then I loo for logic and I know the results will come in ... hmmm... quite contrary to the brand I work with... their first preferance is results, logic, people and finally intuition. I appreciated my uniqueness... I appreicate all the people, who over the years have brilliantly let me grow and develop into the person I am.
I dedicate...
"I dedicate..."day. Dedicate yourself to feeling special, to getting pampered, to planning a special occasion, to loving more, to living more, to learning more... Happy Manifesting!
I dedicate each day to do something really special... and right through my day... I choose to look for people, causes, reasons to dedicate myself. I dedicate myself to 30 minutes of power reading... I dedicate 3o minutes to affirming... I dedicate 30 minutes to blessing all my challenges, I dedicate 3o minutes to thanking God for the wonder of my life. It is a brilliant way to begin your day... Empowered!!!
I am not a number...
Often, we gauge what we are worth by the number tags... Targets. If I don't reach this target, I am a failure or If I don't make that grade I am a failure... In a very simple sentence, Hitesh said it all... YOU ARE NOT YOUR NUMBER!!! and I smiled. It makes for a brilliant thought... to start your day :D I know it kick started a lot for me :D
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
trust your instincts
Echo your thoughts
"Live every breath"
Empower & Inspire
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mumbai... You Rock!!
I look back at my first few weeks in mumbai and I realise... I've manifest a long sought dream... of indepence in the truest sense... it is magical... so magical... that as I write about it... i can feel the very instinctive moments of the journey so far. When I came here... I had one strong hold... one reason to be super confident... and now... 6 months later... I have found a new reason to live out this dream.
It has made me realise the power of independence and the art of preparing the self for greater things to come... well.. don't be surprised... I do have my... "I want to go back home" moments quite regularly... I lay my weeping eyes to sleep ... when I wake up the next morning, life takes over... and I am ready to lead a brand new day.
I've had the chance to read some brilliant books, write some phenomenal stuff and plan my first book! It is so rewarding to be able to sit in silence... and watch the city scape invite you to explore it! Its brilliant to plan a quite evening by the sea... loving every piece of inspiration that brings you to a point of ecstasy about the journey.
Everyday, literally everyday, I manfest magic... I've been able to heal not only my life... but lives of others who have chosen to want to share their lives with me... bringing healing upon themselves. Mumbai has helped me discover my true purpose in life... stunning!!
I have learnt to slow down and smell the coffee... take each day and treat it in the most special way... I have learnt to truly trust my instincts... not be a slave of circumstances... but create the circumstances I may require to reach where I must. This city has a wild vibration.., there seem to be signs everywhere, if you just slow down... enough... to notice them. It is fantastic to notice the "bigger picture" this city is where it is all beginning to dawn... the paradigm shift in consciousness is evident in the eyes of every Mumbaikar... everyone is like a fearless warrior challenging life to throw at them what it must... yet... in the wake of the moment, each citizen stands up and claims this city as their own.
There is such a fantastic air of positivity... its so precious. beyond the rush of everyday life... this city has taught me... most of all ... to simply be confident even when circumstances around done seem to want the same of me... the spirit of Mumbai is in the air... you breathe special... you live special... you can manifest just about anything... in all the humdrum... there is love so pure.
Mumbai you rock!!
Happee DeeWali

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for I see the wonder of me in every reflection, the knowingness that surrounds me is ME.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every tree seems to know me... they get all ruffled as I pass them by... the leaves seem to recongnise me.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every reason to be loved vibrates in this open space... it vibrates of love for me.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for the fragrance in the air is familiar... I know it... it is distincly me.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... the echo resounds my name... for me to hear... its the echo of me.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for every stone I've almost tripped over brings back a memory of me
I've walked this way before... I know I have... for my life is this landscape... this landscape is me.
I've walked this way before... I know I have... when every being who passes me by smiles at me... its like they know me.
Me... I am a memory... I am abundance... I am the creator of my own reality... I am blessed to be Me.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I will love you forever and a day...
If this be the last I spend with him… I want this memory to last forever, for I will never walk this memory again… I will have moved on, but the memory will continue to make me smile. For this has been the most unconditional relationship I’ve been blessed with… I know I am blessed for sure, for this memory is witness of it
I am going to spend an evening with him… its been 10 years since I last visited his house. Looking back at the years gone by… well… I am still smiling…. I remember that day… that moment… that afternoon that I spent in his room… his mom and I spoke at length about the man… and we bonded… it was beautiful.
We left home that evening… and as we got to the station… I remember… the moon shining bright as we made our way into the railway station… he held my hand and said, “I feel like I am already married to you” and we looked at each other and smiled… later that night… we kissed… and all that I wanted really… was for that kiss to never end.
Many years and many relationships later… here we are… its almost like we’re going back to where we started… this is the time for closure…
Our lives went different ways… we met other people … had other relationships… we moved on, both in different directions. Each with a memory that only makes for a perfect love story… of love at first sight.
I walk into a home transformed by his creativity and I look with amazement of how beautifully he has now done up his home… it looks stunning… I love it… its just the way I had always thought my home would look like. I feel at home… all is so beautiful… but this man isn’t mine in the worldly way… at all. But in the spiritual realm, well, there’s nothing that separates us.
Somewhere deep within, I had willed this. Knowingly, I gave up my want to be loved so completely by him… its beautiful, there is not a moment I don’t remember him with a smile on my face. I remember always feeling like a princess whenever I was around him… I still holds true. It’s a royal feeling to be so loved by another human being. What has kept this relationship so wonderful is the fact that there are no expectations.
I look in awe around the world when I am around him… I pray that everyone could have something as special, as beautiful as we do… we always smile when we look at each other… and I know that nothing can these moments away from us.
I look at him… and I see the man who changed my perspective on the species, till this day… he makes me want to have it all. He inspired me 10 years ago… here I am today.
I know that life is going to be a special series of events that will lead to DeeHeaven, the place where I shall rest this earthly body and join with my angels. This is just one of them… this is precious. You are precious Buboo you really are!!!
A Dialogue with Dee
I am sharing this journal entry I had written a couple of months ago... a lot of thoughts kept rushing... today I read this which much pride... I know the path of victory. I faced my greatest fear... failure... I changed the perspective and WON.
I am looking to create my own space in a crowded world… I am born free and that is the decision I still need to take. I move from job to job in the hope of all things working out just the way they should and still … I am in a rut to make ends meet. Is this my calling???
I took this plunge and moved to Mumbai… interesting city that gives me the freedom I need to be… a brilliant job opportunity that makes me feel on the top of the world… my question to me.. well is this what you really want??? Is all this fame and money that comes with it truly going to fulfill your deepest desires? Is being locked in the chains of a million reports really going to fly with you???
And there is a need to suddenly run far away from all of this… running away may not always be the answer … my soul tells me and I stop again… wanting more answers trying to understand the deepest thoughts that come from the soul of being the person I was created to be.
This is a time for inner healing and getting back my mojo. I know that this phase isn’t truly easy… but it is the most important phase of my life… it’s the place where every decision I take will influence my entire life in the most profound manner. I know exactly what to do… but I seem to be blocking myself from doing anything… which is the most sad part of getting through this phase.
I’ve blocked the sales aspect of my life and I know that I am brilliant at it… what so totally does not suit me is to have a large shadow of LOOM hovering about me all the time… that makes me sick… in the body and in the mind… and that shall never do too much good for me at all.
I am going to let the sun shine brightly on my thoughts… and fill me with a sense of awe… I am looking forward to the very essence I know as life… for everyday shall bring into my life a new surprise… and I shall smile… bright and beaming… for love so awesome shall continue to fill in the blank spaces I have left untouched by adventure. I am a go getter… and I get whatever I go for.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
dee think... thinkin dee :)
I slip into the world of activations and suddenly… there is a bolt of knowingness… the shadows I always wanted to flee from … surround me… and I feel the rush of the known in the heart of every feeling… there is a sense of belonging… even though this is the place I feared most to tread… I know not where this beauty comes from and yet I am an integral part of it.
As the days turn to weeks, I find myself standing still waiting for a miracle to happen… and what I don’t realize… is that in all of this … the miracle really is already manifested… the miracle called ME.
I run again… further away and I fall… I hurt myself quite knowingly… from the thoughts of the past that fill my day… my feet bleed and yet there is NO respite in sight… I am hurting from a different pain… the pain of indifference… caused by my own deepest fears. I ran away from this so long and now I find myself in the middle of the very fear that kept me running.
I ask myself… why must I land up standing alone in this space and feel the power of my greatest fear manifest itself in the realm of the living… I am alone… I have always been and this time I must stand tall and face my fear… It is MY time… and the time is right for me to truly face it … bravely and most definitely… for life may not give me another chance at facing the same fear… the form will be different and I will always wonder if I was truly meant to be in this place at this time… show me I ask myself … the future of where I truly stand… and here… goes my spirit… the higher self… I am… reveals its beauty in the most endearing manner… and I know that I am strong enough and confident enough to beat the competition hollow and learn a new lesson… for in facing my greatest fear is my greatest success.
I make it through the first week… I am scared, I know though … that I will conquer this as well.. I will lead the way to the golden light that awaits and beckons my presence… I know I am the light that leads… and the direction in which the world goes forward is but the space I need to indent every experience… and learn every lesson. I may be bruised… but I haven’t yet given up… I know I shall succeed… I will be happy in the land of the loving… for living means learning to love that which the creator has destined for you to have… and what you shall have is that which your heart most desires… and that which your heart most desires will be born of the soul… the soul of who you are the very reason for being created. All opposition shall fall around you and you shall bask in the Glory of the presence.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
WICKETS fall at will...
yipee and one wicket just feel... the law of attraction working already... hmmm... Virat Kohli's wicket... and that my friends is the first of the series of wickets that shall fall... I am so proud of Balaji :)
Coming back to the the fact that the words become realities... and my intention... Ross Taylor's wicket shall fall in this over. Boucher will get bowled... and victory shall be ours.... and just as I write this another wicket falls... hmmm.... but this is the wicket of Boucher, not bowled but a brilliant catch in the slips by Hayden :)
It is wonderful, when the universe manifests... that which you most desire... and this little article... is just pure proof that miracles do happen especially... my heart says 2 dot balls and one more wicket... :) but can you imagine... that it was a six instead... not so yipee... :(
So, what, if my team loses the match today... we are all set for the semi finals... and I am just seeing... that there is a chance of a run out... hmmm.... and its the wicket :) its the wicket of Merwe... who took Dhoni's wicket earlier today with a brilliant caught and bowled... I promise you... with the fielding that Bangalore did in the first over... boy oh boy... I have become a HUGE fan of this team. One of the best fielding I've seen in the last few weeks...
Oram bowls to ... and this is the wicket we've been waiting for... hmmm... WOW... NOW that is what I call BRILLIANCE!!!! Akhil out for a DUCK!!! I love ya Oram...
This little piece is turning out to be so brilliant... I am here typing... and the wickets keep falling... Taylor just hit his last boundary... hmmm... Gosh!! this is turning out to be so close... 19 required off 14 balls.... is still anyone's game...
I am just being a playful believer in the law of manifestation... manifesting the match result I so desire... and this is soooo interesting... my favourite team... comes to the party... and I am sitting here... and watching them...
Coming back to a para I started earlier... SO WHAT... and this is something I learnt from a very special friend on my very special community on ORKUT... The Secret.... Oops!!! Praveen Kumar has hit a brilliant 6.... wow... I am soooooooooooo happy for them... for the first time... I don't know what to type... playful as it has been... wow... 4 wickets have fallen since I started writing... and THANK YOU universe for the brilliance of this manifestation... like a child I sit here... and type and watch... and believe. Coming back to SO WHAT... which Sadaf taught me... its a brilliant way to change the perspective... and make a brilliant change in perception which changes the reality it represents...
Its a time for Miracles... and my great miracle ... the fact that as I write this... my team MAY lose the game... RC needs 5 runs from the last over... and this could be their game... but I know... that the LAW of attraction is in full sway... and my world seems a lot more positive.... BRILLIANT!!!! and another wicket falls... another prediction comes true... ORAM takes TAYLOR's wicket... DHONI dearest... BRILLIANT CATCH!!! now that is what I call a really close match....
SO WHAT has become a part of my law of manifestation mechanism... and since I've started using it... well... there have been moments.... when the fears have melted into sweet nothings... just by using a sentence beginning with SO WHAT!! :) Sadaf... I owe so much to that brilliant post on the community... as I write this... I cannot remember the name of your friend.... but please... if you do read this... say THANK YOU... once again... a post written to share... but has truly made my day....and made a lot of difference to my life... Thank you once again...
My team has lost the match... but I've won the manifestation game... a fun article... that I am NOT going to edit... let it read just as it is... a testimony... that the law of manifestation works... BRILLIANTLY ... in any given situation...
Happy manifesting!!!
Try this!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Lead On... :D Lead Err
I have over my years of work had the chance and privilege to work with many people of diverse skills… I have been really lucky to have attracted some truly brilliant opportunities and brilliant results to back the gut feel on which I was hired. There have been some faulous influencers in my life and often... with them came a special message that have become life lessons... and here I am sharing them with you... I've chose to go from human... to super human.... to a superb human... I hope you love this piece... It will remind you to scan your own life for 3 of the greatest influencers who have contributed to your greatest reality... YOU
There came a time… when all I wanted was to learn and I manifested great teachers… when I wanted to explore… I manifested adventure… and at every stage, I picked up a new skill that has brought me to the place I am… NOW.
Leaders have a rare quality… when they simply walk past you… you can feel the aura of their presence around you. Their consciousness expands and fills the spaces around with a sense of wellness.
I most fondly remember, meeting with Ranjan Marwah, Chairman, Executive Access Limited… just being around him filled me with a sense of awe… I don’t know if it was his towering personality or the command in his stride… you couldn’t help but notice him. Another striking aspect of his personality… well… the ability to talk you into talking more than what may seem relevant but enough for him to assess you.
He prepared himself to address the lot of us… as he rested rather informally on the runner… one look at the people all around and you could see that they were intimidated by his frame and the tone of his voice… friendly and firm. As he spoke… his tonal quality was perfectly suited for large audiences… he knew just when the listeners were fading out and fading in… and each one I guess also knew, that he was keeping a watchful eye on each expression on their face. Brilliant!!!
From him I learnt how to hold my own in a larger audience… it isn’t the designation… it is the persona that commands attention… so… be the unpredictable person people expect you to be… gauge them… know their mind… and let them starting thinking again… the moment they think they’ve decoded you.
Another very special ability that a leader possesses is to be able keep their perspectives in check, observe more, absorb less and most importantly to be to be a pied piper… when the thoughts he/she reflects becomes the thoughts people want to go with, you know you are in the presence of a leader.
Often you will find a leader simply doing what may seem to be insignificant things, which may seem like the person is challenged… ha ha ha … but you know what… that is the time that is spent in grounding every thought… creating a space where nothing is as important as the moment… this is a time when the human mind… if receptive… is likely to make the most important breakthroughs or receive insights that could possibly change their own perspectives as well as that of the people that choose to follow the example you set.
Leaders, often don’t say things that are difficult to comprehend… they just inspire you enough to absorb from them all that you require to live the vision and bear witness to every realization of a thought/idea that comes from the leader. A leader also often, if not always develops a special way of reaching out and touching your life without as much as touching you… a leader simply magnetises.
I may not have met him… but I have had the awesome chance to have heard a million stories about him. Sri Sri, I am sure you too would’ve heard of him… most often … I am told… he passes you by… and simply asks…”Khush ho?” and his aura fills you with the knowingness of the fact that he has touched your life. I am also told that you cannot ever remain the same… once you have been blessed to meet him… hmmm… I guess :) His simplicity is what draws you … it does.
From him, I learnt to always smile… when greeting people… you happiness expands beyond yourself and fills the space around you with wellness. It isn’t the sentences that you speak but the gentleness and purity of a child that reaches out and touches lives… it isn’t the person… it is the aura of the inner being.
Leaders also inspire you to believe in impossible dreams and it is amazing how their charisma creates a vote of complete confidence for every listener, and everyone, instinctively follows the leader.
His words aren’t flamboyant, they are pretty matter of fact. He knows his facts, he knows he’s responsible… he knows it ain’t gonna be easy… but he promises that he will make things better… and all he asks… is that the people… trust him… for he is just one of them… with an opportunity, a platform to bring all the goodness back… but before goodness prevails… maybe things will turn worse… for a while… but we must therefore look at this as the bad breathing its last… before good can take its place… When I write this… I am thinking of the perfect leader of all times… Jesus Christ.
From Jesus I learnt the most important lesson of all… love beyond yourself… and believe in yourself… what you say shall come to pass… for life is revealed through many tribulations… but every tribulation is a thought… that manifested.
Here’s what a true leader leaves unsaid… in most of his speeches… this is what your leaders’ inner voice says and your inner voice hears… and chooses him/her beyond every other candidate to win your trust and confidence…
“I will lead you…if you choose to let me. I am just one of you… I know your deepest fears and I promise to protect your interests, always. I am you, just as much as you are me in every sense.”
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Relationships: A perspective shared... is a perception created
A simple human being becomes a super natural human being when he/she is able to look at the brilliance of the moment in the way it is meant to be, with the newest experience meant just for you.
Here , let me break it up for you!!
In every situation we face in life… there are but 2 ways of looking at it… one is from the perspective of history… two, from the perspective of the future…Deepanjali Rao (as I write this, I know there is another phenomenal breakthrough that awaits me... yippee … I can almost feel it in my flow of thoughts) and we therefore draw conclusions that effect our present state of being.
Sometimes thoughts find their ways to communicate the same thing… as I complete this piece… I realize… that another similar thought just found expression in another article I just finished writing. But then again… the “TO DO” list included completing this one as well… hmmm… you can imagine the feeling I am going through as I write this… I ask my inner voice the direction this article is meant to take… and well… here’s the really loud shout… “It’s about RELATIONSHIPS… dearest. The thought and direction you have been asking for… for such a long freaking time”. I’m wondering, if this is the EGO’s perspective on relationships ;) this is going to be a good one I think… for all of us are looking for reasons why some relationships make us feel superlative and the others simply urgh!!!
Being in a relationship isn’t about JUST having someone around to handle your volatile emotions or your need to be pampered and put on a pedestal. Its really about being able to understand the underlying truth about the challenges you pose… and thereafter, are posed straight back through a relationship reflection. Often, in a relationship, we get so emotionally attached and attracted to each other, that every reaction we have is “UNIQUE” to every situation, however, my study of over 20 relationship issues in the last couple of years, has pointed me in just ONE direction… hmm…
In every situation we face in life… there are but 2 ways of looking at it… one is from the perspective of history… two, from the perspective of the future…
In almost every relationship, certain questions find mention and thoughts find definition… for at a sub conscious level, the brain finds a way to co relate the thought with an incident of the past or a vision of the future before we take a decision on it in the present moment, judge it… and treat it like we understand best how to.
This brings us back to the point of being ATTACHED or DETACHED to a person or a situation in which both people are. We are influenced by people who’ve been there and done it… but the key… to a successful relationship lies on the model we are basing it upon. Most girls, mentally model their husbands on their father’s and boys model their thought of a perfect wife on that of their mother. Hmmm… this isn’t a breakthrough… but I guess you already knew it… if you didn’t well… please remember that you read it first on … ha ha ha.
But what happens to fatherless girls and motherless boys… they have to create their models… and often their first model is their own family… which may not exist in its entirety but yes has its own identity. A relationship often remains attached… YET… detached… till we remodel it… on the basis of what we need… from him or her... with the hope that attaching an emotional link makes the relationship stronger. However, the detachment begins when the emotional link becomes redundant over a period of time and change in our own belief layering, which builds our personality.
In the last couple of months I tried a new trick, which I am now going to share with you… try it… it may work for you too. I got oh! So attached to a special someone and built my entire world around this one person… often leading to fluctuating emotions which actually caused a rift… I looked at constantly getting emotional support and supporting to every claim he made… and some of it were pure judgments based on some of the life experiences I’ve had over a period of time. Was I being fair to either one of us… hmmm… Hell NO. I was just feeding on emotions that didn’t ever really connect us… for with every thought and action came a question he did not care to answer and I took at admittance of GUILT… hmmm… silence speaks volumes… but the volume of the thought depends largely on your own mindless ranting and assumptions… all of which are pretty relevant when you allow the thoughts in your head to become the reality you seek.
A few months of silence later, we got talking… and this time round… well things suddenly seemed different… the thought of losing him did not as much as occur to me… I guess the period of being away played a super important role in putting the relationship in perspective… there were NO wants involved… there were no conditions… there were no promises made… so no promises broken… and life began all over again. I lived through the separation and honestly life wasn’t bad at all… just gave me the space to realize that in a relationship, well, its not how much you get… but how much you are able to give each other… in learning to love myself completely, I learnt to love him completely. We still face the same problems sometimes… but the remodeling, well has helped in understanding each other better and learning to completely respect each other for the people we are. He calls me BRAT when I am throwing a tantrum or making too many demands… hmmm… by definition… well BRAT’s always want their way… and so he deals with me just the way you deal with a BRAT… in fact… nothing has changed… just the perception of the phase has created a new communication. I chose to let go of modeling our relationship based on past relationships or history we’ve shared with each other… or the history of my parents oh so not happening relationship and every thought, stems from just one new belief… “everyday in everyway our relationship is getting better and better” and that is just what is happening… we are growing closer, our understanding of each other isn’t based on the way we understood relationships. There is not an attachment that is fixed… we accept the changing moods, changing figures ;) and changing thoughts as part of growing our relationship from strength to strength… we now are learning to understand the space we require to simply be… and the space that requires for us to be WE.
It has taken a break up… heartache… “I don’t need you”, “I don’t care”, “I don’t want you”, “I don’t need you”, “being with you is choking my existence” and the quintessential “I want HIM/HER back at any cost or I’ll never be whole again.” For us to conclude, that we are bigger than all of this… and yes LOVE does conquer all, no situation or circumstance is bigger than love… and in accepting the hard times… we invite the good times back… only so that we may completely and honestly model our relationship on the true joys of being together, in loving and being loved, still fully intact.
Another TO DO is done… and am free to explore a new learning… a new direction a new space of thought…
Hmmm…. Looks like… my next piece will be modeling leadership… which in my opinion is a trait we are born with… we don’t acquire it… we just have to reach into our inner self and give it a chance to breathe strong… Hmmm… read and comment…. And … I’ll repeat for you again… and remember… you read it first on my blog :)
In every situation we face in life… there are but 2 ways of looking at it… one is from the perspective of history… two, from the perspective of the future…
Choose your REACTION to any situation
In recent articles and conversations there has been an overwhelming majority of people who continue to speak of their lives so bogged down by the circumstances, relationships, work pressure, recession and of course the weather. In an internal analysis, I’ve observed a very important trend that seems to fill each of these phenomena. The inner voice saying “me too!”
Most conversations become most important because of the empathy factor. Please notice that often the empathy factor only comes when not too much good is happening… when good is happening… we often hear an inner voice that says “hmmm… why not ME”. Thus, as an entity we detach ourselves from the excitement that the other person feels.
Once you understand the inner voice and the direction it leads you toward. You start to understand the remote control that often you lend to other people… and they play their part brilliantly… they know they can control your actions and reactions with the power of a thought.
Over a period of time… you are accustomed to react in a particular way to every situation and before you realize it… your thought pattern is an identity that people refer to as your personality. The personality is only therefore as volatile as the circumstance presented to it. Bring bad news… and the personality becomes depressive and hurt. Bring in Good news and the personality becomes buoyant and peppy… You feel exactly that which you are programmed to feel.
Last week, my team was laid off… and it threw my brains into an overdrive for a couple of minutes… millions of questions popped up… demanded that I better know the answers. I knew that I would need to council them almost immediately how to deal with the CIRCUMSTANCE and not make it an identity. It was essential to create an atmosphere of “whatever happens, happens for the best” and ensure that this does not become the FULLSTOP to possibly bigger dreams coming true for them. When the letters were handed over, they took it without letting the “OH I AM SO SORRY” speech before the letter get to them, they spoke like it was a comma, a pause in their professional lives, that would only open windows of opportunity, possibly where their talents and learning from this organization could prove to be… totally relevant to their new profiles. In action, was the remote control, their remote controls had been programmed to accept the challenge and channel their energies to achieving greater heights in their professional lives.
And now my TO DO list is exhausted… this needed to find the form of this note… to be shared… I cannot explain how much this piece was aching to be written… every hour brought a new thought… and every new thought asked… WHY IT HAD NOT BEEN written … and I said… “hmmm, I am a little too busy worrying” and the inner voice says, “just as much for others… this piece is meant for you… worrying will only take aware prerequisite of being positive…”
Here’s the lesson I must learn… says the inner voice
“To live a full life… we need to change the remote programming… Attach yourself to happiness, be present in the moment, enjoy every feeling that comes with happiness… you will set up magnetizing more of it… DETACH yourself when it comes to sadness… be the observer… you do not need to identify or get sucked in by the dark emotions looming around such conversations.”
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I forgive...
Monday, February 16, 2009
I write...
Every word that is therefore written is meant for exposure to a larger audience, often looking for the answers a writer is gifted to deliver.
I look at the books I've read... and I know deep within that each of them was sent specially for me... often not the entire content of the book... but a para... a chapter... a character... I know there is a message for me in every book that will reveal itself to me as I read. Often a breathrough... often a new understanding... often a new direction that pops out of nowhere to say "Hello... may I introduce myself to you"
I remember most of my trips to a bookstore... and trust me when I tell you, that most often... there isn't a reason for me to even want to walk into a store... but whenever I see books... me feet decide the direction... and I... well... I only follow its lead.
I can stand for hours and stare at a rack of books and not even pick one... and there are yet other times... when I have picked up books... that I didn't even know I wanted to read and yet was led to.... each book... has been a breakthrough :)
I read other authors... I do I do... and when I am done with the first paragraph and don't find a soul connect I don't read further... hmmm... may sound rude... but what can I say... as I read I connect with the soul of the author... and the reading isn't simple. Some words and sentences stand out and say Hello and the rest of them SIMPLY pass by.
When reading the content of a book, the author, through his words takes you on a journey... which is what keeps you glued to the content... or leads you away. I have had moments of sheer visionary experiences as I have read certain books, and with a couple of others, I've been able to pick up the pure commercial vibes with which the book has been written.
When was the last time, you read a book and felt its soul. I promise you... try it once... and you shall know. You shall through the content... style of presentation and continuous references through the book... know the soul of the work...
I write... therefore I am an author... I write... therefore I can author... I've written so that I may share a part of my soul with you.
Friday, January 30, 2009
.. IF and ONLY IF...
Regret... IF and ONLY IF... you have realised you let an opportunity to LEARN pass you by.
and if your soul bears witness to either of the two... let them know that you have passed this way before... and you have chosen to MOVE ON...
The soul yearns for love... and IF and ONLY IF you can JUDGE yourself for how much love you've given yourself and you REGRET not loving yourself enough... let these two, teach you something new...
To love without JUDGING OR REGRETING any deed of pure love for another or for yourself.